//! Demonstrates how to use Nova to produce a recursive proof of an ECDSA signature.
//! This example proves the knowledge of a sequence of ECDSA signatures with different public keys on different messages,
//! but the example can be adapted to other settings (e.g., proving the validity of the certificate chain with a well-known root public key)
//! Scheme borrowed from https://github.com/filecoin-project/bellperson-gadgets/blob/main/src/eddsa.rs
//! Sign using G1 curve, and prove using G2 curve.
use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg};
use ff::{
derive::byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian},
Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldBits,
use nova_snark::{
traits::{circuit::TrivialTestCircuit, Group as Nova_Group},
CompressedSNARK, PublicParams, RecursiveSNARK,
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use pasta_curves::{
group::{Curve, Group},
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
use sha3::{Digest, Sha3_512};
use subtle::Choice;
mod circuit;
mod utils;
use crate::circuit::{Coordinate, EcdsaCircuit, EcdsaSignature};
use crate::utils::BitIterator;
type G1 = pasta_curves::pallas::Point;
type G2 = pasta_curves::vesta::Point;
type S1 = nova_snark::spartan_with_ipa_pc::RelaxedR1CSSNARK<G2>;
type S2 = nova_snark::spartan_with_ipa_pc::RelaxedR1CSSNARK<G1>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SecretKey(pub <G1 as Group>::Scalar);
impl SecretKey {
pub fn random(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Self {
let secret = <G1 as Group>::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct PublicKey(pub G1);
impl PublicKey {
pub fn from_secret_key(s: &SecretKey) -> Self {
let point = G1::generator() * s.0;
pub struct Signature {
pub r: G1,
pub s: <G1 as Group>::Scalar,
impl SecretKey {
pub fn sign(self, c: <G1 as Group>::Scalar, mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Signature {
// T
let mut t = [0u8; 80];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut t[..]);
// h = H*(T || M)
let h = Self::hash_to_scalar(b"Nova_Ecdsa_Hash", &t[..], &c.to_repr());
// R = [h]G
let r = G1::generator().mul(h);
// s = h + c * sk
let mut s = c;
Signature { r, s }
fn mul_bits<B: AsRef<[u64]>>(
s: &<G1 as Group>::Scalar,
bits: BitIterator<B>,
) -> <G1 as Group>::Scalar {
let mut x = <G1 as Group>::Scalar::zero();
for bit in bits {
if bit {
fn to_uniform(digest: &[u8]) -> <G1 as Group>::Scalar {
assert_eq!(digest.len(), 64);
let mut bits: [u64; 8] = [0; 8];
LittleEndian::read_u64_into(digest, &mut bits);
Self::mul_bits(&<G1 as Group>::Scalar::one(), BitIterator::new(bits))
pub fn to_uniform_32(digest: &[u8]) -> <G1 as Group>::Scalar {
assert_eq!(digest.len(), 32);
let mut bits: [u64; 4] = [0; 4];
LittleEndian::read_u64_into(digest, &mut bits);
Self::mul_bits(&<G1 as Group>::Scalar::one(), BitIterator::new(bits))
pub fn hash_to_scalar(persona: &[u8], a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> <G1 as Group>::Scalar {
let mut hasher = Sha3_512::new();
let digest = hasher.result();
impl PublicKey {
pub fn verify(&self, c: <G1 as Group>::Scalar, signature: &Signature) -> bool {
let modulus = Self::modulus_as_scalar();
let order_check_pk = self.0.mul(modulus);
if !order_check_pk.eq(&G1::identity()) {
return false;
let order_check_r = signature.r.mul(modulus);
if !order_check_r.eq(&G1::identity()) {
return false;
// 0 = [-s]G + R + [c]PK
fn modulus_as_scalar() -> <G1 as Group>::Scalar {
let mut bits = <G1 as Group>::Scalar::char_le_bits().to_bitvec();
let mut acc = BigUint::new(Vec::<u32>::new());
while let Some(b) = bits.pop() {
acc <<= 1_i32;
acc += b as u8;
let modulus = acc.to_str_radix(10);
<G1 as Group>::Scalar::from_str_vartime(&modulus).unwrap()
fn main() {
// In a VERY LIMITED case of messages known to be unique due to application level
// and being less than the group order when interpreted as integer, one can sign
// the message directly without hashing
pub const MAX_MESSAGE_LEN: usize = 16;
assert!(MAX_MESSAGE_LEN * 8 <= <G1 as Group>::Scalar::CAPACITY as usize);
// produce public parameters
println!("Generating public parameters...");
let circuit_primary = EcdsaCircuit::<<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar> {
r: Coordinate::new(
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
g: Coordinate::new(
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
pk: Coordinate::new(
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
c: <G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
s: <G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar::zero(),
c_bits: vec![Choice::from(0u8); 256],
s_bits: vec![Choice::from(0u8); 256],
let circuit_secondary = TrivialTestCircuit::default();
let pp = PublicParams::<
EcdsaCircuit<<G2 as Group>::Scalar>,
TrivialTestCircuit<<G1 as Group>::Scalar>,
>::setup(circuit_primary, circuit_secondary.clone());
// produce non-deterministic advice
println!("Generating non-deterministic advice...");
let num_steps = 3;
let signatures = || {
let mut signatures = Vec::new();
for i in 0..num_steps {
let sk = SecretKey::random(&mut OsRng);
let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk);
let message = format!("MESSAGE{}", i).as_bytes().to_owned();
assert!(message.len() <= MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
let mut digest: Vec<u8> = message.to_vec();
for _ in 0..(32 - message.len() as u32) {
digest.extend(&[0u8; 1]);
let c = SecretKey::to_uniform_32(digest.as_ref());
let signature_primary = sk.sign(c, &mut OsRng);
let result = pk.verify(c, &signature_primary);
// Affine coordinates guaranteed to be on the curve
let rxy = signature_primary.r.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let gxy = G1::generator().to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let pkxy = pk.0.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap();
let s = signature_primary.s;
<G1 as Nova_Group>::Base,
<G1 as Nova_Group>::Scalar,
Coordinate::<<G1 as Nova_Group>::Base>::new(*pkxy.x(), *pkxy.y()),
Coordinate::<<G1 as Nova_Group>::Base>::new(*rxy.x(), *rxy.y()),
Coordinate::<<G1 as Nova_Group>::Base>::new(*gxy.x(), *gxy.y()),
let (z0_primary, circuits_primary) = EcdsaCircuit::<<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar>::new::<
<G1 as Nova_Group>::Base,
<G1 as Nova_Group>::Scalar,
>(num_steps, &signatures());
// Secondary circuit
let z0_secondary = vec![<G1 as Group>::Scalar::zero()];
// produce a recursive SNARK
println!("Generating a RecursiveSNARK...");
type C1 = EcdsaCircuit<<G2 as Nova_Group>::Scalar>;
type C2 = TrivialTestCircuit<<G1 as Nova_Group>::Scalar>;
let mut recursive_snark: Option<RecursiveSNARK<G2, G1, C1, C2>> = None;
for (i, circuit_primary) in circuits_primary.iter().take(num_steps).enumerate() {
let result = RecursiveSNARK::prove_step(
println!("RecursiveSNARK::prove_step {}: {:?}", i, result.is_ok());
recursive_snark = Some(result.unwrap());
let recursive_snark = recursive_snark.unwrap();
// verify the recursive SNARK
println!("Verifying the RecursiveSNARK...");
let res = recursive_snark.verify(&pp, num_steps, z0_primary.clone(), z0_secondary.clone());
println!("RecursiveSNARK::verify: {:?}", res.is_ok());
// produce a compressed SNARK
println!("Generating a CompressedSNARK...");
let res = CompressedSNARK::<_, _, _, _, S1, S2>::prove(&pp, &recursive_snark);
println!("CompressedSNARK::prove: {:?}", res.is_ok());
let compressed_snark = res.unwrap();
// verify the compressed SNARK
println!("Verifying a CompressedSNARK...");
let res = compressed_snark.verify(&pp, num_steps, z0_primary, z0_secondary);
println!("CompressedSNARK::verify: {:?}", res.is_ok());