@ -18,19 +18,22 @@ const KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_HI: u8 = 1;
pub struct Keccak256Transcript < G : Group > {
pub struct Keccak256Transcript < G : Group > {
round : u16 ,
round : u16 ,
state : [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] ,
state : [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] ,
transcript : Vec < u8 > ,
transcript : Keccak256 ,
_p : PhantomData < G > ,
_p : PhantomData < G > ,
fn compute_updated_state ( input : & [ u8 ] ) -> [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] {
let input_lo = [ input , & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_LO ] ] . concat ( ) ;
let input_hi = [ input , & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_HI ] ] . concat ( ) ;
fn compute_updated_state ( keccak_instance : Keccak256 , input : & [ u8 ] ) -> [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] {
let mut updated_instance = keccak_instance ;
updated_instance . input ( input ) ;
let mut hasher_lo = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
let mut hasher_hi = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
let input_lo = & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_LO ] ;
let input_hi = & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_HI ] ;
hasher_lo . input ( & input_lo ) ;
hasher_hi . input ( & input_hi ) ;
let mut hasher_lo = updated_instance . clone ( ) ;
let mut hasher_hi = updated_instance ;
hasher_lo . input ( input_lo ) ;
hasher_hi . input ( input_hi ) ;
let output_lo = hasher_lo . result ( ) ;
let output_lo = hasher_lo . result ( ) ;
let output_hi = hasher_hi . result ( ) ;
let output_hi = hasher_hi . result ( ) ;
@ -44,27 +47,28 @@ fn compute_updated_state(input: &[u8]) -> [u8; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE] {
impl < G : Group > TranscriptEngineTrait < G > for Keccak256Transcript < G > {
impl < G : Group > TranscriptEngineTrait < G > for Keccak256Transcript < G > {
fn new ( label : & 'static [ u8 ] ) -> Self {
fn new ( label : & 'static [ u8 ] ) -> Self {
let keccak_instance = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
let input = [ PERSONA_TAG , label ] . concat ( ) ;
let input = [ PERSONA_TAG , label ] . concat ( ) ;
let output = compute_updated_state ( & input ) ;
let output = compute_updated_state ( keccak_instance . clone ( ) , & input ) ;
Self {
Self {
round : 0 u16 ,
round : 0 u16 ,
state : output ,
state : output ,
transcript : vec ! [ ] ,
transcript : keccak_instance ,
_p : Default ::default ( ) ,
_p : Default ::default ( ) ,
fn squeeze ( & mut self , label : & 'static [ u8 ] ) -> Result < G ::Scalar , NovaError > {
fn squeeze ( & mut self , label : & 'static [ u8 ] ) -> Result < G ::Scalar , NovaError > {
// we gather the full input from the round, preceded by the current state of the transcript
let input = [
let input = [
self . round . to_le_bytes ( ) . as_ref ( ) ,
self . round . to_le_bytes ( ) . as_ref ( ) ,
self . state . as_ref ( ) ,
self . state . as_ref ( ) ,
self . transcript . as_ref ( ) ,
label ,
label ,
. concat ( ) ;
. concat ( ) ;
let output = compute_updated_state ( & input ) ;
let output = compute_updated_state ( self . transcript . clone ( ) , & input ) ;
// update state
// update state
self . round = {
self . round = {
@ -75,20 +79,20 @@ impl TranscriptEngineTrait for Keccak256Transcript {
} ;
} ;
self . state . copy_from_slice ( & output ) ;
self . state . copy_from_slice ( & output ) ;
self . transcript = vec ! [ ] ;
self . transcript = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
// squeeze out a challenge
// squeeze out a challenge
Ok ( G ::Scalar ::from_uniform ( & output ) )
Ok ( G ::Scalar ::from_uniform ( & output ) )
fn absorb < T : TranscriptReprTrait < G > > ( & mut self , label : & 'static [ u8 ] , o : & T ) {
fn absorb < T : TranscriptReprTrait < G > > ( & mut self , label : & 'static [ u8 ] , o : & T ) {
self . transcript . extend_from_slice ( label ) ;
self . transcript . extend_from_slice ( & o . to_transcript_bytes ( ) ) ;
self . transcript . input ( label ) ;
self . transcript . input ( & o . to_transcript_bytes ( ) ) ;
fn dom_sep ( & mut self , bytes : & 'static [ u8 ] ) {
fn dom_sep ( & mut self , bytes : & 'static [ u8 ] ) {
self . transcript . extend_from_slice ( DOM_SEP_TAG ) ;
self . transcript . extend_from_slice ( bytes ) ;
self . transcript . input ( DOM_SEP_TAG ) ;
self . transcript . input ( bytes ) ;
@ -97,9 +101,10 @@ mod tests {
use crate ::{
use crate ::{
provider ::bn256_grumpkin ::bn256 ,
provider ::bn256_grumpkin ::bn256 ,
provider ::keccak ::Keccak256Transcript ,
provider ::keccak ::Keccak256Transcript ,
traits ::{ Group , TranscriptEngineTrait } ,
traits ::{ Group , PrimeFieldExt , TranscriptEngineTrait , TranscriptRepr Trait } ,
} ;
} ;
use ff ::PrimeField ;
use ff ::PrimeField ;
use rand ::Rng ;
use sha3 ::{ Digest , Keccak256 } ;
use sha3 ::{ Digest , Keccak256 } ;
fn test_keccak_transcript_with < G : Group > ( expected_h1 : & 'static str , expected_h2 : & 'static str ) {
fn test_keccak_transcript_with < G : Group > ( expected_h1 : & 'static str , expected_h2 : & 'static str ) {
@ -131,13 +136,13 @@ mod tests {
#[ test ]
#[ test ]
fn test_keccak_transcript ( ) {
fn test_keccak_transcript ( ) {
test_keccak_transcript_with ::< pasta_curves ::pallas ::Point > (
test_keccak_transcript_with ::< pasta_curves ::pallas ::Point > (
"432d5811c8be3d44d47f52108a8749ae18482efd1a37b830f966456b5d75340c " ,
"65f7908d53abcd18f3b1d767456ef9009b91c7566a635e9ca7be26e21d4d7a10 " ,
"5ddffa8dc091862132788b8976af88b9a2c70594727e611c7217ba4c30c8c70a " ,
"4d4bf42c065870395749fa1c4fb641df1e0d53f05309b03d5b1db7f0be3aa13d " ,
) ;
) ;
test_keccak_transcript_with ::< bn256 ::Point > (
test_keccak_transcript_with ::< bn256 ::Point > (
"93f9160d5501865b399ee4ff0ffe17b697a4023e33e931e2597d36e6cc4ac602 " ,
"bca8bdb96608a8277a7cb34bd493dfbc5baf2a080d1d6c9d32d7ab4f238eb803 " ,
"9fb71e3b74bfd0b60d97349849b895595779a240b92a6fae86bd2812692b6b0e " ,
"bfd4c50b7d6317e9267d5d65c985eb455a3561129c0b3beef79bfc8461a84f18 " ,
) ;
) ;
@ -151,4 +156,88 @@ mod tests {
) ;
) ;
use super ::{
} ;
fn compute_updated_state_for_testing ( input : & [ u8 ] ) -> [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] {
let input_lo = [ input , & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_LO ] ] . concat ( ) ;
let input_hi = [ input , & [ KECCAK256_PREFIX_CHALLENGE_HI ] ] . concat ( ) ;
let mut hasher_lo = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
let mut hasher_hi = Keccak256 ::new ( ) ;
hasher_lo . input ( & input_lo ) ;
hasher_hi . input ( & input_hi ) ;
let output_lo = hasher_lo . result ( ) ;
let output_hi = hasher_hi . result ( ) ;
[ output_lo , output_hi ]
. concat ( )
. as_slice ( )
. try_into ( )
. unwrap ( )
fn squeeze_for_testing (
transcript : & [ u8 ] ,
round : u16 ,
state : [ u8 ; KECCAK256_STATE_SIZE ] ,
label : & 'static [ u8 ] ,
) -> [ u8 ; 64 ] {
let input = [
transcript ,
round . to_le_bytes ( ) . as_ref ( ) ,
state . as_ref ( ) ,
label ,
. concat ( ) ;
compute_updated_state_for_testing ( & input )
// This test is meant to ensure compatibility between the incremental way of computing the transcript above, and
// the former, which materialized the entirety of the input vector before calling Keccak256 on it.
fn test_keccak_transcript_incremental_vs_explicit_with < G : Group > ( ) {
let test_label = b" test " ;
let mut transcript : Keccak256Transcript < G > = Keccak256Transcript ::new ( test_label ) ;
let mut rng = rand ::thread_rng ( ) ;
// ten scalars
let scalars = std ::iter ::from_fn ( | | Some ( < G as Group > ::Scalar ::from ( rng . gen ::< u64 > ( ) ) ) )
. take ( 10 )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
// add the scalars to the transcripts,
let mut manual_transcript : Vec < u8 > = vec ! [ ] ;
let labels = vec ! [
b" s1 " , b" s2 " , b" s3 " , b" s4 " , b" s5 " , b" s6 " , b" s7 " , b" s8 " , b" s9 " , b" s0 " ,
] ;
for i in 0 . . 10 {
transcript . absorb ( & labels [ i ] [ . . ] , & scalars [ i ] ) ;
manual_transcript . extend ( labels [ i ] ) ;
manual_transcript . extend ( scalars [ i ] . to_transcript_bytes ( ) ) ;
// compute the initial state
let input = [ PERSONA_TAG , test_label ] . concat ( ) ;
let initial_state = compute_updated_state_for_testing ( & input ) ;
// make a challenge
let c1 : < G as Group > ::Scalar = transcript . squeeze ( b" c1 " ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let c1_bytes = squeeze_for_testing ( & manual_transcript [ . . ] , 0 u16 , initial_state , b" c1 " ) ;
let to_hex = | g : G ::Scalar | hex ::encode ( g . to_repr ( ) . as_ref ( ) ) ;
assert_eq ! ( to_hex ( c1 ) , to_hex ( G ::Scalar ::from_uniform ( & c1_bytes ) ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_keccak_transcript_incremental_vs_explicit ( ) {
test_keccak_transcript_incremental_vs_explicit_with ::< pasta_curves ::pallas ::Point > ( ) ;
test_keccak_transcript_incremental_vs_explicit_with ::< bn256 ::Point > ( ) ;