@ -87,14 +87,16 @@ where
z : AllocatedNum < F > ,
) -> Result < AllocatedNum < F > , SynthesisError > {
let mut z_out : Result < AllocatedNum < F > , SynthesisError > = Err ( SynthesisError ::AssignmentMissing ) ;
// allocate variables to hold x_0 and y_0
let x_0 = AllocatedNum ::alloc ( cs . namespace ( | | "x_0" ) , | | Ok ( self . seq [ 0 ] . x_i ) ) ? ;
let y_0 = AllocatedNum ::alloc ( cs . namespace ( | | "y_0" ) , | | Ok ( self . seq [ 0 ] . y_i ) ) ? ;
// variables to hold running x_i and y_i
let mut x_i = x_0 ;
let mut y_i = y_0 ;
for i in 0 . . self . seq . len ( ) {
// Allocate four variables for holding non-deterministic advice: x_i, y_i, x_i_plus_1, y_i_plus_1
let x_i = AllocatedNum ::alloc ( cs . namespace ( | | format ! ( "x_i_iter_{}" , i ) ) , | | {
Ok ( self . seq [ i ] . x_i )
} ) ? ;
let y_i = AllocatedNum ::alloc ( cs . namespace ( | | format ! ( "y_i_iter_{}" , i ) ) , | | {
Ok ( self . seq [ i ] . y_i )
} ) ? ;
// non deterministic advice
let x_i_plus_1 =
AllocatedNum ::alloc ( cs . namespace ( | | format ! ( "x_i_plus_1_iter_{}" , i ) ) , | | {
Ok ( self . seq [ i ] . x_i_plus_1 )
@ -135,10 +137,14 @@ where
if i = = self . seq . len ( ) - 1 {
z_out = poseidon_hash (
cs . namespace ( | | "output hash" ) ,
vec ! [ x_i_plus_1 , x_i . clone ( ) ] ,
vec ! [ x_i_plus_1 . clone ( ) , x_i . clone ( ) ] ,
& self . pc ,
) ;
// update x_i and y_i for the next iteration
y_i = x_i ;
x_i = x_i_plus_1 ;
@ -164,143 +170,146 @@ where
fn main ( ) {
println ! ( "Nova-based VDF with MinRoot delay function" ) ;
println ! ( "=========================================================" ) ;
let num_steps = 10 ;
let num_iters_per_step = 10 ; // number of iterations of MinRoot per Nova's recursive step
let pc = PoseidonConstants ::< < G1 as Group > ::Scalar , U2 > ::new_with_strength ( Strength ::Standard ) ;
let circuit_primary = MinRootCircuit {
seq : vec ! [
MinRootIteration {
x_i : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
y_i : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
x_i_plus_1 : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
y_i_plus_1 : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
} ;
for num_iters_per_step in [ 1024 , 2048 , 4096 , 8192 , 16384 , 32768 , 65535 ] {
// number of iterations of MinRoot per Nova's recursive step
let pc = PoseidonConstants ::< < G1 as Group > ::Scalar , U2 > ::new_with_strength ( Strength ::Standard ) ;
let circuit_primary = MinRootCircuit {
seq : vec ! [
MinRootIteration {
x_i : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
y_i : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
x_i_plus_1 : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
y_i_plus_1 : < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
} ;
] ,
pc : pc . clone ( ) ,
} ;
let circuit_secondary = TrivialTestCircuit ::default ( ) ;
println ! (
"Proving {} iterations of MinRoot per step" ,
] ,
pc : pc . clone ( ) ,
} ;
) ;
let circuit_secondary = TrivialTestCircuit ::default ( ) ;
// produce public parameters
println ! ( "Producing public parameters..." ) ;
let pp = PublicParams ::<
G1 ,
G2 ,
MinRootCircuit < < G1 as Group > ::Scalar > ,
TrivialTestCircuit < < G2 as Group > ::Scalar > ,
> ::setup ( circuit_primary , circuit_secondary . clone ( ) ) ;
println ! (
"Number of constraints per step (primary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_constraints ( ) . 0
) ;
println ! (
"Number of constraints per step (secondary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_constraints ( ) . 1
) ;
println ! ( "Nova-based VDF with MinRoot delay function" ) ;
println ! ( "==========================================" ) ;
println ! (
"Proving {} iterations of MinRoot per step" ,
) ;
// produce public parameters
println ! ( "Producing public parameters..." ) ;
let pp = PublicParams ::<
G1 ,
G2 ,
MinRootCircuit < < G1 as Group > ::Scalar > ,
TrivialTestCircuit < < G2 as Group > ::Scalar > ,
> ::setup ( circuit_primary , circuit_secondary . clone ( ) ) ;
println ! (
"Number of constraints per step (primary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_constraints ( ) . 0
) ;
println ! (
"Number of constraints per step (secondary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_constraints ( ) . 1
) ;
println ! (
"Number of variables per step (primary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_variables ( ) . 0
) ;
println ! (
"Number of variables per step (secondary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_variables ( ) . 1
) ;
// produce non-deterministic advice
let ( z0_primary , minroot_iterations ) = MinRootIteration ::new (
num_iters_per_step * num_steps ,
& < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
& < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::one ( ) ,
& pc ,
) ;
let minroot_circuits = ( 0 . . num_steps )
. map ( | i | MinRootCircuit {
seq : ( 0 . . num_iters_per_step )
. map ( | j | MinRootIteration {
x_i : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . x_i ,
y_i : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . y_i ,
x_i_plus_1 : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . x_i_plus_1 ,
y_i_plus_1 : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . y_i_plus_1 ,
} )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
pc : pc . clone ( ) ,
} )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
println ! (
"Number of variables per step (primary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_variables ( ) . 0
) ;
println ! (
"Number of variables per step (secondary circuit): {}" ,
pp . num_variables ( ) . 1
) ;
let z0_secondary = < G2 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ;
// produce non-deterministic advice
let ( z0_primary , minroot_iterations ) = MinRootIteration ::new (
num_iters_per_step * num_steps ,
& < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ,
& < G1 as Group > ::Scalar ::one ( ) ,
& pc ,
) ;
let minroot_circuits = ( 0 . . num_steps )
. map ( | i | MinRootCircuit {
seq : ( 0 . . num_iters_per_step )
. map ( | j | MinRootIteration {
x_i : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . x_i ,
y_i : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . y_i ,
x_i_plus_1 : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . x_i_plus_1 ,
y_i_plus_1 : minroot_iterations [ i * num_iters_per_step + j ] . y_i_plus_1 ,
} )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
pc : pc . clone ( ) ,
} )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
let z0_secondary = < G2 as Group > ::Scalar ::zero ( ) ;
type C1 = MinRootCircuit < < G1 as Group > ::Scalar > ;
type C2 = TrivialTestCircuit < < G2 as Group > ::Scalar > ;
// produce a recursive SNARK
println ! ( "Generating a RecursiveSNARK..." ) ;
let mut recursive_snark : Option < RecursiveSNARK < G1 , G2 , C1 , C2 > > = None ;
type C1 = MinRootCircuit < < G1 as Group > ::Scalar > ;
type C2 = TrivialTestCircuit < < G2 as Group > ::Scalar > ;
// produce a recursive SNARK
println ! ( "Generating a RecursiveSNARK..." ) ;
let mut recursive_snark : Option < RecursiveSNARK < G1 , G2 , C1 , C2 > > = None ;
for ( i , circuit_primary ) in minroot_circuits . iter ( ) . take ( num_steps ) . enumerate ( ) {
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let res = RecursiveSNARK ::prove_step (
& pp ,
recursive_snark ,
circuit_primary . clone ( ) ,
circuit_secondary . clone ( ) ,
z0_primary ,
z0_secondary ,
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
println ! (
"RecursiveSNARK::prove_step {}: {:?}, took {:?} " ,
i ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
recursive_snark = Some ( res . unwrap ( ) ) ;
for ( i , circuit_primary ) in minroot_circuits . iter ( ) . take ( num_steps ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert ! ( recursive_snark . is_some ( ) ) ;
let recursive_snark = recursive_snark . unwrap ( ) ;
// verify the recursive SNARK
println ! ( "Verifying a RecursiveSNARK..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let res = RecursiveSNARK ::prove_step (
& pp ,
recursive_snark ,
circuit_primary . clone ( ) ,
circuit_secondary . clone ( ) ,
z0_primary ,
z0_secondary ,
let res = recursive_snark . verify ( & pp , num_steps , z0_primary , z0_secondary ) ;
println ! (
"RecursiveSNARK::verify: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
// produce a compressed SNARK
println ! ( "Generating a CompressedSNARK using Spartan with IPA-PC..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
type S1 = nova_snark ::spartan_with_ipa_pc ::RelaxedR1CSSNARK < G1 > ;
type S2 = nova_snark ::spartan_with_ipa_pc ::RelaxedR1CSSNARK < G2 > ;
let res = CompressedSNARK ::< _ , _ , _ , _ , S1 , S2 > ::prove ( & pp , & recursive_snark ) ;
println ! (
"RecursiveSNARK::prove_step {}: {:?}, took {:?} " ,
i ,
"CompressedSNARK::prove: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
recursive_snark = Some ( res . unwrap ( ) ) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
let compressed_snark = res . unwrap ( ) ;
assert ! ( recursive_snark . is_some ( ) ) ;
let recursive_snark = recursive_snark . unwrap ( ) ;
// verify the recursive SNARK
println ! ( "Verifying a RecursiveSNARK..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let res = recursive_snark . verify ( & pp , num_steps , z0_primary , z0_secondary ) ;
println ! (
"RecursiveSNARK::verify: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
// produce a compressed SNARK
println ! ( "Generating a CompressedSNARK using Spartan with IPA-PC..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
type S1 = nova_snark ::spartan_with_ipa_pc ::RelaxedR1CSSNARK < G1 > ;
type S2 = nova_snark ::spartan_with_ipa_pc ::RelaxedR1CSSNARK < G2 > ;
let res = CompressedSNARK ::< _ , _ , _ , _ , S1 , S2 > ::prove ( & pp , & recursive_snark ) ;
println ! (
"CompressedSNARK::prove: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
let compressed_snark = res . unwrap ( ) ;
// verify the compressed SNARK
println ! ( "Verifying a CompressedSNARK..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let res = compressed_snark . verify ( & pp , num_steps , z0_primary , z0_secondary ) ;
println ! (
"CompressedSNARK::verify: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
// verify the compressed SNARK
println ! ( "Verifying a CompressedSNARK..." ) ;
let start = Instant ::now ( ) ;
let res = compressed_snark . verify ( & pp , num_steps , z0_primary , z0_secondary ) ;
println ! (
"CompressedSNARK::verify: {:?}, took {:?}" ,
res . is_ok ( ) ,
start . elapsed ( )
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
println ! ( "=========================================================" ) ;