@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ use crate::bellperson::{
shape_cs ::ShapeCS ,
solver ::SatisfyingAssignment ,
} ;
use crate ::poseidon ::ROConstantsCircuit ; // TODO: make this a trait so we can use it without the concrete implementation
use ::bellperson ::{ Circuit , ConstraintSystem } ;
use circuit ::{ NIFSVerifierCircuit , NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs , NIFSVerifierCircuitParams } ;
use constants ::{ BN_LIMB_WIDTH , BN_N_LIMBS } ;
use core ::marker ::PhantomData ;
use errors ::NovaError ;
use ff ::Field ;
use nifs ::NIFS ;
use poseidon ::ROConstantsCircuit ; // TODO: make this a trait so we can use it without the concrete implementation
use r1cs ::{
R1CSGens , R1CSInstance , R1CSShape , R1CSWitness , RelaxedR1CSInstance , RelaxedR1CSWitness ,
} ;
@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ where
pp : & PublicParams < G1 , G2 , C1 , C2 > ,
z0_primary : G1 ::Scalar ,
z0_secondary : G2 ::Scalar ,
num_steps : usize ,
) -> Result < Self , NovaError > {
// Execute the base case for the primary
let mut cs_primary : SatisfyingAssignment < G1 > = SatisfyingAssignment ::new ( ) ;
@ -171,11 +173,6 @@ where
. r1cs_instance_and_witness ( & pp . r1cs_shape_primary , & pp . r1cs_gens_primary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// check if the base case is satisfied
pp . r1cs_shape_primary
. is_sat ( & pp . r1cs_gens_primary , & u_primary , & w_primary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// Execute the base case for the secondary
let mut cs_secondary : SatisfyingAssignment < G2 > = SatisfyingAssignment ::new ( ) ;
let inputs_secondary : NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs < G1 > = NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs ::new (
@ -198,26 +195,115 @@ where
. r1cs_instance_and_witness ( & pp . r1cs_shape_secondary , & pp . r1cs_gens_secondary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// check if the base case is satisfied
pp . r1cs_shape_secondary
. is_sat ( & pp . r1cs_gens_secondary , & u_secondary , & w_secondary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// execute the remaining steps, alternating between G1 and G2
let mut l_w_primary = w_primary ;
let mut l_u_primary = u_primary ;
let mut r_W_primary =
RelaxedR1CSWitness ::from_r1cs_witness ( & pp . r1cs_shape_primary , & l_w_primary ) ;
let mut r_U_primary = RelaxedR1CSInstance ::from_r1cs_instance (
& pp . r1cs_gens_primary ,
& pp . r1cs_shape_primary ,
& l_u_primary ,
) ;
Ok ( Self {
r_W_primary : RelaxedR1CSWitness ::< G1 > ::default ( & pp . r1cs_shape_primary ) ,
r_U_primary : RelaxedR1CSInstance ::< G1 > ::default (
& pp . r1cs_gens_primary ,
& pp . r1cs_shape_primary ,
) ,
l_w_primary : w_primary ,
l_u_primary : u_primary ,
r_W_secondary : RelaxedR1CSWitness ::< G2 > ::default ( & pp . r1cs_shape_secondary ) ,
r_U_secondary : RelaxedR1CSInstance ::< G2 > ::default (
let mut r_W_secondary = RelaxedR1CSWitness ::< G2 > ::default ( & pp . r1cs_shape_secondary ) ;
let mut r_U_secondary =
RelaxedR1CSInstance ::< G2 > ::default ( & pp . r1cs_gens_secondary , & pp . r1cs_shape_secondary ) ;
let mut l_w_secondary = w_secondary ;
let mut l_u_secondary = u_secondary ;
let mut z_next_primary = z0_primary ;
let mut z_next_secondary = z0_secondary ;
// TODO: execute the provided step circuit(s) to feed real z_i into the verifier circuit
for i in 1 . . num_steps {
// fold the secondary circuit's instance into r_W_primary
let ( nifs_secondary , ( r_U_next_secondary , r_W_next_secondary ) ) = NIFS ::prove (
& pp . r1cs_gens_secondary ,
& pp . _ro_consts_secondary ,
& pp . r1cs_shape_secondary ,
) ,
l_w_secondary : w_secondary ,
l_u_secondary : u_secondary ,
& r_U_secondary ,
& r_W_secondary ,
& l_u_secondary ,
& l_w_secondary ,
) ? ;
z_next_primary = pp . c_primary . compute ( & z_next_primary ) ;
z_next_secondary = pp . c_secondary . compute ( & z_next_secondary ) ;
let mut cs_primary : SatisfyingAssignment < G1 > = SatisfyingAssignment ::new ( ) ;
let inputs_primary : NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs < G2 > = NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs ::new (
pp . r1cs_shape_secondary . get_digest ( ) ,
< G2 as Group > ::Base ::from ( i as u64 ) ,
z0_primary ,
Some ( z_next_primary ) ,
Some ( r_U_secondary ) ,
Some ( l_u_secondary ) ,
Some ( nifs_secondary . comm_T . decompress ( ) ? ) ,
) ;
let circuit_primary : NIFSVerifierCircuit < G2 , C1 > = NIFSVerifierCircuit ::new (
pp . params_primary . clone ( ) ,
Some ( inputs_primary ) ,
pp . c_primary . clone ( ) ,
pp . ro_consts_circuit_primary . clone ( ) ,
) ;
let _ = circuit_primary . synthesize ( & mut cs_primary ) ;
( l_u_primary , l_w_primary ) = cs_primary
. r1cs_instance_and_witness ( & pp . r1cs_shape_primary , & pp . r1cs_gens_primary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// fold the secondary circuit's instance into r_W_primary
let ( nifs_primary , ( r_U_next_primary , r_W_next_primary ) ) = NIFS ::prove (
& pp . r1cs_gens_primary ,
& pp . _ro_consts_primary ,
& pp . r1cs_shape_primary ,
& r_U_primary . clone ( ) ,
& r_W_primary . clone ( ) ,
& l_u_primary . clone ( ) ,
& l_w_primary . clone ( ) ,
) ? ;
let mut cs_secondary : SatisfyingAssignment < G2 > = SatisfyingAssignment ::new ( ) ;
let inputs_secondary : NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs < G1 > = NIFSVerifierCircuitInputs ::new (
pp . r1cs_shape_primary . get_digest ( ) ,
< G1 as Group > ::Base ::from ( i as u64 ) ,
z0_secondary ,
Some ( z_next_secondary ) ,
Some ( r_U_primary . clone ( ) ) ,
Some ( l_u_primary . clone ( ) ) ,
Some ( nifs_primary . comm_T . decompress ( ) ? ) ,
) ;
let circuit_secondary : NIFSVerifierCircuit < G1 , C2 > = NIFSVerifierCircuit ::new (
pp . params_secondary . clone ( ) ,
Some ( inputs_secondary ) ,
pp . c_secondary . clone ( ) ,
pp . ro_consts_circuit_secondary . clone ( ) ,
) ;
let _ = circuit_secondary . synthesize ( & mut cs_secondary ) ;
( l_u_secondary , l_w_secondary ) = cs_secondary
. r1cs_instance_and_witness ( & pp . r1cs_shape_secondary , & pp . r1cs_gens_secondary )
. map_err ( | _e | NovaError ::UnSat ) ? ;
// update the running instances and witnesses
r_U_secondary = r_U_next_secondary ;
r_W_secondary = r_W_next_secondary ;
r_U_primary = r_U_next_primary ;
r_W_primary = r_W_next_primary ;
Ok ( Self {
r_W_primary ,
r_U_primary ,
l_w_primary ,
l_u_primary ,
r_W_secondary ,
r_U_secondary ,
l_w_secondary ,
l_u_secondary ,
_p_c1 : Default ::default ( ) ,
_p_c2 : Default ::default ( ) ,
} )
@ -225,18 +311,23 @@ where
/// Verify the correctness of the `RecursiveSNARK`
pub fn verify ( & self , pp : & PublicParams < G1 , G2 , C1 , C2 > ) -> Result < ( ) , NovaError > {
// TODO: perform additional checks on whether (shape_digest, z_0, z_i, i) are correct
pp . r1cs_shape_primary . is_sat_relaxed (
& pp . r1cs_gens_primary ,
& self . r_U_primary ,
& self . r_W_primary ,
) ? ;
pp . r1cs_shape_primary
. is_sat ( & pp . r1cs_gens_primary , & self . l_u_primary , & self . l_w_primary ) ? ;
pp . r1cs_shape_secondary . is_sat_relaxed (
& pp . r1cs_gens_secondary ,
& self . r_U_secondary ,
& self . r_W_secondary ,
) ? ;
pp . r1cs_shape_secondary . is_sat (
& pp . r1cs_gens_secondary ,
& self . l_u_secondary ,
@ -272,10 +363,14 @@ mod tests {
) -> Result < AllocatedNum < F > , SynthesisError > {
Ok ( z )
fn compute ( & self , z : & F ) -> F {
* z
#[ test ]
fn test_base_case ( ) {
fn test_ivc ( ) {
// produce public parameters
let pp = PublicParams ::<
G1 ,
@ -296,6 +391,7 @@ mod tests {
& pp ,
< G2 as Group > ::Base ::zero ( ) ,
< G1 as Group > ::Base ::zero ( ) ,
3 ,
) ;
assert ! ( res . is_ok ( ) ) ;
let recursive_snark = res . unwrap ( ) ;