use bellperson::{ gadgets::{boolean::AllocatedBit, test::TestConstraintSystem}, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError, }; use core::ops::{AddAssign, MulAssign}; use ff::{ derive::byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian}, Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldBits, }; use nova_snark::{gadgets::ecc::AllocatedPoint, traits::Group as NovaGroup}; use num_bigint::BigUint; use pasta_curves::{ arithmetic::CurveAffine, group::{Curve, Group}, }; use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore}; use sha3::{Digest, Sha3_512}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct SecretKey<G: Group>(G::Scalar); impl<G> SecretKey<G> where G: Group, { pub fn random(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Self { let secret = G::Scalar::random(&mut rng); Self(secret) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct PublicKey<G: Group>(G); impl<G> PublicKey<G> where G: Group, { pub fn from_secret_key(s: &SecretKey<G>) -> Self { let point = G::generator() * s.0; Self(point) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Signature<G: Group> { pub r: G, pub s: G::Scalar, } impl<G> SecretKey<G> where G: Group, { pub fn sign(self, c: G::Scalar, mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Signature<G> { // T let mut t = [0u8; 80]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut t[..]); // h = H(T || M) let h = Self::hash_to_scalar(b"Nova_Ecdsa_Hash", &t[..], c.to_repr().as_mut()); // R = [h]G let r = G::generator().mul(h); // s = h + c * sk let mut s = c; s.mul_assign(&self.0); s.add_assign(&h); Signature { r, s } } fn mul_bits<B: AsRef<[u64]>>(s: &G::Scalar, bits: BitIterator<B>) -> G::Scalar { let mut x = G::Scalar::ZERO; for bit in bits { x = x.double(); if bit { x.add_assign(s) } } x } fn to_uniform(digest: &[u8]) -> G::Scalar { assert_eq!(digest.len(), 64); let mut bits: [u64; 8] = [0; 8]; LittleEndian::read_u64_into(digest, &mut bits); Self::mul_bits(&G::Scalar::ONE, BitIterator::new(bits)) } pub fn to_uniform_32(digest: &[u8]) -> G::Scalar { assert_eq!(digest.len(), 32); let mut bits: [u64; 4] = [0; 4]; LittleEndian::read_u64_into(digest, &mut bits); Self::mul_bits(&G::Scalar::ONE, BitIterator::new(bits)) } pub fn hash_to_scalar(persona: &[u8], a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> G::Scalar { let mut hasher = Sha3_512::new(); hasher.update(persona); hasher.update(a); hasher.update(b); let digest = hasher.finalize(); Self::to_uniform(digest.as_ref()) } } impl<G> PublicKey<G> where G: Group, G::Scalar: PrimeFieldBits, { pub fn verify(&self, c: G::Scalar, signature: &Signature<G>) -> bool { let modulus = Self::modulus_as_scalar(); let order_check_pk = self.0.mul(modulus); if !order_check_pk.eq(&G::identity()) { return false; } let order_check_r = signature.r.mul(modulus); if !order_check_r.eq(&G::identity()) { return false; } // 0 = [-s]G + R + [c]PK self .0 .mul(c) .add(&signature.r) .add(G::generator().mul(signature.s).neg()) .eq(&G::identity()) } fn modulus_as_scalar() -> G::Scalar { let mut bits = G::Scalar::char_le_bits().to_bitvec(); let mut acc = BigUint::new(Vec::<u32>::new()); while let Some(b) = bits.pop() { acc <<= 1_i32; acc += b as u8; } let modulus = acc.to_str_radix(10); G::Scalar::from_str_vartime(&modulus).unwrap() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BitIterator<E> { t: E, n: usize, } impl<E: AsRef<[u64]>> BitIterator<E> { pub fn new(t: E) -> Self { let n = t.as_ref().len() * 64; BitIterator { t, n } } } impl<E: AsRef<[u64]>> Iterator for BitIterator<E> { type Item = bool; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<bool> { if self.n == 0 { None } else { self.n -= 1; let part = self.n / 64; let bit = self.n - (64 * part); Some(self.t.as_ref()[part] & (1 << bit) > 0) } } } // Synthesize a bit representation into circuit gadgets. pub fn synthesize_bits<F: PrimeField, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>( cs: &mut CS, bits: Option<Vec<bool>>, ) -> Result<Vec<AllocatedBit>, SynthesisError> { (0..F::NUM_BITS) .map(|i| { AllocatedBit::alloc( cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {i}")), Some(bits.as_ref().unwrap()[i as usize]), ) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<AllocatedBit>, SynthesisError>>() } pub fn verify_signature<G: NovaGroup, CS: ConstraintSystem<G::Base>>( cs: &mut CS, pk: AllocatedPoint<G>, r: AllocatedPoint<G>, s_bits: Vec<AllocatedBit>, c_bits: Vec<AllocatedBit>, ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> { let g = AllocatedPoint::<G>::alloc( cs.namespace(|| "g"), Some(( G::Base::from_str_vartime( "28948022309329048855892746252171976963363056481941647379679742748393362948096", ) .unwrap(), G::Base::from_str_vartime("2").unwrap(), false, )), ) .unwrap(); cs.enforce( || "gx is vesta curve", |lc| lc + g.get_coordinates().0.get_variable(), |lc| lc + CS::one(), |lc| { lc + ( G::Base::from_str_vartime( "28948022309329048855892746252171976963363056481941647379679742748393362948096", ) .unwrap(), CS::one(), ) }, ); cs.enforce( || "gy is vesta curve", |lc| lc + g.get_coordinates().1.get_variable(), |lc| lc + CS::one(), |lc| lc + (G::Base::from_str_vartime("2").unwrap(), CS::one()), ); let sg = g.scalar_mul(cs.namespace(|| "[s]G"), &s_bits)?; let cpk = pk.scalar_mul(&mut cs.namespace(|| "[c]PK"), &c_bits)?; let rcpk = cpk.add(&mut cs.namespace(|| "R + [c]PK"), &r)?; let (rcpk_x, rcpk_y, _) = rcpk.get_coordinates(); let (sg_x, sg_y, _) = sg.get_coordinates(); cs.enforce( || "sg_x == rcpk_x", |lc| lc + sg_x.get_variable(), |lc| lc + CS::one(), |lc| lc + rcpk_x.get_variable(), ); cs.enforce( || "sg_y == rcpk_y", |lc| lc + sg_y.get_variable(), |lc| lc + CS::one(), |lc| lc + rcpk_y.get_variable(), ); Ok(()) } type G1 = pasta_curves::pallas::Point; type G2 = pasta_curves::vesta::Point; fn main() { let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<<G1 as Group>::Scalar>::new(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); assert_eq!(cs.num_constraints(), 0); let sk = SecretKey::<G2>::random(&mut OsRng); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk); // generate a random message to sign let c = <G2 as Group>::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng); // sign and verify let signature = sk.sign(c, &mut OsRng); let result = pk.verify(c, &signature); assert!(result); // prepare inputs to the circuit gadget let pk = { let pkxy = pk.0.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap(); AllocatedPoint::<G2>::alloc( cs.namespace(|| "pub key"), Some((*pkxy.x(), *pkxy.y(), false)), ) .unwrap() }; let r = { let rxy = signature.r.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap(); AllocatedPoint::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "r"), Some((*rxy.x(), *rxy.y(), false))).unwrap() }; let s = { let s_bits = signature .s .to_le_bits() .iter() .map(|b| *b) .collect::<Vec<bool>>(); synthesize_bits(&mut cs.namespace(|| "s bits"), Some(s_bits)).unwrap() }; let c = { let c_bits = c.to_le_bits().iter().map(|b| *b).collect::<Vec<bool>>(); synthesize_bits(&mut cs.namespace(|| "c bits"), Some(c_bits)).unwrap() }; // Check the signature was signed by the correct sk using the pk verify_signature(&mut cs, pk, r, s, c).unwrap(); assert!(cs.is_satisfied()); }