@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ |
/* |
Package arbo implements a Merkle Tree compatible with the circomlib |
implementation of the MerkleTree (when using the Poseidon hash function), |
following the specification from |
https://docs.iden3.io/publications/pdfs/Merkle-Tree.pdf and
Also allows to define which hash function to use. So for example, when working |
with zkSnarks the Poseidon hash function can be used, but when not, it can be |
used the Blake3 hash function, which improves the computation time. |
*/ |
package arbo |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"fmt" |
"sync/atomic" |
"time" |
"github.com/iden3/go-merkletree/db" |
) |
const ( |
// PrefixValueLen defines the bytes-prefix length used for the Value
// bytes representation stored in the db
PrefixValueLen = 2 |
// PrefixValueEmpty is used for the first byte of a Value to indicate
// that is an Empty value
PrefixValueEmpty = 0 |
// PrefixValueLeaf is used for the first byte of a Value to indicate
// that is a Leaf value
PrefixValueLeaf = 1 |
// PrefixValueIntermediate is used for the first byte of a Value to
// indicate that is a Intermediate value
PrefixValueIntermediate = 2 |
) |
var ( |
dbKeyRoot = []byte("root") |
emptyValue = []byte{0} |
) |
// Tree defines the struct that implements the MerkleTree functionalities
type Tree struct { |
db db.Storage |
lastAccess int64 // in unix time
maxLevels int |
root []byte |
hashFunction HashFunction |
} |
// NewTree returns a new Tree, if there is a Tree still in the given storage, it
// will load it.
func NewTree(storage db.Storage, maxLevels int, hash HashFunction) (*Tree, error) { |
t := Tree{db: storage, maxLevels: maxLevels, hashFunction: hash} |
t.updateAccessTime() |
root, err := t.db.Get(dbKeyRoot) |
if err == db.ErrNotFound { |
// store new root 0
tx, err := t.db.NewTx() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
t.root = make([]byte, t.hashFunction.Len()) // empty
err = tx.Put(dbKeyRoot, t.root) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
err = tx.Commit() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return &t, err |
} else if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
t.root = root |
return &t, nil |
} |
func (t *Tree) updateAccessTime() { |
atomic.StoreInt64(&t.lastAccess, time.Now().Unix()) |
} |
// LastAccess returns the last access timestamp in Unixtime
func (t *Tree) LastAccess() int64 { |
return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.lastAccess) |
} |
// Root returns the root of the Tree
func (t *Tree) Root() []byte { |
return t.root |
} |
// AddBatch adds a batch of key-values to the Tree. This method is optimized to
// do some internal parallelization. Returns an array containing the indexes of
// the keys failed to add.
func (t *Tree) AddBatch(keys, values [][]byte) ([]int, error) { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented") |
} |
// Add inserts the key-value into the Tree.
// If the inputs come from a *big.Int, is expected that are represented by a
// Little-Endian byte array (for circom compatibility).
func (t *Tree) Add(k, v []byte) error { |
// TODO check validity of key & value (for the Tree.HashFunction type)
keyPath := make([]byte, t.hashFunction.Len()) |
copy(keyPath[:], k) |
path := getPath(t.maxLevels, keyPath) |
// go down to the leaf
var siblings [][]byte |
_, _, siblings, err := t.down(k, t.root, siblings, path, 0) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
leafKey, leafValue, err := t.newLeafValue(k, v) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
tx, err := t.db.NewTx() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if err := tx.Put(leafKey, leafValue); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
// go up to the root
if len(siblings) == 0 { |
t.root = leafKey |
return tx.Commit() |
} |
root, err := t.up(tx, leafKey, siblings, path, len(siblings)-1) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
t.root = root |
// store root to db
return tx.Commit() |
} |
// down goes down to the leaf recursively
func (t *Tree) down(newKey, currKey []byte, siblings [][]byte, path []bool, l int) ( |
[]byte, []byte, [][]byte, error) { |
if l > t.maxLevels-1 { |
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("max level") |
} |
var err error |
var currValue []byte |
emptyKey := make([]byte, t.hashFunction.Len()) |
if bytes.Equal(currKey, emptyKey) { |
// empty value
return currKey, emptyValue, siblings, nil |
} |
currValue, err = t.db.Get(currKey) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, nil, nil, err |
} |
switch currValue[0] { |
case PrefixValueEmpty: // empty
// TODO WIP WARNING should not be reached, as the 'if' above should avoid
// reaching this point
// return currKey, empty, siblings, nil
panic("should not be reached, as the 'if' above should avoid reaching this point") // TMP
case PrefixValueLeaf: // leaf
if bytes.Equal(newKey, currKey) { |
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("key already exists") |
} |
if !bytes.Equal(currValue, emptyValue) { |
oldLeafKey, _ := readLeafValue(currValue) |
oldLeafKeyFull := make([]byte, t.hashFunction.Len()) |
copy(oldLeafKeyFull[:], oldLeafKey) |
// if currKey is already used, go down until paths diverge
oldPath := getPath(t.maxLevels, oldLeafKeyFull) |
siblings, err = t.downVirtually(siblings, currKey, newKey, oldPath, path, l) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, nil, nil, err |
} |
} |
return currKey, currValue, siblings, nil |
case PrefixValueIntermediate: // intermediate
if len(currValue) != PrefixValueLen+t.hashFunction.Len()*2 { |
return nil, nil, nil, |
fmt.Errorf("intermediate value invalid length (expected: %d, actual: %d)", |
PrefixValueLen+t.hashFunction.Len()*2, len(currValue)) |
} |
// collect siblings while going down
if path[l] { |
// right
lChild, rChild := readIntermediateChilds(currValue) |
siblings = append(siblings, lChild) |
return t.down(newKey, rChild, siblings, path, l+1) |
} |
// left
lChild, rChild := readIntermediateChilds(currValue) |
siblings = append(siblings, rChild) |
return t.down(newKey, lChild, siblings, path, l+1) |
default: |
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value") |
} |
} |
// downVirtually is used when in a leaf already exists, and a new leaf which
// shares the path until the existing leaf is being added
func (t *Tree) downVirtually(siblings [][]byte, oldKey, newKey []byte, oldPath, |
newPath []bool, l int) ([][]byte, error) { |
var err error |
if l > t.maxLevels-1 { |
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max virtual level %d", l) |
} |
if oldPath[l] == newPath[l] { |
emptyKey := make([]byte, t.hashFunction.Len()) // empty
siblings = append(siblings, emptyKey) |
siblings, err = t.downVirtually(siblings, oldKey, newKey, oldPath, newPath, l+1) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return siblings, nil |
} |
// reached the divergence
siblings = append(siblings, oldKey) |
return siblings, nil |
} |
// up goes up recursively updating the intermediate nodes
func (t *Tree) up(tx db.Tx, key []byte, siblings [][]byte, path []bool, l int) ([]byte, error) { |
var k, v []byte |
var err error |
if path[l] { |
k, v, err = t.newIntermediate(siblings[l], key) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
} else { |
k, v, err = t.newIntermediate(key, siblings[l]) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
} |
// store k-v to db
err = tx.Put(k, v) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
if l == 0 { |
// reached the root
return k, nil |
} |
return t.up(tx, k, siblings, path, l-1) |
} |
func (t *Tree) newLeafValue(k, v []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { |
leafKey, err := t.hashFunction.Hash(k, v, []byte{1}) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, nil, err |
} |
var leafValue []byte |
leafValue = append(leafValue, byte(1)) |
leafValue = append(leafValue, byte(len(k))) |
leafValue = append(leafValue, k...) |
leafValue = append(leafValue, v...) |
return leafKey, leafValue, nil |
} |
func readLeafValue(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte) { |
if len(b) < PrefixValueLen { |
return []byte{}, []byte{} |
} |
kLen := b[1] |
if len(b) < PrefixValueLen+int(kLen) { |
return []byte{}, []byte{} |
} |
k := b[PrefixValueLen : PrefixValueLen+kLen] |
v := b[PrefixValueLen+kLen:] |
return k, v |
} |
func (t *Tree) newIntermediate(l, r []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { |
b := make([]byte, PrefixValueLen+t.hashFunction.Len()*2) |
b[0] = 2 |
b[1] = byte(len(l)) |
copy(b[PrefixValueLen:PrefixValueLen+t.hashFunction.Len()], l) |
copy(b[PrefixValueLen+t.hashFunction.Len():], r) |
key, err := t.hashFunction.Hash(l, r) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, nil, err |
} |
return key, b, nil |
} |
func readIntermediateChilds(b []byte) ([]byte, []byte) { |
if len(b) < PrefixValueLen { |
return []byte{}, []byte{} |
} |
lLen := b[1] |
if len(b) < PrefixValueLen+int(lLen) { |
return []byte{}, []byte{} |
} |
l := b[PrefixValueLen : PrefixValueLen+lLen] |
r := b[PrefixValueLen+lLen:] |
return l, r |
} |
func getPath(numLevels int, k []byte) []bool { |
path := make([]bool, numLevels) |
for n := 0; n < numLevels; n++ { |
path[n] = k[n/8]&(1<<(n%8)) != 0 |
} |
return path |
} |
// GenProof generates a MerkleTree proof for the given key. If the key exists in
// the Tree, the proof will be of existence, if the key does not exist in the
// tree, the proof will be of non-existence.
func (t *Tree) GenProof(k, v []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
// unimplemented
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented") |
} |
// Get returns the value for a given key
func (t *Tree) Get(k []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { |
// unimplemented
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented") |
} |
// CheckProof verifies the given proof
func CheckProof(k, v, root, mproof []byte) (bool, error) { |
// unimplemented
return false, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented") |
} |
// TODO method to export & import the full Tree without values
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ |
package arbo |
import ( |
"encoding/hex" |
"fmt" |
"math/big" |
"testing" |
"github.com/iden3/go-merkletree/db/memory" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/require" |
) |
func TestAddTestVectors(t *testing.T) { |
// Poseidon test vectors generated using https://github.com/iden3/circomlib smt.js
testVectorsPoseidon := []string{ |
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", |
"13578938674299138072471463694055224830892726234048532520316387704878000008795", |
"5412393676474193513566895793055462193090331607895808993925969873307089394741", |
"14204494359367183802864593755198662203838502594566452929175967972147978322084", |
} |
testAdd(t, HashFunctionPoseidon, testVectorsPoseidon) |
testVectorsSha256 := []string{ |
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", |
"46910109172468462938850740851377282682950237270676610513794735904325820156367", |
"59481735341404520835410489183267411392292882901306595567679529387376287440550", |
"20573794434149960984975763118181266662429997821552560184909083010514790081771", |
} |
testAdd(t, HashFunctionSha256, testVectorsSha256) |
} |
func testAdd(t *testing.T, hashFunc HashFunction, testVectors []string) { |
tree, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 10, hashFunc) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree.db.Close() |
assert.Equal(t, testVectors[0], hex.EncodeToString(tree.Root())) |
err = tree.Add( |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(1)), |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(2))) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
rootBI := BytesToBigInt(tree.Root()) |
assert.Equal(t, testVectors[1], rootBI.String()) |
err = tree.Add( |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(33)), |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(44))) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
rootBI = BytesToBigInt(tree.Root()) |
assert.Equal(t, testVectors[2], rootBI.String()) |
err = tree.Add( |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(1234)), |
BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(9876))) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
rootBI = BytesToBigInt(tree.Root()) |
assert.Equal(t, testVectors[3], rootBI.String()) |
} |
func TestAdd1000(t *testing.T) { |
tree, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 100, HashFunctionPoseidon) |
require.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree.db.Close() |
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { |
k := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(i))) |
v := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(0)) |
if err := tree.Add(k, v); err != nil { |
t.Fatal(err) |
} |
} |
rootBI := BytesToBigInt(tree.Root()) |
assert.Equal(t, |
"296519252211642170490407814696803112091039265640052570497930797516015811235", |
rootBI.String()) |
} |
func TestAddDifferentOrder(t *testing.T) { |
tree1, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 100, HashFunctionPoseidon) |
require.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree1.db.Close() |
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { |
k := SwapEndianness(big.NewInt(int64(i)).Bytes()) |
v := SwapEndianness(big.NewInt(0).Bytes()) |
if err := tree1.Add(k, v); err != nil { |
t.Fatal(err) |
} |
} |
tree2, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 100, HashFunctionPoseidon) |
require.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree2.db.Close() |
for i := 16 - 1; i >= 0; i-- { |
k := big.NewInt(int64(i)).Bytes() |
v := big.NewInt(0).Bytes() |
if err := tree2.Add(k, v); err != nil { |
t.Fatal(err) |
} |
} |
assert.Equal(t, hex.EncodeToString(tree1.Root()), hex.EncodeToString(tree2.Root())) |
assert.Equal(t, |
"3b89100bec24da9275c87bc188740389e1d5accfc7d88ba5688d7fa96a00d82f", |
hex.EncodeToString(tree1.Root())) |
} |
func TestAddRepeatedIndex(t *testing.T) { |
tree, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 100, HashFunctionPoseidon) |
require.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree.db.Close() |
k := big.NewInt(int64(3)).Bytes() |
v := big.NewInt(int64(12)).Bytes() |
if err := tree.Add(k, v); err != nil { |
t.Fatal(err) |
} |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.NotNil(t, err) |
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("max virtual level 100"), err) |
} |
func TestAux(t *testing.T) { |
tree, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 100, HashFunctionPoseidon) |
require.Nil(t, err) |
defer tree.db.Close() |
k := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(1))) |
v := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(0))) |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
k = BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(256))) |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
k = BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(257))) |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
k = BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(515))) |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
k = BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(770))) |
err = tree.Add(k, v) |
assert.Nil(t, err) |
} |
func BenchmarkAdd(b *testing.B) { |
// prepare inputs
var ks, vs [][]byte |
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { |
k := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(i))) |
v := BigIntToBytes(big.NewInt(int64(i))) |
ks = append(ks, k) |
vs = append(vs, v) |
} |
b.Run("Poseidon", func(b *testing.B) { |
benchmarkAdd(b, HashFunctionPoseidon, ks, vs) |
}) |
b.Run("Sha256", func(b *testing.B) { |
benchmarkAdd(b, HashFunctionSha256, ks, vs) |
}) |
} |
func benchmarkAdd(b *testing.B, hashFunc HashFunction, ks, vs [][]byte) { |
tree, err := NewTree(memory.NewMemoryStorage(), 140, hashFunc) |
require.Nil(b, err) |
defer tree.db.Close() |
for i := 0; i < len(ks); i++ { |
if err := tree.Add(ks[i], vs[i]); err != nil { |
b.Fatal(err) |
} |
} |
} |