MerkleTree implementation in Go. Compatible with the circomlib implementation of
MerkleTree implementation in Go. Compatible with the circomlib implementation of
the MerkleTree, following the specification from and
the MerkleTree. Specification: and
Allows to define which hash function to use. So for example, when working with
zkSnarks the Poseidon hash function can be used, but when not, it can be used
the Blake2b hash function, which has much faster computation time.
Main characteristics of arbo are:
- Allows to define which hash function to use.
- So for example, when working with zkSnarks the [Poseidon hash]( function can be used, but when not, it can be used the [Blake2b hash]( function, which has much faster computation time.
- New hash functions can be plugged by just implementing the interface
- Parallelizes computation by CPUs
- See [AddBatch section](
## AddBatch
## AddBatch
The method `tree.AddBatch` is designed for the cases where there is a big amount of key-values to be added in the tree. It has the following characteristics:
The method `tree.AddBatch` is designed for the cases where there is a big amount of key-values to be added in the tree. It has the following characteristics:
- Makes a copy of the tree in memory (*VirtualTree*)
- The *VirtualTree* does not compute any hash, only the relations between the nodes of the tree
- This step (computing the *VirtualTree*) is done in parallel in each available CPU until level *log2(nCPU)*
- Once the *VirtualTree* is updated with all the new leafs (key-values) in each corresponent position, it *computes all the hashes* of each node until the root
- In this way, each node hash is computed only once, while when adding many key-values using `tree.Add` method, most of the intermediate nodes will be recalculated each time that a new leaf is added
- This step (*computing all the hashes*) is done in parallel in each available CPU
- Parallelizes by available CPUs
- If the tree size is not too big (under the configured threshold):
- Makes a copy of the tree in memory (*VirtualTree*)
- The *VirtualTree* does not compute any hash, only the relations between the nodes of the tree
- This step (computing the *VirtualTree*) is done in parallel in each available CPU until level *log2(nCPU)*
- Once the *VirtualTree* is updated with all the new leafs (key-values) in each corresponent position, it *computes all the hashes* of each node until the root
- In this way, each node hash is computed only once, while when adding many key-values using `tree.Add` method, most of the intermediate nodes will be recalculated each time that a new leaf is added
- This step (*computing all the hashes*) is done in parallel in each available CPU
- If the tree size is avobe the configured threshold:
- Virtually splits the tree in `n` sub-trees, where `n` is the number of available CPUs
- Each CPU adds the corresponent new leaves into each sub-tree (working in a db tx)
- Once all sub-trees are updated, puts them together again to compute the new tree root
As result, the method `tree.AddBatch` goes way faster thant looping over `tree.Add`, and can compute the tree with parallelization, so as more available CPUs, faster will do the computation.
As result, the method `tree.AddBatch` goes way faster thant looping over `tree.Add`, and can compute the tree with parallelization, so as more available CPUs, faster will do the computation.
As an example, this is the benchmark for adding `10k leaves` (with `4 CPU cores`, `AddBatch` would get faster with more CPUs (powers of 2)):
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz with 8GB of RAM
nCPU: 4, nLeafs: 10_000
Using Poseidon hash function:
(go) arbo.AddBatch: 436.866007ms
(go) arbo.Add loop: 5.341122678s
(go) iden3.Add loop: 8.581494317s
(js) circomlibjs: 2m09.351s
And, for example, if instead of using Poseidon hash function we use Blake2b, time is reduced to `80.862805ms`.