@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func (t *Tree) AddBatch(keys, values [][]byte) ([]int, error) {
var indexes [ ] int
for i := 0 ; i < len ( keys ) ; i ++ {
err = t . add ( keys [ i ] , values [ i ] )
err = t . add ( 0 , keys [ i ] , values [ i ] )
if err != nil {
indexes = append ( indexes , i )
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Add(k, v []byte) error {
return err
err = t . add ( k , v )
err = t . add ( 0 , k , v ) // add from level 0
if err != nil {
return err
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Add(k, v []byte) error {
return t . tx . Commit ( )
func ( t * Tree ) add ( k , v [ ] byte ) error {
func ( t * Tree ) add ( fromLvl int , k , v [ ] byte ) error {
// TODO check validity of key & value (for the Tree.HashFunction type)
keyPath := make ( [ ] byte , t . hashFunction . Len ( ) )
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ func (t *Tree) add(k, v []byte) error {
path := getPath ( t . maxLevels , keyPath )
// go down to the leaf
var siblings [ ] [ ] byte
_ , _ , siblings , err := t . down ( k , t . root , siblings , path , 0 , false )
_ , _ , siblings , err := t . down ( k , t . root , siblings , path , fromLvl , false )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ func (t *Tree) add(k, v []byte) error {
// down goes down to the leaf recursively
func ( t * Tree ) down ( newKey , currKey [ ] byte , siblings [ ] [ ] byte ,
path [ ] bool , l int , getLeaf bool ) (
path [ ] bool , currLv l int , getLeaf bool ) (
[ ] byte , [ ] byte , [ ] [ ] byte , error ) {
if l > t . maxLevels - 1 {
if currLv l > t . maxLevels - 1 {
return nil , nil , nil , fmt . Errorf ( "max level" )
var err error
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func (t *Tree) down(newKey, currKey []byte, siblings [][]byte,
// if currKey is already used, go down until paths diverge
oldPath := getPath ( t . maxLevels , oldLeafKeyFull )
siblings , err = t . downVirtually ( siblings , currKey , newKey , oldPath , path , l )
siblings , err = t . downVirtually ( siblings , currKey , newKey , oldPath , path , currLv l)
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , nil , err
@ -267,16 +267,16 @@ func (t *Tree) down(newKey, currKey []byte, siblings [][]byte,
PrefixValueLen + t . hashFunction . Len ( ) * 2 , len ( currValue ) )
// collect siblings while going down
if path [ l ] {
if path [ currLv l] {
// right
lChild , rChild := readIntermediateChilds ( currValue )
siblings = append ( siblings , lChild )
return t . down ( newKey , rChild , siblings , path , l + 1 , getLeaf )
return t . down ( newKey , rChild , siblings , path , currLv l+ 1 , getLeaf )
// left
lChild , rChild := readIntermediateChilds ( currValue )
siblings = append ( siblings , rChild )
return t . down ( newKey , lChild , siblings , path , l + 1 , getLeaf )
return t . down ( newKey , lChild , siblings , path , currLv l+ 1 , getLeaf )
default :
return nil , nil , nil , fmt . Errorf ( "invalid value" )
@ -285,16 +285,16 @@ func (t *Tree) down(newKey, currKey []byte, siblings [][]byte,
// downVirtually is used when in a leaf already exists, and a new leaf which
// shares the path until the existing leaf is being added
func ( t * Tree ) downVirtually ( siblings [ ] [ ] byte , oldKey , newKey [ ] byte , oldPath ,
newPath [ ] bool , l int ) ( [ ] [ ] byte , error ) {
newPath [ ] bool , currLv l int ) ( [ ] [ ] byte , error ) {
var err error
if l > t . maxLevels - 1 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "max virtual level %d" , l )
if currLv l > t . maxLevels - 1 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "max virtual level %d" , currLv l)
if oldPath [ l ] == newPath [ l ] {
if oldPath [ currLv l] == newPath [ currLv l] {
siblings = append ( siblings , t . emptyHash )
siblings , err = t . downVirtually ( siblings , oldKey , newKey , oldPath , newPath , l + 1 )
siblings , err = t . downVirtually ( siblings , oldKey , newKey , oldPath , newPath , currLv l+ 1 )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
@ -307,16 +307,16 @@ func (t *Tree) downVirtually(siblings [][]byte, oldKey, newKey []byte, oldPath,
// up goes up recursively updating the intermediate nodes
func ( t * Tree ) up ( key [ ] byte , siblings [ ] [ ] byte , path [ ] bool , l int ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
func ( t * Tree ) up ( key [ ] byte , siblings [ ] [ ] byte , path [ ] bool , currLv l int ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
var k , v [ ] byte
var err error
if path [ l ] {
k , v , err = newIntermediate ( t . hashFunction , siblings [ l ] , key )
if path [ currLv l] {
k , v , err = newIntermediate ( t . hashFunction , siblings [ currLv l] , key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
} else {
k , v , err = newIntermediate ( t . hashFunction , key , siblings [ l ] )
k , v , err = newIntermediate ( t . hashFunction , key , siblings [ currLv l] )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ func (t *Tree) up(key []byte, siblings [][]byte, path []bool, l int) ([]byte, er
return nil , err
if l == 0 {
if currLv l == 0 {
// reached the root
return k , nil
return t . up ( k , siblings , path , l - 1 )
return t . up ( k , siblings , path , currLv l- 1 )
func newLeafValue ( hashFunc HashFunction , k , v [ ] byte ) ( [ ] byte , [ ] byte , error ) {
@ -666,24 +666,36 @@ func (t *Tree) Iterate(f func([]byte, []byte)) error {
return t . iter ( t . root , f )
func ( t * Tree ) iter ( k [ ] byte , f func ( [ ] byte , [ ] byte ) ) error {
// IterateWithStop does the same than Iterate, but with int for the current
// level, and a boolean parameter used by the passed function, is to indicate to
// stop iterating on the branch when the method returns 'true'.
func ( t * Tree ) IterateWithStop ( f func ( int , [ ] byte , [ ] byte ) bool ) error {
t . updateAccessTime ( )
return t . iterWithStop ( t . root , 0 , f )
func ( t * Tree ) iterWithStop ( k [ ] byte , currLevel int , f func ( int , [ ] byte , [ ] byte ) bool ) error {
v , err := t . dbGet ( k )
if err != nil {
return err
currLevel ++
switch v [ 0 ] {
case PrefixValueEmpty :
f ( k , v )
f ( currLevel , k , v )
case PrefixValueLeaf :
f ( k , v )
f ( currLevel , k , v )
case PrefixValueIntermediate :
f ( k , v )
stop := f ( currLevel , k , v )
if stop {
return nil
l , r := readIntermediateChilds ( v )
if err = t . iter ( l , f ) ; err != nil {
if err = t . iterWithStop ( l , currLeve l, f ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err = t . iter ( r , f ) ; err != nil {
if err = t . iterWithStop ( r , currLevel , f ) ; err != nil {
return err
default :
@ -692,6 +704,14 @@ func (t *Tree) iter(k []byte, f func([]byte, []byte)) error {
return nil
func ( t * Tree ) iter ( k [ ] byte , f func ( [ ] byte , [ ] byte ) ) error {
f2 := func ( currLvl int , k , v [ ] byte ) bool {
f ( k , v )
return false
return t . iterWithStop ( k , 0 , f2 )
// Dump exports all the Tree leafs in a byte array of length:
// [ N * (2+len(k+v)) ]. Where N is the number of key-values, and for each k+v:
// [ 1 byte | 1 byte | S bytes | len(v) bytes ]
@ -768,12 +788,22 @@ func (t *Tree) ImportDump(b []byte) error {
// Graphviz iterates across the full tree to generate a string Graphviz
// representation of the tree and writes it to w
func ( t * Tree ) Graphviz ( w io . Writer , rootKey [ ] byte ) error {
return t . GraphvizFirstNLevels ( w , rootKey , t . maxLevels )
// GraphvizFirstNLevels iterates across the first NLevels of the tree to
// generate a string Graphviz representation of the first NLevels of the tree
// and writes it to w
func ( t * Tree ) GraphvizFirstNLevels ( w io . Writer , rootKey [ ] byte , untilLvl int ) error {
fmt . Fprintf ( w , ` digraph hierarchy {
node [ fontname = Monospace , fontsize = 10 , shape = box ]
` )
nChars := 4
nEmpties := 0
err := t . Iterate ( func ( k , v [ ] byte ) {
err := t . iterWithStop ( t . root , 0 , func ( currLvl int , k , v [ ] byte ) bool {
if currLvl == untilLvl {
return true // to stop the iter from going down
switch v [ 0 ] {
case PrefixValueEmpty :
case PrefixValueLeaf :
@ -807,6 +837,7 @@ node [fontname=Monospace,fontsize=10,shape=box]
fmt . Fprint ( w , eStr )
default :
return false
} )
fmt . Fprintf ( w , "}\n" )
return err
@ -814,13 +845,18 @@ node [fontname=Monospace,fontsize=10,shape=box]
// PrintGraphviz prints the output of Tree.Graphviz
func ( t * Tree ) PrintGraphviz ( rootKey [ ] byte ) error {
return t . PrintGraphvizFirstNLevels ( rootKey , t . maxLevels )
// PrintGraphvizFirstNLevels prints the output of Tree.GraphvizFirstNLevels
func ( t * Tree ) PrintGraphvizFirstNLevels ( rootKey [ ] byte , untilLvl int ) error {
if rootKey == nil {
rootKey = t . Root ( )
w := bytes . NewBufferString ( "" )
fmt . Fprintf ( w ,
"--------\nGraphviz of the Tree with Root " + hex . EncodeToString ( rootKey ) + ":\n" )
err := t . Graphviz ( w , nil )
err := t . GraphvizFirstNLevels ( w , nil , untilLv l )
if err != nil {
fmt . Println ( w )
return err