# goTweetsAnalyze
twitter analyzer written in Go lang, insipired on the Python tweets_analyzer by x0rz https://github.com/x0rz/tweets_analyzer
[under development]
#### Current analysis
- word count - weekly activity distribution - daily activity distribution - devices used
![Alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/goTweetsAnalyze/master/screen3.png "screen")
![Alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/goTweetsAnalyze/master/screen2.png "screen")
needs a twitterConfig.json file on the /build folder with the content: ``` { "consumer_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "consumer_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
to run it: - go to the /build folder - open terminal - execute the script with: ``` ./goTweetsAnalyze ``` - follow the instructions that appears on the terminal