# argos [![Go Report Card](]( Open source twitter entropic toolkit. The main idea is to analyze, clean and generate public data, to add more entropy to the network. Be half bot and half human, a new generation of cyborgs The user analyzer features are insipired on the Python tweets_analyzer by x0rz #### Argos Panoptes ![Argos]( "argos") [under development] #### Current features 1. User analyzer - Word count - Weekly activity distribution - Daily activity distribution - Devices used - Hashtags most used count - Interactions with other users count 2. Unfollow all 3. Random follow - selects n number of accounts to follow, and follows n random accounts 4. Delete Tweets 5. Delete Favs (Likes) 6. Random tweet - post a tweet with content from a selected account 7. Tweet analyzer - analyze the retweets and detect Bots ![screen]( "screen") ![screen]( "screen") needs a twitterConfig.json file on the /build folder with the content: ``` { "consumer_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "consumer_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "access_token_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } ``` to run it: - go to the /build folder - open terminal - execute the script with: ``` ./argos ``` - follow the instructions that appears on the terminal