@ -1,14 +1,11 @@ |
use algebra::{
fp3::{Fp3, Fp3Parameters},
fields::fp3::{Fp3, Fp3Parameters},
PrimeField, SquareRootField,
use core::{borrow::Borrow, marker::PhantomData};
use r1cs_core::{ConstraintSystem, ConstraintVar, SynthesisError};
use crate::{fields::fp::FpGadget, prelude::*, Assignment, Vec};
use crate::{fields::fp::FpGadget, prelude::*, Vec};
@ -40,6 +37,7 @@ impl, ConstraintF: PrimeField + SquareRootFie |
_params: PhantomData,
/// Multiply a FpGadget by quadratic nonresidue P::NONRESIDUE.
pub fn mul_fp_gadget_by_nonresidue<CS: ConstraintSystem<ConstraintF>>(
@ -332,120 +330,113 @@ impl, ConstraintF: PrimeField + SquareRootFie |
Ok(Self::new(c0, c1, c2))
/// Use the Toom-Cook-3x method to compute multiplication.
fn square<CS: ConstraintSystem<ConstraintF>>(
fn mul_equals<CS: ConstraintSystem<ConstraintF>>(
mut cs: CS,
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
// Uses Toom-Cook-3x multiplication from
other: &Self,
result: &Self,
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
// Karatsuba multiplication for Fp3:
// v0 = A.c0 * B.c0
// v1 = A.c1 * B.c1
// v2 = A.c2 * B.c2
// result.c0 = v0 + β((a1 + a2)(b1 + b2) − v1 − v2)
// result.c1 = (a0 + a1)(b0 + b1) − v0 − v1 + βv2
// result.c2 = (a0 + a2)(b0 + b2) − v0 + v1 − v2,
// We enforce this with six constraints:
// v0 = A.c0 * B.c0
// v1 = A.c1 * B.c1
// v2 = A.c2 * B.c2
// result.c0 - v0 + \beta*(v1 + v2) = β(a1 + a2)(b1 + b2))
// result.c1 + v0 + v1 - βv2 = (a0 + a1)(b0 + b1)
// result.c2 + v0 - v1 + v2 = (a0 + a2)(b0 + b2)
// Reference:
// "Multiplication and Squaring on Pairing-Friendly Fields"
// Devegili, OhEigeartaigh, Scott, Dahab
// v0 = a(0)^2 = a0^2
let v0 = self.c0.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "Calc v0"))?;
// v1 = a(1)^2 = (a0 + a1 + a2)^2
let v1 = {
let a0_plus_a1_plus_a2 = self
.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + a1"), &self.c1)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + a1 + a2"), &self.c2)?;
a0_plus_a1_plus_a2.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "(a0 + a1 + a2)^2"))?
// v2 = a(−1)^2 = (a0 − a1 + a2)^2
let v2 = {
let a0_minus_a1_plus_a2 = self
.sub(cs.ns(|| "a0 - a1"), &self.c1)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 - a2 + a2"), &self.c2)?;
a0_minus_a1_plus_a2.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "(a0 - a1 + a2)^2"))?
// v3 = a(2)^2 = (a0 + 2a1 + 4a2)^2
let v3 = {
let a1_double = self.c1.double(cs.ns(|| "2a1"))?;
let a2_quad = self.c2.double(cs.ns(|| "2a2"))?.double(cs.ns(|| "4a2"))?;
let a0_plus_2_a1_plus_4_a2 = self
.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + 2a1"), &a1_double)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + 2a1 + 4a2"), &a2_quad)?;
a0_plus_2_a1_plus_4_a2.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "(a0 + 2a1 + 4a2)^2"))?
// v4 = a(∞)^2 = a2^2
let v4 = self.c2.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "a2^2"))?;
let two = P::Fp::one().double();
let six = two.double() + &two;
let mut two_and_six = [two, six];
algebra::fields::batch_inversion(&mut two_and_six);
let (two_inverse, six_inverse) = (two_and_six[0], two_and_six[1]);
let half_v0 = v0.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "half_v0"), &two_inverse)?;
let half_v1 = v1.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "half_v1"), &two_inverse)?;
let one_sixth_v2 = v2.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "one_sixth_v2"), &six_inverse)?;
let one_sixth_v3 = v3.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "one_sixth_v3"), &six_inverse)?;
let two_v4 = v4.double(cs.ns(|| "double_v4"))?;
// c0 = v0 + β((1/2)v0 − (1/2)v1 − (1/6)v2 + (1/6)v3 − 2v4)
let c0 = {
let mut c0_cs = cs.ns(|| "c0");
// No constraints, only get a linear combination back.
let inner = half_v0
.sub(c0_cs.ns(|| "sub1"), &half_v1)?
.sub(c0_cs.ns(|| "sub2"), &one_sixth_v2)?
.add(c0_cs.ns(|| "add3"), &one_sixth_v3)?
.sub(c0_cs.ns(|| "sub4"), &two_v4)?;
let non_residue_times_inner =
inner.mul_by_constant(c0_cs.ns(|| "mul_by_res"), &P::NONRESIDUE)?;
v0.add(c0_cs.ns(|| "add5"), &non_residue_times_inner)?
// −(1/2)v0 + v1 − (1/3)v2 − (1/6)v3 + 2v4 + βv4
let c1 = {
let mut c1_cs = cs.ns(|| "c1");
let one_third_v2 = one_sixth_v2.double(c1_cs.ns(|| "v2_by_3"))?;
let non_residue_v4 = v4.mul_by_constant(c1_cs.ns(|| "mul_by_res"), &P::NONRESIDUE)?;
.negate(c1_cs.ns(|| "neg1"))?
.add(c1_cs.ns(|| "add1"), &v1)?
.sub(c1_cs.ns(|| "sub2"), &one_third_v2)?
.sub(c1_cs.ns(|| "sub3"), &one_sixth_v3)?
.add(c1_cs.ns(|| "add4"), &two_v4)?
.add(c1_cs.ns(|| "add5"), &non_residue_v4)?
// -v0 + (1/2)v1 + (1/2)v2 −v4
let c2 = {
let mut c2_cs = cs.ns(|| "c2");
let half_v2 = v2.mul_by_constant(c2_cs.ns(|| "half_v2"), &two_inverse)?;
.add(c2_cs.ns(|| "add1"), &half_v2)?
.sub(c2_cs.ns(|| "sub1"), &v4)?
.sub(c2_cs.ns(|| "sub2"), &v0)?
Ok(Self::new(c0, c1, c2))
// Devegili, OhEigeartaigh, Scott, Dahab
// This implementation adapted from
// https://github.com/ZencashOfficial/ginger-lib/blob/development/r1cs/gadgets/std/src/fields/fp3.rs
let v0 = self.c0.mul(cs.ns(|| "v0 = a0 * b0"), &other.c0)?;
let v1 = self.c1.mul(cs.ns(|| "v1 = a1 * b1"), &other.c1)?;
let v2 = self.c2.mul(cs.ns(|| "v2 = a2 * b2"), &other.c2)?;
// Check c0
let nr_a1_plus_a2 = self
.add(cs.ns(|| "a1 + a2"), &self.c2)?
.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "nr*(a1 + a2)"), &P::NONRESIDUE)?;
let b1_plus_b2 = other.c1.add(cs.ns(|| "b1 + b2"), &other.c2)?;
let nr_v1 = v1.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "nr * v1"), &P::NONRESIDUE)?;
let nr_v2 = v2.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "nr * v2"), &P::NONRESIDUE)?;
let to_check = result
.sub(cs.ns(|| "c0 - v0"), &v0)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c0 - v0 + nr * v1"), &nr_v1)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c0 - v0 + nr * v1 + nr * v2"), &nr_v2)?;
nr_a1_plus_a2.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check c0"), &b1_plus_b2, &to_check)?;
// Check c1
let a0_plus_a1 = self.c0.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + a1"), &self.c1)?;
let b0_plus_b1 = other.c0.add(cs.ns(|| "b0 + b1"), &other.c1)?;
let to_check = result
.sub(cs.ns(|| "c1 - nr * v2"), &nr_v2)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c1 - nr * v2 + v0"), &v0)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c1 - nr * v2 + v0 + v1"), &v1)?;
a0_plus_a1.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check c1"), &b0_plus_b1, &to_check)?;
// Check c2
let a0_plus_a2 = self.c0.add(cs.ns(|| "a0 + a2"), &self.c2)?;
let b0_plus_b2 = other.c0.add(cs.ns(|| "b0 + b2"), &other.c2)?;
let to_check = result
.add(cs.ns(|| "c2 + v0"), &v0)?
.sub(cs.ns(|| "c2 + v0 - v1"), &v1)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c2 + v0 - v1 + v2"), &v2)?;
a0_plus_a2.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check c2"), &b0_plus_b2, &to_check)?;
// 18 constraints, we can probably do better but not sure it's worth it.
/// Use the Chung-Hasan asymmetric squaring formula.
/// (Devegili OhEig Scott Dahab --- Multiplication and Squaring on
/// Abstract Pairing-Friendly
/// Fields.pdf; Section 4 (CH-SQR2))
fn inverse<CS: ConstraintSystem<ConstraintF>>(
fn square<CS: ConstraintSystem<ConstraintF>>(
mut cs: CS,
) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
let inverse = Self::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "alloc inverse"), || {
self.get_value().and_then(|val| val.inverse()).get()
let one = Self::one(cs.ns(|| "one"))?;
inverse.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check inverse"), &self, &one)?;
let a = self.c0.clone();
let b = self.c1.clone();
let c = self.c2.clone();
let s0 = a.square(cs.ns(|| "s0"))?;
let ab = a.mul(cs.ns(|| "ab"), &b)?;
let s1 = ab.double(cs.ns(|| "s1"))?;
let s2 = a
.sub(cs.ns(|| "a-b"), &b)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "plus c"), &c)?
.square(cs.ns(|| "s2"))?;
let s3 = b.mul(cs.ns(|| "bc"), &c)?.double(cs.ns(|| "s3"))?;
let s4 = c.square(cs.ns(|| "s4"))?;
let c0 = Self::mul_fp_gadget_by_nonresidue(cs.ns(|| "c0 part 1"), &s3)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c0"), &s0)?;
let c1 = Self::mul_fp_gadget_by_nonresidue(cs.ns(|| "c1 part 1"), &s4)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c1"), &s1)?;
let c2 = s1
.add(cs.ns(|| "c2 part1"), &s2)?
.add(cs.ns(|| "c2 part2"), &s3)?
.sub(cs.ns(|| "c2 part3"), &s0)?
.sub(cs.ns(|| "c2 part4"), &s4)?;
Ok(Self::new(c0, c1, c2))
@ -634,8 +625,8 @@ impl, ConstraintF: PrimeField + SquareRootFie |
5 * FpGadget::<ConstraintF>::cost_of_mul()
fn cost_of_inv() -> usize {
Self::cost_of_mul() + <Self as EqGadget<ConstraintF>>::cost()
fn cost_of_mul_equals() -> usize {
6 * FpGadget::<ConstraintF>::cost_of_mul()