@ -7,192 +7,17 @@ pub type G2Gadget = mnt4::G2Gadget; |
pub type G1PreparedGadget = mnt4::G1PreparedGadget<Parameters>;
pub type G2PreparedGadget = mnt4::G2PreparedGadget<Parameters>;
mod test {
use rand::Rng;
use super::{G1Gadget, G2Gadget};
use crate::{prelude::*, test_constraint_system::TestConstraintSystem, Vec};
use algebra::{mnt4_298::*, test_rng, AffineCurve, BitIterator, PrimeField, ProjectiveCurve};
use r1cs_core::ConstraintSystem;
fn mnt4_298_g1_constraint_costs() {
use crate::boolean::AllocatedBit;
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fq>::new();
let bit = AllocatedBit::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "bool"), || Ok(true))
let mut rng = test_rng();
let a: G1Projective = rng.gen();
let b: G1Projective = rng.gen();
let gadget_a = G1Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "a"), || Ok(a)).unwrap();
let gadget_b = G1Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "b"), || Ok(b)).unwrap();
let alloc_cost = cs.num_constraints();
let _ = G1Gadget::conditionally_select(
&mut cs.ns(|| "cond_select"),
let cond_select_cost = cs.num_constraints() - alloc_cost;
let _ = gadget_a.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ab"), &gadget_b).unwrap();
let add_cost = cs.num_constraints() - cond_select_cost - alloc_cost;
assert_eq!(cond_select_cost, <G1Gadget as CondSelectGadget<Fq>>::cost());
assert_eq!(add_cost, G1Gadget::cost_of_add());
fn mnt4_298_g2_constraint_costs() {
use crate::boolean::AllocatedBit;
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fq>::new();
let bit = AllocatedBit::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "bool"), || Ok(true))
let mut rng = test_rng();
let a: G2Projective = rng.gen();
let b: G2Projective = rng.gen();
let gadget_a = G2Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "a"), || Ok(a)).unwrap();
let gadget_b = G2Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "b"), || Ok(b)).unwrap();
let alloc_cost = cs.num_constraints();
let _ = G2Gadget::conditionally_select(
&mut cs.ns(|| "cond_select"),
let cond_select_cost = cs.num_constraints() - alloc_cost;
let _ = gadget_a.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ab"), &gadget_b).unwrap();
let add_cost = cs.num_constraints() - cond_select_cost - alloc_cost;
assert_eq!(cond_select_cost, <G2Gadget as CondSelectGadget<Fq>>::cost());
assert_eq!(add_cost, G2Gadget::cost_of_add());
fn mnt4_298_g1_gadget_test() {
use algebra::UniformRand;
use rand::SeedableRng;
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::seed_from_u64(1231275789u64);
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fq>::new();
let a = G1Projective::rand(&mut rng);
let b = G1Projective::rand(&mut rng);
let a_affine = a.into_affine();
let b_affine = b.into_affine();
let mut gadget_a = G1Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "a"), || Ok(a)).unwrap();
let gadget_b = G1Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "b"), || Ok(b)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(gadget_a.x.value.unwrap(), a_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_a.y.value.unwrap(), a_affine.y);
assert_eq!(gadget_b.x.value.unwrap(), b_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_b.y.value.unwrap(), b_affine.y);
// Check addition
let ab = a + &b;
let ab_affine = ab.into_affine();
let gadget_ab = gadget_a.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ab"), &gadget_b).unwrap();
let gadget_ba = gadget_b.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ba"), &gadget_a).unwrap();
.enforce_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "b + a == a + b?"), &gadget_ab)
let ab_val = gadget_ab
.expect("Doubling should be successful")
assert_eq!(ab_val, ab_affine, "Result of addition is unequal");
// Check doubling
let aa = a.double();
let aa_affine = aa.into_affine();
gadget_a.double_in_place(&mut cs.ns(|| "2a")).unwrap();
let aa_val = gadget_a
.expect("Doubling should be successful")
aa_val, aa_affine,
"Gadget and native values are unequal after double."
// Check mul_bits
let scalar = Fr::rand(&mut rng);
let native_result = aa.into_affine().mul(scalar) + &b;
let native_result = native_result.into_affine();
let mut scalar: Vec<bool> = BitIterator::new(scalar.into_repr()).collect();
// Get the scalar bits into little-endian form.
let input = Vec::<Boolean>::alloc(cs.ns(|| "Input"), || Ok(scalar)).unwrap();
let result = gadget_a
.mul_bits(cs.ns(|| "mul_bits"), &gadget_b, input.iter())
let result_val = result.get_value().unwrap().into_affine();
result_val, native_result,
"gadget & native values are diff. after scalar mul"
if !cs.is_satisfied() {
println!("{:?}", cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap());
fn mnt4_298_g2_gadget_test() {
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fq>::new();
let mut rng = test_rng();
let a: G2Projective = rng.gen();
let b: G2Projective = rng.gen();
let a_affine = a.into_affine();
let b_affine = b.into_affine();
let mut gadget_a = G2Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "a"), || Ok(a)).unwrap();
let gadget_b = G2Gadget::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "b"), || Ok(b)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(gadget_a.x.get_value().unwrap(), a_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_a.y.get_value().unwrap(), a_affine.y);
assert_eq!(gadget_b.x.get_value().unwrap(), b_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_b.y.get_value().unwrap(), b_affine.y);
let ab = a + &b;
let ab_affine = ab.into_affine();
let gadget_ab = gadget_a.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ab"), &gadget_b).unwrap();
let gadget_ba = gadget_b.add(&mut cs.ns(|| "ba"), &gadget_a).unwrap();
.enforce_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "b + a == a + b?"), &gadget_ab)
assert_eq!(gadget_ab.x.get_value().unwrap(), ab_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_ab.y.get_value().unwrap(), ab_affine.y);
let aa = a.double();
let aa_affine = aa.into_affine();
gadget_a.double_in_place(&mut cs.ns(|| "2a")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(gadget_a.x.get_value().unwrap(), aa_affine.x);
assert_eq!(gadget_a.y.get_value().unwrap(), aa_affine.y);
if !cs.is_satisfied() {
println!("{:?}", cs.which_is_unsatisfied().unwrap());
fn test() {
use algebra::curves::models::mnt4::MNT4Parameters;
<Parameters as MNT4Parameters>::G1Parameters,
<Parameters as MNT4Parameters>::G2Parameters,