/** * @file * @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt */
/* Package db is an wrapper of key-value database implementations. Currently, this supports badgerdb (https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger).
Basic Usage
You can create database using a newdb func like this database := NewDB(BadgerImpl, "./test")
A first argument is a backend db type to use, and a second is a root directory to store db files. After creating db, you can write, read or delete single key-value using funcs in DB interface. // write data
database.Set([]byte("key"), []byte("val"))
// read data
read := Get([]byte("key"))
// delete data
A Transaction is a bulk set of operations to ensure atomic success or fail. // create a new transaction
tx := database.NewTX(true)
// reserve writing
tx.Set([]byte("keyA"), []byte("valA")) tx.Set([]byte("keyB"), []byte("valB"))
// Get will return a value reserved to write in this transaction
mustBeValA := tx.Get([]byte("keyA"))
// Perform writing
tx.Commit() If you want to cancel and discard operations in tx, then you must call Discard() func to prevent a memory leack // If you create a tx, but do not commit, than you have to call this
An iteractor provides a way to get all keys sequentially. // create an iterator that covers all range
for iter := database.Iterator(nil, nil); iter.Valid(); iter.Next() { // print each key-value pair
fmt.Printf("%s = %s", string(iter.Key()), string(iter.Value())) }
You can find more detail usages at a db_test.go file */ package db
import ( "fmt"
"github.com/aergoio/aergo-lib/log" )
var dbImpls = map[ImplType]dbConstructor{} var logger *extendedLog
func registorDBConstructor(dbimpl ImplType, constructor dbConstructor) { dbImpls[dbimpl] = constructor }
// NewDB creates new database or load existing database in the directory
func NewDB(dbimpltype ImplType, dir string) DB { logger = &extendedLog{Logger: log.NewLogger("db")} db, err := dbImpls[dbimpltype](dir)
if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Fail to Create New DB: %v", err)) }
return db }
func convNilToBytes(byteArray []byte) []byte { if byteArray == nil { return []byte{} } return byteArray }