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package asmtree
import (
asmt ""
// We use go-bare for export/import the trie. In order to support
// big census (up to 8 Million entries) we need to increase the maximums.
const bareMaxArrayLength uint64 = 1024 * 1014 * 8 // 8 Million
const bareMaxUnmarshalBytes uint64 = bareMaxArrayLength * 32 * 2 // 512 MiB
type Tree struct {
Tree *asmt.Trie
db db.DB
public uint32
lastAccessUnix int64 // a unix timestamp, used via sync/atomic
size uint64
snapshotRoot []byte // if not nil, this trie is considered an inmutable snapshot
snapshotSize uint64
// check that censustree.Tree interface is matched by Tree
var _ censustree.Tree = (*Tree)(nil)
type Proof struct {
Bitmap []byte
Length int
Siblings [][]byte
Value []byte
type exportElement struct {
Key []byte `bare:"key"`
Value []byte `bare:"value"`
type exportData struct {
Elements []exportElement `bare:"elements"`
const (
MaxKeySize = 32
MaxValueSize = 64
dbRootPrefix = "this is the last root for the SMT tree"
// NewTree initializes a new AergoSMT tree following the censustree.Tree interface specification.
func NewTree(name, storageDir string) (censustree.Tree, error) {
tr := &Tree{}
err := tr.Init(name, storageDir)
return tr, err
// newTree opens or creates a merkle tree under the given storage.
func newTree(name, storageDir string) (*asmt.Trie, db.DB, error) {
dir := path.Join(storageDir, name)
log.Debugf("creating new tree on %s", dir)
d := db.NewDB(db.LevelImpl, dir)
root := d.Get([]byte(dbRootPrefix))
tr := asmt.NewTrie(root, asmt.Hasher, d)
if root != nil {
if err := tr.LoadCache(root); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return tr, d, nil
// Init initializes a new asmt tree
func (t *Tree) Init(name, storageDir string) error {
var err error
t.Tree, t.db, err = newTree(name, storageDir)
t.size = 0
return err
func (t *Tree) MaxKeySize() int {
return MaxKeySize
// LastAccess returns the last time the Tree was accessed, in the form of a unix
// timestamp.
func (t *Tree) LastAccess() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.lastAccessUnix)
func (t *Tree) updateAccessTime() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&t.lastAccessUnix, time.Now().Unix())
// Publish makes a merkle tree available for queries.
// Application layer should check IsPublish() before considering the Tree available.
func (t *Tree) Publish() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&t.public, 1)
// UnPublish makes a merkle tree not available for queries
func (t *Tree) UnPublish() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&t.public, 0)
// IsPublic returns true if the tree is available
func (t *Tree) IsPublic() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.public) == 1
// Type returns the numeric identifier for the censusTree implementation
func (t *Tree) Type() models.Census_Type {
return models.Census_UNKNOWN
// TypeString returns the name identifying the censustree implementation
func (t *Tree) TypeString() string {
return models.Census_Type_name[int32(t.Type())] // reuse the naming generated by protobuf
// Commit saves permanently the tree on disk
func (t *Tree) Commit() error {
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot commit to a snapshot trie")
err := t.Tree.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
t.db.Set([]byte(dbRootPrefix), t.Root())
return nil
// Add adds a new claim to the merkle tree
// A claim is composed of two parts: index and value
// 1.index is mandatory, the data will be used for indexing the claim into to merkle tree
// 2.value is optional, the data will not affect the indexing
func (t *Tree) Add(index, value []byte) error {
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add to a snapshot trie")
if len(index) < 4 || len(index) > MaxKeySize {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong key size: %d", len(index))
if len(value) > MaxValueSize {
return fmt.Errorf("index or value claim data too big")
_, err := t.Tree.Update([][]byte{asmt.Hasher(index)}, [][]byte{asmt.Hasher(value)})
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.size, 0) // TBD: improve this
return t.Commit()
// AddBatch adds a list of indexes and values.
// The commit to disk is executed only once.
// The values slince could be empty or as long as indexes.
func (t *Tree) AddBatch(indexes, values [][]byte) ([]int, error) {
var wrongIndexes []int
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return wrongIndexes, fmt.Errorf("cannot add to a snapshot trie")
if len(values) > 0 && len(indexes) != len(values) {
return wrongIndexes, fmt.Errorf("indexes and values have different size")
var value []byte
for i, key := range indexes {
if len(key) < 4 || len(key) > MaxKeySize {
wrongIndexes = append(wrongIndexes, i)
value = nil
if len(values) > 0 {
if len(values[i]) > MaxValueSize {
wrongIndexes = append(wrongIndexes, i)
value = values[i]
_, err := t.Tree.Update([][]byte{asmt.Hasher(key)}, [][]byte{asmt.Hasher(value)})
if err != nil {
return wrongIndexes, err
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.size, 0) // TBD: improve this
return wrongIndexes, t.Commit()
// Get returns the value of a key
func (t *Tree) Get(key []byte) []byte { // Do something with error
var value []byte
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
value, _ = t.Tree.GetWithRoot(key, t.snapshotRoot)
} else {
value, _ = t.Tree.Get(key)
return value
// GenProof generates a merkle tree proof that can be later used on CheckProof() to validate it.
func (t *Tree) GenProof(index, value []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
var ap [][]byte
var pvalue, bitmap []byte
var length int
var included bool
key := asmt.Hasher(index)
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
bitmap, ap, length, included, _, pvalue, err = t.Tree.MerkleProofCompressedR(key,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
bitmap, ap, length, included, _, pvalue, err = t.Tree.MerkleProofCompressed(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !included {
return nil, nil
if !bytes.Equal(pvalue, asmt.Hasher(value)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect value or key on genProof")
return bare.Marshal(&Proof{Bitmap: bitmap, Length: length, Siblings: ap, Value: pvalue})
// CheckProof validates a merkle proof and its data.
func (t *Tree) CheckProof(index, value, root, mproof []byte) (bool, error) {
p := Proof{}
if err := bare.Unmarshal(mproof, &p); err != nil {
return false, err
if !bytes.Equal(p.Value, asmt.Hasher(value)) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("values mismatch %x != %x", p.Value, asmt.Hasher(value))
if root != nil {
return t.Tree.VerifyInclusionWithRootC(
p.Length), nil
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return t.Tree.VerifyInclusionWithRootC(
p.Length), nil
return t.Tree.VerifyInclusionC(
p.Length), nil
// Root returns the current root hash of the merkle tree
func (t *Tree) Root() []byte {
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return t.snapshotRoot
return t.Tree.Root
// Dump returns the whole merkle tree serialized in a format that can be used on Import.
// Byte seralization is performed using bare message protocol, it is a 40% size win over JSON.
func (t *Tree) Dump(root []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if root == nil && t.snapshotRoot != nil {
root = t.snapshotRoot
dump := exportData{}
t.iterateWithRoot(root, nil, func(k, v []byte) bool {
ee := exportElement{Key: make([]byte, len(k)), Value: make([]byte, len(v))}
// Copy elements since it's not safe to hold on to the []byte values from Iterate
copy(ee.Key, k[:])
copy(ee.Value, v[:])
dump.Elements = append(dump.Elements, ee)
return false
return bare.Marshal(&dump)
// String returns a human readable representation of the tree.
func (t *Tree) String() string {
s := bytes.Buffer{}
t.iterate(t.snapshotRoot, func(k, v []byte) bool {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%x => %x\n", k, v))
return false
return s.String()
// Size returns the number of leaf nodes on the merkle tree.
// TO-DO: root is currently ignored
func (t *Tree) Size(root []byte) (int64, error) {
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return int64(t.snapshotSize), nil
return int64(t.count()), nil
// DumpPlain returns the entire list of added claims for a specific root hash.
// First return parametre are the indexes and second the values.
// If root is not specified, the last one is used.
func (t *Tree) DumpPlain(root []byte) ([][]byte, [][]byte, error) {
var indexes, values [][]byte
var err error
t.iterateWithRoot(root, nil, func(k, v []byte) bool {
indexes = append(indexes, k)
values = append(values, v)
return false
return indexes, values, err
// ImportDump imports a partial or whole tree previously exported with Dump()
func (t *Tree) ImportDump(data []byte) error {
if t.snapshotRoot != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot import to a snapshot")
census := new(exportData)
if err := bare.Unmarshal(data, census); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("importdump cannot unmarshal data: %w", err)
keys := [][]byte{}
values := [][]byte{}
for _, ee := range census.Elements {
keys = append(keys, ee.Key)
values = append(values, ee.Value)
_, err := t.Tree.Update(keys, values)
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.size, 0) // TBD: improve this
return t.Commit()
// Snapshot returns a Tree instance of a exiting merkle root.
// A Snapshot cannot be modified.
func (t *Tree) Snapshot(root []byte) (censustree.Tree, error) {
exist, err := t.HashExists(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exist {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("root %x does not exist, cannot build snapshot", root)
return &Tree{Tree: t.Tree, public: t.public, snapshotRoot: root, snapshotSize: t.count()}, nil
func (t *Tree) Close() error {
return nil
// HashExists checks if a hash exists as a node in the merkle tree
func (t *Tree) HashExists(hash []byte) (bool, error) {
return t.Tree.TrieRootExists(hash), nil
func (t *Tree) count() uint64 {
if v := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.size); v != 0 {
return v
counter := uint64(0)
if err := t.Tree.Walk(t.snapshotRoot, func(*asmt.WalkResult) int32 {
return 0
}); err != nil {
return 0
atomic.StoreUint64(&t.size, counter)
return counter
func (t *Tree) iterate(prefix []byte, callback func(key, value []byte) bool) {
t.Tree.Walk(t.snapshotRoot, func(v *asmt.WalkResult) int32 {
if callback(v.Key, v.Value) {
return 1
} else {
return 0
func (t *Tree) iterateWithRoot(root, prefix []byte, callback func(key, value []byte) bool) {
t.Tree.Walk(root, func(v *asmt.WalkResult) int32 {
if callback(v.Key, v.Value) {
return 1
} else {
return 0