You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

883 lines
24 KiB

* @file
* @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt
package trie
import (
func TestTrieEmpty(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
if len(smt.Root) != 0 {
t.Fatal("empty trie root hash not correct")
func TestTrieUpdateAndGet(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
smt.atomicUpdate = false
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
ch := make(chan mresult, 1)
smt.update(smt.Root, keys, values, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
res := <-ch
root := res.update
// Check all keys have been stored
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.get(root, key, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("value not updated")
// Append to the trie
newKeys := getFreshData(5, 32)
newValues := getFreshData(5, 32)
ch = make(chan mresult, 1)
smt.update(root, newKeys, newValues, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
res = <-ch
newRoot := res.update
if bytes.Equal(root, newRoot) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
for i, newKey := range newKeys {
newValue, _ := smt.get(newRoot, newKey, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight)
if !bytes.Equal(newValues[i], newValue) {
t.Fatal("failed to get value")
func TestTrieAtomicUpdate(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
keys := getFreshData(1, 32)
values := getFreshData(1, 32)
root, _ := smt.AtomicUpdate(keys, values)
updatedNb := len(smt.db.updatedNodes)
cacheNb := len(smt.db.liveCache)
newvalues := getFreshData(1, 32)
smt.AtomicUpdate(keys, newvalues)
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != 2*updatedNb {
t.Fatal("Atomic update doesnt store all tries")
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != cacheNb {
t.Fatal("Cache size should remain the same")
// check keys of previous atomic update are accessible in
// updated nodes with root.
smt.atomicUpdate = false
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.get(root, key, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("failed to get value")
func TestTriePublicUpdateAndGet(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(20, 32)
values := getFreshData(20, 32)
root, _ := smt.Update(keys, values)
updatedNb := len(smt.db.updatedNodes)
cacheNb := len(smt.db.liveCache)
// Check all keys have been stored
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
if !bytes.Equal(root, smt.Root) {
t.Fatal("Root not stored")
newValues := getFreshData(20, 32)
smt.Update(keys, newValues)
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != updatedNb {
t.Fatal("multiple updates don't actualise updated nodes")
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != cacheNb {
t.Fatal("multiple updates don't actualise liveCache")
// Check all keys have been modified
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(newValues[i], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
func TestGetWithRoot(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := t.TempDir()
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(20, 32)
values := getFreshData(20, 32)
root, _ := smt.Update(keys, values)
// Check all keys have been stored
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
if !bytes.Equal(root, smt.Root) {
t.Fatal("Root not stored")
if err := smt.Commit(); err != nil {
// Delete two values (0 and 1)
if _, err := smt.Update([][]byte{keys[0], keys[1]}, [][]byte{DefaultLeaf, DefaultLeaf}); err != nil {
// Change one value
oldValue3 := make([]byte, 32)
copy(oldValue3, values[3])
values[3] = getFreshData(1, 32)[0]
if _, err := smt.Update([][]byte{keys[3]}, [][]byte{values[3]}); err != nil {
// Check root has been actually updated
if bytes.Equal(smt.Root, root) {
t.Fatal("root not updated")
// Get the third value with the new root
v3, err := smt.GetWithRoot(keys[3], smt.Root)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(v3, values[3]) {
t.Fatalf("GetWithRoot did not keep the value: %x != %x", v3, values[3])
// Get the third value with the old root
v3, err = smt.GetWithRoot(keys[3], root)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(v3, oldValue3) {
t.Fatalf("GetWithRoot did not keep the value: %x != %x", v3, oldValue3)
func TestTrieWalk(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := t.TempDir()
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(20, 32)
values := getFreshData(20, 32)
root, _ := smt.Update(keys, values)
// Check all keys have been stored
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
if !bytes.Equal(root, smt.Root) {
t.Fatal("Root not stored")
// Walk over the whole tree and compare the values
i := 0
if err := smt.Walk(nil, func(v *WalkResult) int32 {
if !bytes.Equal(v.Value, values[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk value does not match %x != %x", v.Value, values[i])
if !bytes.Equal(v.Key, keys[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk key does not match %x != %x", v.Key, keys[i])
return 0
}); err != nil {
// Delete two values (0 and 3)
if _, err := smt.Update([][]byte{keys[0], keys[3]}, [][]byte{DefaultLeaf, DefaultLeaf}); err != nil {
// Delete two elements and walk again
i = 1
if err := smt.Walk(nil, func(v *WalkResult) int32 {
if i == 3 {
if !bytes.Equal(v.Value, values[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk value does not match %x == %x\n", v.Value, values[i])
if !bytes.Equal(v.Key, keys[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk key does not match %x == %x\n", v.Key, keys[i])
return 0
}); err != nil {
// Add one new value to preivous deleted key
values[3] = getFreshData(1, 32)[0]
if _, err := smt.Update([][]byte{keys[3]}, [][]byte{values[3]}); err != nil {
// Walk and check again
i = 1
if err := smt.Walk(nil, func(v *WalkResult) int32 {
if !bytes.Equal(v.Value, values[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk value does not match %x != %x\n", v.Value, values[i])
if !bytes.Equal(v.Key, keys[i]) {
t.Fatalf("walk key does not match %x != %x\n", v.Key, keys[i])
return 0
}); err != nil {
// Find a specific value and test stop
i = 0
if err := smt.Walk(nil, func(v *WalkResult) int32 {
if bytes.Equal(v.Value, values[5]) {
return 1
return 0
}); err != nil {
if i != 4 {
t.Fatalf("Needed more iterations on walk than expected: %d != 4", i)
func TestTrieDelete(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(20, 32)
values := getFreshData(20, 32)
ch := make(chan mresult, 1)
smt.update(smt.Root, keys, values, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
result := <-ch
root := result.update
value, _ := smt.get(root, keys[0], nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight)
if !bytes.Equal(values[0], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
// Delete from trie
// To delete a key, just set it's value to Default leaf hash.
ch = make(chan mresult, 1)
smt.update(root, keys[0:1], [][]byte{DefaultLeaf}, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
result = <-ch
updatedNb := len(smt.db.updatedNodes)
newRoot := result.update
newValue, _ := smt.get(newRoot, keys[0], nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight)
if len(newValue) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Failed to delete from trie")
// Remove deleted key from keys and check root with a clean trie.
smt2 := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
ch = make(chan mresult, 1)
smt2.update(smt.Root, keys[1:], values[1:], nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
result = <-ch
cleanRoot := result.update
if !bytes.Equal(newRoot, cleanRoot) {
t.Fatal("roots mismatch")
if len(smt2.db.updatedNodes) != updatedNb {
t.Fatal("deleting doesn't actualise updated nodes")
//Empty the trie
var newValues [][]byte
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
newValues = append(newValues, DefaultLeaf)
ch = make(chan mresult, 1)
smt.update(root, keys, newValues, nil, 0, smt.TrieHeight, ch)
result = <-ch
root = result.update
//if !bytes.Equal(smt.DefaultHash(256), root) {
if len(root) != 0 {
t.Fatal("empty trie root hash not correct")
// Test deleting an already empty key
smt = NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
keys = getFreshData(2, 32)
values = getFreshData(2, 32)
root, _ = smt.Update(keys, values)
key0 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
key1 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
smt.Update([][]byte{key0, key1}, [][]byte{DefaultLeaf, DefaultLeaf})
if !bytes.Equal(root, smt.Root) {
t.Fatal("deleting a default key shouldnt' modify the tree")
// test updating and deleting at the same time
func TestTrieUpdateAndDelete(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
key0 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
values := getFreshData(1, 32)
root, _ := smt.Update([][]byte{key0}, values)
cacheNb := len(smt.db.liveCache)
updatedNb := len(smt.db.updatedNodes)
smt.atomicUpdate = false
_, _, k, v, isShortcut, _ := smt.loadChildren(root, smt.TrieHeight, 0, nil)
if !isShortcut || !bytes.Equal(k[:HashLength], key0) || !bytes.Equal(v[:HashLength], values[0]) {
t.Fatal("leaf shortcut didn't move up to root")
key1 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
// set the last bit
bitSet(key1, 255)
keys := [][]byte{key0, key1}
values = [][]byte{DefaultLeaf, getFreshData(1, 32)[0]}
root, _ = smt.Update(keys, values)
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != cacheNb {
t.Fatal("number of cache nodes not correct after delete")
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != updatedNb {
t.Fatal("number of cache nodes not correct after delete")
smt.atomicUpdate = false
_, _, k, v, isShortcut, _ = smt.loadChildren(root, smt.TrieHeight, 0, nil)
if !isShortcut || !bytes.Equal(k[:HashLength], key1) || !bytes.Equal(v[:HashLength], values[1]) {
t.Fatal("leaf shortcut didn't move up to root")
func TestTrieMerkleProof(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
for i, key := range keys {
ap, _, k, v, _ := smt.MerkleProof(key)
if !smt.VerifyInclusion(ap, key, values[i]) {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify inclusion proof")
if !bytes.Equal(key, k) && !bytes.Equal(values[i], v) {
t.Fatalf("merkle proof didnt return the correct key-value pair")
emptyKey := Hasher([]byte("non-member"))
ap, included, proofKey, proofValue, _ := smt.MerkleProof(emptyKey)
if included {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify non inclusion proof")
if !smt.VerifyNonInclusion(ap, emptyKey, proofValue, proofKey) {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify non inclusion proof")
func TestTrieMerkleProofCompressed(t *testing.T) {
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
for i, key := range keys {
bitmap, ap, length, _, k, v, _ := smt.MerkleProofCompressed(key)
if !smt.VerifyInclusionC(bitmap, key, values[i], ap, length) {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify inclusion proof")
if !bytes.Equal(key, k) && !bytes.Equal(values[i], v) {
t.Fatalf("merkle proof didnt return the correct key-value pair")
emptyKey := Hasher([]byte("non-member"))
bitmap, ap, length, included, proofKey, proofValue, _ := smt.MerkleProofCompressed(emptyKey)
if included {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify non inclusion proof")
if !smt.VerifyNonInclusionC(ap, length, bitmap, emptyKey, proofValue, proofKey) {
t.Fatalf("failed to verify non inclusion proof")
func TestTrieCommit(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
// liveCache is deleted so the key is fetched in badger db
smt.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(value, values[i]) {
t.Fatal("failed to get value in committed db")
func TestTrieStageUpdates(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
txn := st.NewTx()
// liveCache is deleted so the key is fetched in badger db
smt.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(value, values[i]) {
t.Fatal("failed to get value in committed db")
func TestTrieRevert(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
// Edge case : Test that revert doesnt delete shortcut nodes
// when moved to a different position in tree
key0 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
key1 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
// setting the bit at 251 creates 2 shortcut batches at height 252
bitSet(key1, 251)
values := getFreshData(2, 32)
keys := [][]byte{key0, key1}
root, _ := smt.Update([][]byte{key0}, [][]byte{values[0]})
root2, _ := smt.Update([][]byte{key1}, [][]byte{values[1]})
if len(smt.db.Store.Get(root)) == 0 {
t.Fatal("shortcut node shouldnt be deleted by revert")
if len(smt.db.Store.Get(root2)) != 0 {
t.Fatal("reverted root should have been deleted")
key1 = make([]byte, 32, 32)
// setting the bit at 255 stores the keys as the tip
bitSet(key1, 255)
smt.Update([][]byte{key1}, [][]byte{values[1]})
if len(smt.db.Store.Get(root)) == 0 {
t.Fatal("shortcut node shouldnt be deleted by revert")
// Test all nodes are reverted in the usual case
// Add data to empty trie
keys = getFreshData(10, 32)
values = getFreshData(10, 32)
root, _ = smt.Update(keys, values)
// Update the values
newValues := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, newValues)
updatedNodes1 := smt.db.updatedNodes
newKeys := getFreshData(10, 32)
newValues = getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(newKeys, newValues)
updatedNodes2 := smt.db.updatedNodes
if !bytes.Equal(smt.Root, root) {
t.Fatal("revert failed")
if len(smt.pastTries) != 2 { // contains empty trie + reverted trie
t.Fatal("past tries not updated after revert")
// Check all keys have been reverted
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("revert failed, values not updated")
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != 0 {
t.Fatal("live cache not reset after revert")
// Check all reverted nodes have been deleted
for node, _ := range updatedNodes2 {
if len(smt.db.Store.Get(node[:])) != 0 {
t.Fatal("nodes not deleted from database", node)
for node, _ := range updatedNodes1 {
if len(smt.db.Store.Get(node[:])) != 0 {
t.Fatal("nodes not deleted from database", node)
func TestTrieRaisesError(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values := getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
smt.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
smt.db.updatedNodes = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
// Check errors are raised is a keys is not in cache nore db
for _, key := range keys {
_, err := smt.Get(key)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database doesnt have a node")
_, _, _, _, _, _, err := smt.MerkleProofCompressed(keys[0])
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database doesnt have a node")
_, err = smt.Update(keys, values)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database doesnt have a node")
smt = NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
err = smt.Commit()
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database not connected")
smt.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
smt.atomicUpdate = false
_, _, _, _, _, err = smt.loadChildren(make([]byte, 32, 32), smt.TrieHeight, 0, nil)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database not connected")
err = smt.LoadCache(make([]byte, 32))
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Error not created if database not connected")
func TestTrieLoadCache(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
// Test size of cache
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 0
key0 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
key1 := make([]byte, 32, 32)
bitSet(key1, 255)
values := getFreshData(2, 32)
smt.Update([][]byte{key0, key1}, values)
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != 66 {
// the nodes are at the tip, so 64 + 2 = 66
t.Fatal("cache size incorrect")
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(10, 32)
values = getFreshData(10, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
// Simulate node restart by deleting and loading cache
cacheSize := len(smt.db.liveCache)
smt.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
err := smt.LoadCache(smt.Root)
if err != nil {
if cacheSize != len(smt.db.liveCache) {
t.Fatal("Cache loading from db incorrect")
func TestHeight0LeafShortcut(t *testing.T) {
keySize := 32
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, nil)
// Add 2 sibling keys that will be stored at height 0
key0 := make([]byte, keySize, keySize)
key1 := make([]byte, keySize, keySize)
bitSet(key1, keySize*8-1)
keys := [][]byte{key0, key1}
values := getFreshData(2, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
updatedNb := len(smt.db.updatedNodes)
// Check all keys have been stored
for i, key := range keys {
value, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(values[i], value) {
t.Fatal("trie not updated")
bitmap, ap, length, _, k, v, err := smt.MerkleProofCompressed(key1)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(key1, k) && !bytes.Equal(values[1], v) {
t.Fatalf("merkle proof didnt return the correct key-value pair")
if length != smt.TrieHeight {
t.Fatal("proof should have length equal to trie height for a leaf shortcut")
if !smt.VerifyInclusionC(bitmap, key1, values[1], ap, length) {
t.Fatal("failed to verify inclusion proof")
// Delete one key and check that the remaining one moved up to the root of the tree
newRoot, _ := smt.AtomicUpdate(keys[0:1], [][]byte{DefaultLeaf})
// Nb of updated nodes remains same because the new shortcut root was already stored at height 0.
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != updatedNb {
fmt.Println(len(smt.db.updatedNodes), updatedNb)
t.Fatal("number of cache nodes not correct after delete")
smt.atomicUpdate = false
_, _, k, v, isShortcut, err := smt.loadChildren(newRoot, smt.TrieHeight, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
if !isShortcut || !bytes.Equal(k[:HashLength], key1) || !bytes.Equal(v[:HashLength], values[1]) {
t.Fatal("leaf shortcut didn't move up to root")
_, _, length, _, k, v, _ = smt.MerkleProofCompressed(key1)
if length != 0 {
t.Fatal("proof should have length equal to trie height for a leaf shortcut")
if !bytes.Equal(key1, k) && !bytes.Equal(values[1], v) {
t.Fatalf("merkle proof didnt return the correct key-value pair")
func TestStash(t *testing.T) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
// Add data to empty trie
keys := getFreshData(20, 32)
values := getFreshData(20, 32)
root, _ := smt.Update(keys, values)
cacheSize := len(smt.db.liveCache)
if len(smt.pastTries) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Past tries not updated after commit")
values = getFreshData(20, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
if len(smt.pastTries) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Past tries not updated after commit")
if !bytes.Equal(smt.Root, root) {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != cacheSize {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
keys = getFreshData(20, 32)
values = getFreshData(20, 32)
smt.AtomicUpdate(keys, values)
values = getFreshData(20, 32)
smt.AtomicUpdate(keys, values)
if len(smt.pastTries) != 3 {
t.Fatal("Past tries not updated after commit")
if !bytes.Equal(smt.Root, root) {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
if len(smt.db.updatedNodes) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
if len(smt.db.liveCache) != cacheSize {
t.Fatal("Trie not rolled back")
if len(smt.pastTries) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Past tries not updated after commit")
func benchmark10MAccounts10Ktps(smt *Trie, b *testing.B) {
keys := getFreshData(100, 32)
values := getFreshData(100, 32)
smt.Update(keys, values)
fmt.Println("\nLoading b.N x 1000 accounts")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
newkeys := getFreshData(1000, 32)
newvalues := getFreshData(1000, 32)
start := time.Now()
smt.Update(newkeys, newvalues)
end := time.Now()
end2 := time.Now()
for j, key := range newkeys {
val, _ := smt.Get(key)
if !bytes.Equal(val, newvalues[j]) {
b.Fatal("new key not included")
end3 := time.Now()
elapsed := end.Sub(start)
elapsed2 := end2.Sub(end)
elapsed3 := end3.Sub(end2)
var m runtime.MemStats
fmt.Println(i, " : update time : ", elapsed, "commit time : ", elapsed2,
"\n1000 Get time : ", elapsed3,
"\ndb read : ", smt.LoadDbCounter, " cache read : ", smt.LoadCacheCounter,
"\ncache size : ", len(smt.db.liveCache),
"\nRAM : ", m.Sys/1024/1024, " MiB")
//go test -run=xxx -bench=. -benchmem -test.benchtime=20s
func BenchmarkCacheHeightLimit233(b *testing.B) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 233
benchmark10MAccounts10Ktps(smt, b)
func BenchmarkCacheHeightLimit238(b *testing.B) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 238
benchmark10MAccounts10Ktps(smt, b)
func BenchmarkCacheHeightLimit245(b *testing.B) {
dbPath := path.Join(".aergo", "db")
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0711)
st := db.NewDB(db.BadgerImpl, dbPath)
smt := NewTrie(nil, Hasher, st)
smt.CacheHeightLimit = 245
benchmark10MAccounts10Ktps(smt, b)
func getFreshData(size, length int) [][]byte {
var data [][]byte
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
key := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(key)
if err != nil {
data = append(data, Hasher(key)[:length])
return data