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* @file
* @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt
package trie
import (
// Revert rewinds the state tree to a previous version
// All the nodes (subtree roots and values) reverted are deleted from the database.
func (s *Trie) Revert(toOldRoot []byte) error {
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
// safety precaution if reverting to a shortcut batch that might have been deleted
s.atomicUpdate = false // so loadChildren doesnt return a copy
batch, _, _, _, isShortcut, err := s.loadChildren(toOldRoot, s.TrieHeight, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
//check if toOldRoot is in s.pastTries
canRevert := false
toIndex := 0
for i, r := range s.pastTries {
if bytes.Equal(r, toOldRoot) {
canRevert = true
toIndex = i
if !canRevert || bytes.Equal(s.Root, toOldRoot) {
return fmt.Errorf("The root cannot be reverted, because already latest of not in pastTries : current : %x, target : %x", s.Root, toOldRoot)
// For every node of toOldRoot, compare it to the equivalent node in other pasttries between toOldRoot and current s.Root. If a node is different, delete the one from pasttries
s.db.nodesToRevert = make([][]byte, 0)
for i := toIndex + 1; i < len(s.pastTries); i++ {
ch := make(chan error, 1)
s.maybeDeleteSubTree(toOldRoot, s.pastTries[i], s.TrieHeight, 0, nil, nil, ch)
err := <-ch
if err != nil {
return err
// NOTE The tx interface doesnt handle ErrTxnTooBig
txn := s.db.Store.NewTx()
for _, key := range s.db.nodesToRevert {
s.pastTries = s.pastTries[:toIndex+1]
s.Root = toOldRoot
s.db.liveCache = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
s.db.updatedNodes = make(map[Hash][][]byte)
if isShortcut {
// If toOldRoot is a shortcut batch, it is possible that
// revert has deleted it if the key was ever stored at height0
// because in leafHash byte(0) = byte(256)
s.db.Store.Set(toOldRoot, s.db.serializeBatch(batch))
return nil
// maybeDeleteSubTree compares the subtree nodes of 2 tries and keeps only the older one
func (s *Trie) maybeDeleteSubTree(original, maybeDelete []byte, height, iBatch int, batch, batch2 [][]byte, ch chan<- (error)) {
if height == 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(original, maybeDelete) && len(maybeDelete) != 0 {
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(maybeDelete, 0)
ch <- nil
if bytes.Equal(original, maybeDelete) || len(maybeDelete) == 0 {
ch <- nil
// if this point os reached, then the root of the batch is same
// so the batch is also same.
batch, iBatch, lnode, rnode, isShortcut, lerr := s.loadChildren(original, height, iBatch, batch)
if lerr != nil {
ch <- lerr
batch2, _, lnode2, rnode2, isShortcut2, rerr := s.loadChildren(maybeDelete, height, iBatch, batch2)
if rerr != nil {
ch <- rerr
if isShortcut != isShortcut2 {
if isShortcut {
ch1 := make(chan error, 1)
s.deleteSubTree(maybeDelete, height, iBatch, batch2, ch1)
err := <-ch1
if err != nil {
ch <- err
} else {
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(maybeDelete, iBatch)
} else {
if isShortcut {
// Delete shortcut if not equal
if !bytes.Equal(lnode, lnode2) || !bytes.Equal(rnode, rnode2) {
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(maybeDelete, iBatch)
} else {
// Delete subtree if not equal
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(maybeDelete, iBatch)
ch1 := make(chan error, 1)
ch2 := make(chan error, 1)
go s.maybeDeleteSubTree(lnode, lnode2, height-1, 2*iBatch+1, batch, batch2, ch1)
go s.maybeDeleteSubTree(rnode, rnode2, height-1, 2*iBatch+2, batch, batch2, ch2)
err1, err2 := <-ch1, <-ch2
if err1 != nil {
ch <- err1
if err2 != nil {
ch <- err2
ch <- nil
// deleteSubTree deletes all the nodes contained in a tree
func (s *Trie) deleteSubTree(root []byte, height, iBatch int, batch [][]byte, ch chan<- (error)) {
if len(root) == 0 || height == 0 {
if height == 0 {
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(root, 0)
ch <- nil
batch, iBatch, lnode, rnode, isShortcut, err := s.loadChildren(root, height, iBatch, batch)
if err != nil {
ch <- err
if !isShortcut {
ch1 := make(chan error, 1)
ch2 := make(chan error, 1)
go s.deleteSubTree(lnode, height-1, 2*iBatch+1, batch, ch1)
go s.deleteSubTree(rnode, height-1, 2*iBatch+2, batch, ch2)
lerr := <-ch1
rerr := <-ch2
if lerr != nil {
ch <- lerr
if rerr != nil {
ch <- rerr
s.maybeDeleteRevertedNode(root, iBatch)
ch <- nil
// maybeDeleteRevertedNode adds the node to updatedNodes to be reverted
// if it is a batch node at height%4 == 0
func (s *Trie) maybeDeleteRevertedNode(root []byte, iBatch int) {
if iBatch == 0 {
s.db.nodesToRevert = append(s.db.nodesToRevert, root)