- [Electron Labs - Intro to Circom](https://docs.electronlabs.org/intro-to-circom) - Usage of language syntax and programming practices
- [BattleZips Zero Knowledge Crash Course](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcVGZqz46ELMsjVRIr0VOxw) - Tutorial on building a battleship game on Ethereum & Circom
- [Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proof](https://github.com/enricobottazzi/ZKverse) - Tutorial inspired by the presentation "All About the ZkVerse | Polygon" performed by Jordi Baylina at EthDenver22
## Papers
> Papers on Circom related constructions and primitives implemented in the circomlib standard library
- [CIRCOM: A Robust and Scalable Language for Building Complex Zero-Knowledge CircuitsComplex Zero-Knowledge Circuits](https://www.techrxiv.org/articles/preprint/CIRCOM_A_Robust_and_Scalable_Language_for_Building_Complex_Zero-Knowledge_Circuits/19374986/1/files/34409498.pdf)