@ -15,11 +15,25 @@ use ark_std::{rand::Rng, UniformRand};
use poseidon_ark ::Poseidon ;
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(not(feature = " wasm " )) ]
use blake_hash ::Digest ; // compatible version with Blake used at circomlib
#[ cfg(not(feature = " wasm " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " aarch64 " ) ]
extern crate blake ; // compatible version with Blake used at circomlib
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " wasm " ) ]
extern crate blake2 ; // non-compatible version with Blake used at circomlib
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " wasm " ) ]
use blake2 ::digest ::Digest ;
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " wasm " ) ]
use blake2 ::Blake2b512 ;
use generic_array ::GenericArray ;
use ark_ff ::fields ::{ Fp256 , MontBackend , MontConfig } ;
@ -229,11 +243,13 @@ pub fn test_bit(b: &[u8], i: usize) -> bool {
// }
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(not(feature = " wasm " )) ]
fn blh ( b : & [ u8 ] ) -> Vec < u8 > {
let hash = blake_hash ::Blake512 ::digest ( b ) ;
hash . to_vec ( )
#[ cfg(not(feature = " wasm " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " aarch64 " ) ]
fn blh ( b : & [ u8 ] ) -> Vec < u8 > {
let mut hash = [ 0 ; 64 ] ;
@ -241,6 +257,15 @@ fn blh(b: &[u8]) -> Vec {
hash . to_vec ( )
#[ cfg(not(feature = " aarch64 " )) ]
#[ cfg(feature = " wasm " ) ]
fn blh ( b : & [ u8 ] ) -> Vec < u8 > {
// not-compatible with circomlib implementation, but using Blake2b
let mut hasher = Blake2b512 ::new ( ) ;
hasher . update ( b ) ;
hasher . finalize ( ) . to_vec ( )
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct Signature {
pub r_b8 : Point ,
@ -347,8 +372,8 @@ impl PrivateKey {
let mut s = self . scalar_key ( ) * Fr ::from ( 8_ u8 ) ;
// let hm_b = BigInt::parse_bytes(to_hex(&hm).as_bytes(), 16).unwrap();
// let hm_b = BigInt::parse_bytes(&hm.into_bigint().to_bytes_be(), 16).unwrap();
let hm_b = Fr ::from_le_bytes_mod_order ( & hm . into_bigint ( ) . to_bytes_le ( ) ) ;
s = hm_b * s ;
let hm_Fr = Fr ::from_le_bytes_mod_order ( & hm . into_bigint ( ) . to_bytes_le ( ) ) ;
s = hm_Fr * s ;
s = r + s ;
// s %= &SUBORDER.clone();