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more ready for a PR

Nanak Nihal Khalsa 1 year ago
1 changed files with 67 additions and 108 deletions
  1. +67

+ 67
- 108

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
// For LICENSE check
use ff::*;
use rand::ThreadRng;
use std::{iter::Sum, ops::{Neg, AddAssign}, fmt::Error};
use std::fmt::Error;
use num::Num;
use std::fmt;
use serde::{Serialize, ser::SerializeStruct, de::Visitor, de::MapAccess, Deserialize, Deserializer};
@ -93,15 +92,12 @@ lazy_static! {
>> 3;
pub static ref POSEIDON: poseidon_rs::Poseidon = Poseidon::new();
// MAX_MSG is maximum message length that can be encoded into a point. This will be Q / KOBLITZ_NUMBER
// MAX_MSG is maximum message length that can be encoded into a point
pub static ref MAX_MSG: BigInt = BigInt::parse_bytes(
>> 10;
// An arbitrary number for Koblitz method of encoding string to point. 1024 is convenient compared to original 1000 to do bitshifts instead of multiplications/divisions
// pub static ref KOBLITZ_NUMBER: Fr = Fr::from_str("1024").unwrap();
// pub static ref KOBLITZ_NUMBER_INV: Fr = Fr::from_str("1024").unwrap().inverse().unwrap();
@ -227,28 +223,6 @@ impl FrBigIntConversion for Fl {
// pub struct FrWrapper {
// pub fr: Fr
// }
// impl FrWrapper {
// pub fn from_fr(fr: Fr) -> FrWrapper {
// FrWrapper { fr: fr }
// }
// }
// impl Sum for FrWrapper {
// fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
// iter.reduce(
// |frw1,frw2| {
// let mut tmp =;
// tmp.add_assign(&;
// FrWrapper { fr: tmp }
// }
// ).unwrap()
// }
// }
impl Serialize for Point {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
@ -368,11 +342,11 @@ impl Point {
// Koblitz decoding method, adapted for this curve:
// message m must be < r/(2^10) //using 2^10=1024 instead of Koblitz' parameter of 1000, so arithmetic can happen easily mod 2. This shouldn't have any (negative) impact:
// Try finding a point with y value m*1024+0, m*1024+1, .... m*1024+5617 (5617 are last four digits of prime r)
// There is an approximately 1/(2^1024) chance no point will be encodable,
// since each y value has probability of about 1/2 of being on the curve
/// Koblitz decoding method, adapted for this curve:
/// message m must be < r/(2^10) //using 2^10=1024 instead of Koblitz' parameter of 1000, so arithmetic can happen easily mod 2. This shouldn't have any (negative) impact:
/// Try finding a point with y value m*1024+0, m*1024+1, .... m*1024+5617 (5617 are last four digits of prime r)
/// There is an approximately 1/(2^1024) chance no point will be encodable,
/// since each y value has probability of about 1/2 of being on the curve
pub fn from_msg_vartime(msg: &BigInt) -> Option<Point> {
let ACC_UNDER = 1024; // Last four digits of prime r. MAX_MSG * 1024 + ACC_UNDER = r
@ -413,19 +387,16 @@ impl Point {
return None
// // Unwrap y since we can't be 100% sure at compile-time it will have been found; it may still be a None value!
// Point {x:x, y:y.unwrap()}
// Converts a point to a message by dividing by 1024 (a.k.a. right-shifting by 10)
/// Converts a point to a message by dividing its x by 1024 (a.k.a. right-shifting by 10)
pub fn to_msg(&self) -> Fr {
let mut msg = self.x.clone().into_repr();
/// Checks that a point is on the BabyJubJub curve. Does not check the point is in the correct subgroup.
pub fn on_curve(&self) -> bool {
let mut x2 = self.x.clone();
let mut y2 = self.y.clone();
@ -444,7 +415,7 @@ impl Point {
// This could be made more efficeint by using static ref to O
/// Checks that a point's order is equal to the subgroup order. Does not check the point is on the curve.
pub fn in_subgroup(&self) -> bool {
let should_be_zero = self.mul_scalar(&SUBORDER);
@ -500,9 +471,6 @@ pub fn decompress_point(bb: [u8; 32]) -> Result {
#[cfg(not(feature = "aarch64"))]
fn blh(b: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
// println!("hashing {:?} {:?}", b.len(), b);
// let debugggggggggme = blake_hash::Blake512::digest(b);
// println!("debugging {:?}", debugggggggggme);
let hash = blake_hash::Blake512::digest(b);
@ -514,24 +482,17 @@ fn blh(b: &[u8]) -> Vec {
// pub fn blh(b: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
// let mut h = Blake2b512::new();
// h.update(b);
// let digest = h.finalize();
// return digest[..].to_vec();
// }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct Signature {
pub r_b8: Point,
pub s: String,
pub s: BigInt,
impl Signature {
pub fn compress(&self) -> [u8; 64] {
let mut b: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
b.append(&mut self.r_b8.compress().to_vec());
let (_, s_bytes) = self.s.parse::<BigInt>().unwrap().to_bytes_le();
let (_, s_bytes) = self.s.to_bytes_le();
let mut s_32bytes: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let len = min(s_bytes.len(), s_32bytes.len());
@ -548,7 +509,7 @@ pub fn decompress_signature(b: &[u8; 64]) -> Result {
let r_b8 = decompress_point(r_b8_bytes);
match r_b8 {
Result::Err(err) => Err(err),
Result::Ok(res) => Ok(Signature { r_b8: res, s: s.to_string() }),
Result::Ok(res) => Ok(Signature { r_b8: res, s }),
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
@ -558,7 +519,7 @@ pub struct ElGamalEncryption {
pub struct PrivateKey {
key: [u8; 32],
pub key: [u8; 32],
impl PrivateKey {
@ -622,13 +583,13 @@ impl PrivateKey {
let hm_input = vec![r_b8.x, r_b8.y, a.x, a.y, msg_fr];
let hm = POSEIDON.hash(hm_input)?;
let mut s: BigInt = &self.scalar_key() << 3;
let mut s = &self.scalar_key() << 3;
let hm_b = BigInt::parse_bytes(to_hex(&hm).as_bytes(), 16).unwrap();
s = hm_b * s;
s = r + s;
s %= &SUBORDER.clone();
Ok(Signature { r_b8, s: s.to_string() })
Ok(Signature { r_b8, s: s })
@ -718,7 +679,7 @@ pub fn verify(pk: Point, sig: Signature, msg: BigInt) -> bool {
Result::Err(_) => return false,
Result::Ok(hm) => hm,
let l = B8.mul_scalar(&sig.s.parse::<BigInt>().unwrap());
let l = B8.mul_scalar(&sig.s);
let hm_b = BigInt::parse_bytes(to_hex(&hm).as_bytes(), 16).unwrap();
let r = sig
@ -740,7 +701,6 @@ impl DLEQProof {
pub fn new(x: Fl, point_A: Point, point_B: Point) -> Result<DLEQProof, Error> {
let x_bigint = x.to_bigint();
// let modulus_overflowed = ORDER.clone(); // TODO: shouldn't this be the subgroup order? This is not order of Babyjubjub curve nor the subgroup; it's the order Babyjubjub is defined over
let modulus = SUBORDER.clone();
// TODO: better error handling (not assert), make it more efficient too:
assert!(x_bigint < modulus);
@ -1190,55 +1150,54 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(true, verification);
// Removed this because broke circom siganture compatability due to different blake hash function:
// #[test]
// fn test_circomlib_testvector() {
// let sk_raw_bytes =
// hex::decode("0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001")
// .unwrap();
// // test blake compatible with circomlib implementation
// let h: Vec<u8> = blh(&sk_raw_bytes);
// assert_eq!(hex::encode(h), "c992db23d6290c70ffcc02f7abeb00b9d00fa8b43e55d7949c28ba6be7545d3253882a61bd004a236ef1cdba01b27ba0aedfb08eefdbfb7c19657c880b43ddf1");
// // test private key
// let sk = PrivateKey::import(
// hex::decode("0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001")
// .unwrap(),
// )
// .unwrap();
// assert_eq!(
// sk.scalar_key().to_string(),
// "6466070937662820620902051049739362987537906109895538826186780010858059362905"
// );
// // test public key
// let pk = sk.public();
// assert_eq!(
// pk.x.to_string(),
// "Fr(0x1d5ac1f31407018b7d413a4f52c8f74463b30e6ac2238220ad8b254de4eaa3a2)"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// pk.y.to_string(),
// "Fr(0x1e1de8a908826c3f9ac2e0ceee929ecd0caf3b99b3ef24523aaab796a6f733c4)"
// );
// // test signature & verification
// let msg = BigInt::from_bytes_le(Sign::Plus, &hex::decode("00010203040506070809").unwrap());
// let sig = sk.sign(msg.clone()).unwrap();
// assert_eq!(
// sig.r_b8.x.to_string(),
// "Fr(0x192b4e51adf302c8139d356d0e08e2404b5ace440ef41fc78f5c4f2428df0765)"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// sig.r_b8.y.to_string(),
// "Fr(0x2202bebcf57b820863e0acc88970b6ca7d987a0d513c2ddeb42e3f5d31b4eddf)"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// sig.s.to_string(),
// "1672775540645840396591609181675628451599263765380031905495115170613215233181"
// );
// let v = verify(pk, sig, msg);
// assert_eq!(v, true);
// }
fn test_circomlib_testvector() {
let sk_raw_bytes =
// test blake compatible with circomlib implementation
let h: Vec<u8> = blh(&sk_raw_bytes);
assert_eq!(hex::encode(h), "c992db23d6290c70ffcc02f7abeb00b9d00fa8b43e55d7949c28ba6be7545d3253882a61bd004a236ef1cdba01b27ba0aedfb08eefdbfb7c19657c880b43ddf1");
// test private key
let sk = PrivateKey::import(
// test public key
let pk = sk.public();
// test signature & verification
let msg = BigInt::from_bytes_le(Sign::Plus, &hex::decode("00010203040506070809").unwrap());
let sig = sk.sign(msg.clone()).unwrap();
let v = verify(pk, sig, msg);
assert_eq!(v, true);
