# Peer To run as a normal peer: ``` ./peer ``` To run as a p2p server: ``` ./peer server ``` Needs the config.json file: ```json { "ip": "", "port": "3001", "serverip": "", "serverport": "3000" } ``` ## Peer REST API - GET / - Returns the peer.ID (where peer.ID = hash(peer.IP + ":" + peer.Port)) - GET /peers - Returns the peer outcomingPeersList (the peers which the peer have connection) ```json { "PeerID": "VOnL-15rFsUiCnRoyGFksKvWKcwNBRz5iarRem0Ilvo=", "peerslist": [ { "id": "VOnL-15rFsUiCnRoyGFksKvWKcwNBRz5iarRem0Ilvo=", "ip": "", "port": "3000", "role": "server", "conn": null }, { "id": "Lk9jEP1YcOAzl51yY61GdWADNe35_g5Teh12JeguHhA=", "ip": "", "port": "3003", "role": "client", "conn": {} }, { "id": "xj78wuyN2_thFBsXOUXnwij4L8vualxQ9GnVRK6RS4c=", "ip": "", "port": "3005", "role": "client", "conn": {} } ], "date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ``` - POST /register - Adds the address (pubK of the user) to the blockchain ## TODO - When a peer connects to the network, sends his last Block, and receives the new Blocks from this last Block --> DONE with REST petitions, maybe is better with tcp conn - Delete the peer from the peers list when the connection is closed --> DONE - REST: - endpoint to get if the address is in the blockchain (to verify users) - parameters Date or LastUpdate on the structs needs to be updated values - implement rsa encryption between peers - store blockchain in a .data file