@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as assert from 'assert' |
import * as BigInteger from 'bigi' |
import { keccak256 } from '@ethersproject/keccak256' |
import { pointFromHex, newKeyPair, newRequestParameters, blind, blindSign, unblind, verify, signatureFromHex, signatureToHex, messageToBigNumber, pointToHex } from '../src/index' |
import { pointFromHex, newKeyPair, newRequestParameters, blind, blindSign, unblind, verify, signatureFromHex, signatureToHex, messageToBigNumber, pointToHex, ecparams, newBigFromString, evenHex } from '../src/index' |
describe('keccak256', function () { |
it('should hash strings and big numbers', async () => { |
@ -71,3 +71,23 @@ describe('import point from hex', function () { |
assert.strictEqual(signatureToHex(signatureFromHex(originalSignatureHex)), originalSignatureHex) |
}) |
}) |
describe('Test hash m odd bytes', function () { |
it('should take odd hex value and prepare it (using evenHex) to be even for keccak256 input', async () => { |
// This test is made with same values than
// https://github.com/arnaucube/go-blindsecp256k1 to ensure
// compatibility
let m = newBigFromString("3024162961766929396601888431330224482373544644288322432261208139289299439809") |
let mHex = m.toString(16) |
assert.strictEqual(57, mHex.substr(6).length) |
let hHex = keccak256('0x' + evenHex(mHex).substr(6)).substr(2) |
let h = BigInteger.fromHex(hHex) |
assert.strictEqual("57523339312508913023232057765773019244858443678197951618720342803494056599369", h.toString()) |
mHex = m.toString(16) + "1234" |
assert.strictEqual(67, mHex.length) |
hHex = keccak256('0x' + evenHex(mHex)).substr(2) |
h = BigInteger.fromHex(hHex) |
assert.strictEqual("9697834584560956691445940439424778243200861871421750951058436814122640359156", h.toString()) |
}) |
}) |