@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<html> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title>blindsig-client-server-example</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h3>loop-test browser version</h3> |
<p>Open the console to see the logs (you may want to disable the 'Warnings' to avoid flooding the logs with innecessary messages)</p> |
<button onClick="start();">start()</button> |
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script> |
<script src="blindsecp256k1-browser.js"></script> |
<script src="loop.js"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
// This version uses https://github.com/arnaucube/blindsecp256k1-js
// const blindsecp256k1 = require('blindsecp256k1');
// const axios = require('axios');
let signerR, signerQ, m, mBlinded, userSecretData, blindedSig, sig, errCount, verified; |
const apiUrl = ""; |
function printPoint(name, p) { |
console.log(`${name}:\n x: ${p.affineX.toString()}\n y: ${p.affineY.toString()}`); |
} |
async function newRequest() { |
try { |
const res = await axios.get(apiUrl+'/request'); |
signerR = blindsecp256k1.Point.fromAffine(blindsecp256k1.ecparams, |
blindsecp256k1.newBigFromString(res.data.signerR.x), |
blindsecp256k1.newBigFromString(res.data.signerR.y)); |
signerQ = blindsecp256k1.Point.fromAffine(blindsecp256k1.ecparams, |
blindsecp256k1.newBigFromString(res.data.signerQ.x), |
blindsecp256k1.newBigFromString(res.data.signerQ.y)); |
let blindRes = blindsecp256k1.blind(m, signerR); |
mBlinded = blindRes.mBlinded; |
userSecretData = blindRes.userSecretData; |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
async function askBlindSign() { |
try { |
let data = { |
m: mBlinded.toString(), |
r: { |
x: signerR.affineX.toString(), |
y: signerR.affineY.toString() |
} |
}; |
let res = await axios.post(apiUrl+'/blindsign', data); |
blindedSig = blindsecp256k1.newBigFromString(res.data.sBlind); |
sig = blindsecp256k1.unblind( |
blindedSig, |
userSecretData); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
async function verify() { |
verified = blindsecp256k1.verify(m, sig, signerQ); |
if (!verified) { |
errCount++; |
printPoint("signerR", signerR); |
printPoint("signerQ", signerQ); |
console.log("m:", m.toString()); |
console.log("mBlinded:", mBlinded.toString()); |
console.log(`userSecretData:\n a: ${userSecretData.a.toString()}\n b: ${userSecretData.b.toString()}`); |
printPoint("userSecretData.f", userSecretData.f); |
console.log("blinded sig:", blindedSig.toString()); |
console.log("sig.s:", sig.s.toString()); |
printPoint("sig.f", sig.f); |
console.log("verify", verified); |
alert("ERROR") |
} |
} |
async function iteration() { |
await newRequest() |
await askBlindSign() |
await verify() |
} |
async function start() { |
errCount = 0; |
for (let i=0; i<10000; i++) { |
m = blindsecp256k1.newKeyPair().sk; |
await iteration() |
if (i%100 ==0) { |
console.log("number of iterations", i); |
} |
} |
console.log("errCount", errCount); |
} |