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package main
import (
blindsecp256k1 ""
var sk *blindsecp256k1.PrivateKey
var secretRs = make(map[string]*big.Int)
func getNewRequest(c *gin.Context) {
k, signerR := blindsecp256k1.NewRequestParameters()
key := signerR.X.String() + signerR.Y.String()
secretRs[key] = k
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"signerR": signerR, "signerQ": sk.Public().Point()})
type msgPostBlindSign struct {
M string `json:"m"`
R *blindsecp256k1.Point `json:"r"`
func postBlindSign(c *gin.Context) {
var msg msgPostBlindSign
m, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(msg.M, 10)
if !ok {
c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "can not parse m")
key := msg.R.X.String() + msg.R.Y.String()
if _, ok := secretRs[key]; !ok {
c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "unknown R")
k := secretRs[key]
sBlind, err := sk.BlindSign(m, k)
if err != nil {
c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "err on BlindSign: "+err.Error())
delete(secretRs, key)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"sBlind": sBlind.String()})
type msgPostVerify struct {
M string `json:"m"`
Sig *blindsecp256k1.Signature `json:"sig"`
Q *blindsecp256k1.PublicKey `json:"q"`
func postVerify(c *gin.Context) {
var msg msgPostVerify
m, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(msg.M, 10)
if !ok {
c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "can not parse m")
fmt.Println(msg.Sig.S, msg.Sig.F)
v := blindsecp256k1.Verify(m, msg.Sig, sk.Public())
fmt.Println("v", v)
if !v {
fmt.Println("m", m)
fmt.Println("sig.s", msg.Sig.S)
fmt.Println("sig.f", msg.Sig.F)
fmt.Println("pubk", sk.Public())
fmt.Println("q", msg.Q)
c.JSON(http.StatusNotAcceptable, gin.H{"verification": false})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"verification": v})
func main() {
secretRs = make(map[string]*big.Int)
sk = blindsecp256k1.NewPrivateKey()
r := gin.Default()
r.GET("/request", getNewRequest)
r.POST("/blindsign", postBlindSign)
r.POST("/verify", postVerify)
r.Static("/web", "./client")