### Notes:
Usually while reading papers I take handwritten notes, this section contains some of them re-written to LaTeX.
The notes are not complete, don’t include all the steps neither the explanations neither most of the proofs.
I use these notes to revisit the concepts after some time of reading the paper.
- [Notes on Halo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/math/master/notes_halo.pdf)
- [Notes on Sigma protocol and OR proofs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/math/master/sigma-or-notes.pdf)
- [Notes on BLS signatures](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/math/master/notes_bls-sig.pdf)
- [Notes on Sonic](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/math/master/notes_sonic.pdf)
- [Notes on Weil Pairing](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/math/master/pairings.pdf)