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<a href='/blog/protogalaxy.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Notes on ProtoGalaxy</h3>
<p>The idea of these notes is to provide some extra intuition and explainations on ProtoGalaxy&rsquo;s paper.
ProtoGalaxy is a <em>folding scheme</em> which iterates on ideas from ProtoStar paper.</p>
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<h3>Notes on HyperNova (pdf)</h3>
<p>This document contains notes on HyperNova and CCS.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/ipa.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>IPA polynomial commitment by hand</h3>
<p>This post overviews the IPA polynomial commitment described in the Halo paper, first by providing an overview on the protocol, then by doing a step-by-step example with small values, following the style done in the &ldquo;Plonk by hand series&rdquo; from Joshua Fitzgerald, and later by providing a Sage implementation of the protocol.</p>
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<h3>Notes on FRI (pdf)</h3>
<p>This document contains notes on FRI low degree testing and the trick to convert it to a polynomial commitment scheme.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/powersoftau.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Implementing the powers of tau contributor</h3>
<p>In the following notes we go over the ideas behind the <em>Powers of Tau</em> ceremony, how participants contribute and how the contributions are verified (logic &amp; code). We focus on the Ethereum&rsquo;s upcoming KZG-Ceremony.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/ringsig.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>bLSAG ring signatures overview</h3>
<p>Notes on bLSAG: Back&rsquo;s Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signatures</p>
</a><a href='/blog/shamir-secret-sharing.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation and Shamir secret sharing</h3>
<p>Overview of Langrange Polynomial interpolation and Shamir&rsquo;s secret sharing.</p>
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<h3>Batch proof in KZG Commitments</h3>
<p>The benefit of <em>batch proof</em> is that allows us to proof multiple points while the proof size remains constant to one <span class="math inline">\(\mathbb{G}_1\)</span> point.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/kzg-commitments.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Notes on KZG polynomial commitments</h3>
<p>In the following notes I&rsquo;ve tried to summarize the KZG Commitments scheme with the concepts that helped me to follow the reasoning.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/blind-signatures-ec.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Notes on blind signatures over elliptic curves</h3>
<p>In this notes, we will cover the scheme proposed at <em>&ldquo;New Blind Signature Schemes Based on the (Elliptic Curve) Discrete Logarithm Problem&rdquo;</em> paper by Hamid Mala &amp; Nafiseh Nezhadansari.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/coffeeminer-hacking-wifi-cryptocurrency-miner.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>CoffeeMiner: Hacking WiFi to inject cryptocurrency miner to HTML requests</h3>
<p>The goal of this post, is to explain how can be done the attack of MITM (Machine-In-The-Middle) to inject some javascript in the html pages, to force all the machines connected to a WiFi network to be mining a cryptocurrency for the attacker.</p>
</a><a href='/blog/flock-botnet.html'><div class="row postThumb">
<h3>Auto generated tweets from Markov chains</h3>
<p>Developing a twitter botnet with autonomous bots replying tweets with text generated based on probabilities in Markov chains</p>
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<h3>Static blog template engine implementation in Go</h3>
<p>How has this blog been made? In this post we will see how to develop a minimalistic static blog template engine with Go.</p>
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