You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
2.2 KiB

package main
import (
func readFile(path string) string {
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return string(dat)
func writeFile(path string, newContent string) {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(newContent), 0644)
func getLines(text string) []string {
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
return lines
func concatStringsWithJumps(lines []string) string {
var r string
for _, l := range lines {
r = r + l + "\n"
return r
func copyRaw(original string, destination string) {
color.Green(original + " --> to --> " + destination)
_, err := exec.Command("cp", "-rf", original, destination).Output()
var watcherInputFiles, watcherPublic *fsnotify.Watcher
func watch(dir string) {
var err error
var watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
if dir == "./blogo-input" {
watcherInputFiles, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
watcher = watcherInputFiles
} else {
watcherPublic, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
watcher = watcherPublic
defer watcher.Close()
if dir == "./blogo-input" {
if err := filepath.Walk(dir, watchInputFilesDir); err != nil {
} else {
if err := filepath.Walk(dir, watchPublicDir); err != nil {
for {
select {
case event := <-watcher.Events:
fmt.Printf("file system event: %#v\n", event)
if dir == "./blogo-input" {
case err := <-watcher.Errors:
log.Fatal("file system watcher error:", err)
// watchInputFilesDir gets run as a walk func, searching for directories to add watchers to
func watchInputFilesDir(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi.Mode().IsDir() {
return watcherInputFiles.Add(path)
return nil
// watchPublicDir gets run as a walk func, searching for directories to add watchers to
func watchPublicDir(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi.Mode().IsDir() {
return watcherPublic.Add(path)
return nil