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use ark_circom::{
ethereum::{Inputs, Proof, VerifyingKey},
CircomBuilder, CircomConfig,
use ark_std::rand::thread_rng;
use color_eyre::Result;
use ark_bn254::Bn254;
use ark_groth16::{create_random_proof as prove, generate_random_parameters};
use ethers::{
contract::{abigen, ContractError, ContractFactory},
providers::{Http, Middleware, Provider},
utils::{compile_and_launch_ganache, Ganache, Solc},
use std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc};
async fn solidity_verifier() -> Result<()> {
let cfg = CircomConfig::<Bn254>::new(
let mut builder = CircomBuilder::new(cfg);
builder.push_input("a", 3);
builder.push_input("b", 11);
// create an empty instance for setting it up
let circom = builder.setup();
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let params = generate_random_parameters::<Bn254, _, _>(circom, &mut rng)?;
let circom =;
let inputs = circom.get_public_inputs().unwrap();
let proof = prove(circom, &params, &mut rng)?;
// launch the network & compile the verifier
let (compiled, ganache) =
compile_and_launch_ganache(Solc::new("./tests/verifier.sol"), Ganache::new()).await?;
let acc = ganache.addresses()[0];
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(ganache.endpoint())?;
let provider = provider.with_sender(acc);
let provider = Arc::new(provider);
// deploy the verifier
let contract = {
let contract = compiled
.expect("could not find contract");
let factory = ContractFactory::new(
let contract = factory.deploy(())?.send().await?;
let addr = contract.address();
Groth16Verifier::new(addr, provider)
// check the proof
let verified = contract
.check_proof(proof, params.vk, inputs.as_slice())
abigen!(Groth16Verifier, "./tests/verifier_abi.json");
impl<M: Middleware> Groth16Verifier<M> {
async fn check_proof<I: Into<Inputs>, P: Into<Proof>, VK: Into<VerifyingKey>>(
proof: P,
vk: VK,
inputs: I,
) -> Result<bool, ContractError<M>> {
// convert into the expected format by the contract
let proof = proof.into().as_tuple();
let vk = vk.into().as_tuple();
let inputs = inputs.into().0;
// query the contract
let res = self.verify(inputs, proof, vk).call().await?;