const assert = require("assert"); const ModuleBuilder = require("wasmbuilder").ModuleBuilder; const ModuleBuilderWat = require("wasmbuilder").ModuleBuilderWat; const buildRuntime = require("./build_runtime"); const Scalar = require("ffjavascript").Scalar; const F1Field = require("ffjavascript").F1Field;
const errs = require("./errs");
function hexToBytesR(hex) { for (var bytes = [], c = hex.length-2; c >=0; c -= 2) bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16)); return bytes; }
function intToBytes32(v) { return [ v &0xFF, (v>>8) & 0xFF, (v>>16) & 0xFF, (v>>24) & 0xFF ]; }
class CodeBuilderWasm { constructor(fnBuilder) { this.fnBuilder = fnBuilder; this.ops = []; }
addComment(comment) { this.ops.push({op: "COMMENT", comment}); }
addBlock(block) { this.ops.push({op: "BLOCK", block}); }
calcOffset(dLabel, offsets) { this.ops.push({op: "CALCOFFSETS", dLabel, offsets}); }
assign(dLabel, src, sOffset) { this.ops.push({op: "ASSIGN", dLabel, src, sOffset}); }
getSubComponentOffset(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.ops.push({op: "GETSUBCOMPONENTOFFSET", dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
getSubComponentSizes(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.ops.push({op: "GETSUBCOMPONENTSIZES", dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
getSignalOffset(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.ops.push({op: "GETSIGNALOFFSET", dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
getSignalSizes(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.ops.push({op: "GETSIGNALSIZES", dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
setSignal(component, signal, value) { this.ops.push({op: "SETSIGNAL", component, signal, value}); }
getSignal(dLabel, component, signal) { this.ops.push({op: "GETSIGNAL", dLabel, component, signal}); }
copyN(dLabel, offset, src, n) { this.ops.push({op: "COPYN", dLabel, offset, src, n}); }
copyNRet(src, n) { this.ops.push({op: "COPYNRET", src, n}); }
fieldOp(dLabel, fOp, params) { this.ops.push({op: "FOP", dLabel, fOp, params}); }
ret() { this.ops.push({op: "RET"}); }
addLoop(condLabel, body) { this.ops.push({op: "LOOP", condLabel, body}); }
addIf(condLabel, thenCode, elseCode) { this.ops.push({op: "IF", condLabel, thenCode, elseCode}); }
fnCall(fnName, retLabel, params) { this.ops.push({op: "FNCALL", fnName, retLabel, params}); }
checkConstraint(a, b, strErr) { this.ops.push({op: "CHECKCONSTRAINT", a, b, strErr}); }
checkAssert(a, strErr) { this.ops.push({op: "CHECKASSERT", a, strErr}); }
concat(cb) { this.ops.push(...cb.ops); }
log(val) { this.ops.push({op: "LOG", val}); }
hasCode() { for (let i=0; i<this.ops.length; i++) { if (this.ops[i].op != "COMMENT") return true; } return false; }
_buildOffset(c, offsets) { let rN=0; let S = null; offsets.forEach((o) => { if ((o[0][0] == "V") && (o[1][0]== "V")) { rN += o[0][1]*o[1][1]; return; } let f=[]; if (o[0][0] == "V") { f = c.i32_const(o[0][1]); } else if (o[0][0] == "RI") { f = c.i32_load(this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o[0][1])); } else if (o[0][0] == "R") { f = c.call("Fr_toInt", this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o[0][1])); } else { assert(false); } if (o[1][0] == "V") { if (o[1][1]==0) return; if (o[1][1]>1) { f = c.i32_mul(f, c.i32_const(o[1][1])); } } else if (o[1][0] == "RS") { f = c.i32_mul( f, c.i32_load( c.i32_add( c.i32_load(this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o[1][1])), c.i32_const(o[1][2]*4) ) ) ); } else { assert(false); } if (S!=null) { S = c.i32_add( S, f); } else { S = f; } }); if (rN>0) { if (S!=null) { S = c.i32_add( S, c.i32_const(rN)); } else { S = c.i32_const(rN); } } return S; }
build(c) { const code = []; this.ops.forEach( (o) => { if (o.op == "COMMENT") { code.push( c.comment(o.comment) ); // DO nothing
} else if (o.op == "BLOCK") { code.push( o.block.build(c) ); } else if (o.op == "CALCOFFSETS") { code.push( c.i32_store( this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this._buildOffset(c, o.offsets) ) ); } else if (o.op == "ASSIGN") { code.push( c.i32_store( this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), c.i32_add( this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.src), c.i32_mul( this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.sOffset), c.i32_const(this.fnBuilder.builder.sizeFr) ) ) ) ); } else if (o.op == "GETSUBCOMPONENTOFFSET") { code.push( c.call( "getSubComponentOffset", this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); } else if (o.op == "GETSUBCOMPONENTSIZES") { code.push( c.call( "getSubComponentSizes", this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); } else if (o.op == "GETSIGNALOFFSET") { code.push( c.call( "getSignalOffset", this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); } else if (o.op == "GETSIGNALSIZES") { code.push( c.call( "getSignalSizes", this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); } else if (o.op == "SETSIGNAL") { code.push( c.call( "setSignal", c.getLocal("cIdx"), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.signal), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.value) ) ); } else if (o.op == "GETSIGNAL") { code.push( c.call( "getSignal", c.getLocal("cIdx"), this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.component), this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.signal) ) ); } else if (o.op == "COPYN") { code.push( c.call( "Fr_copyn", c.i32_add( this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), c.i32_mul( this.fnBuilder._deRefInt(c, o.offset), c.i32_const(this.fnBuilder.builder.sizeFr) ) ), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.src), c.i32_const(o.n) ) ); } else if (o.op == "COPYNRET") { code.push( c.call( "Fr_copyn", c.getLocal("pRet"), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.src), c.i32_const(o.n) ) ); } else if (o.op == "RET") { code.push(this.fnBuilder._freeStack(c)); code.push(c.ret([])); } else if (o.op == "FOP") { let params = []; for (let i=0; i<o.params.length; i++) { params.push( this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.params[i])); } code.push( c.call( "Fr_" + o.fOp, this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.dLabel), ...params ) ); } else if (o.op == "LOOP") { code.push( c.block(c.loop( c.br_if(1, c.i32_eqz(c.call("Fr_isTrue", this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, ["R", o.condLabel])))), o.body.build(c), c.br(0) )) ); } else if (o.op == "IF") { code.push( c.if( c.call("Fr_isTrue", this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, ["R", o.condLabel])), o.thenCode.build(c), o.elseCode ? o.elseCode.build(c) : undefined ) ); } else if (o.op == "FNCALL") { const params = []; for (let i=0; i<o.params.length; i++) { params.push(this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, ["R", o.params[i]])); } code.push( c.call( o.fnName, this.fnBuilder._getPtr(c, o.retLabel), ...params ) ); } else if (o.op == "CHECKCONSTRAINT") { code.push( c.call( "checkConstraint", c.getLocal("cIdx"), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.a), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.b), c.i32_const(this.fnBuilder.builder.module.allocString(o.strErr)) ) ); } else if (o.op == "CHECKASSERT") { code.push( c.call( "checkAssert", c.getLocal("cIdx"), this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.a), c.i32_const(this.fnBuilder.builder.module.allocString(o.strErr)) ) ); } else if (o.op == "LOG") { code.push( c.call( "log", this.fnBuilder._deRefFr(c, o.val) ) ); } }); return code; } }
class FunctionBuilderWasm {
constructor(builder, name, instanceDef, type, params) { this.builder = builder; this.name = name; this.instanceDef = instanceDef; this.type = type; // "COMPONENT" or "FUNCTION"
this.definedFrElements = []; this.definedIntElements = []; this.definedSizeElements = []; this.definedPFrElements = []; this.initializedElements = []; this.initializedSignalOffset = []; this.initializedSignalSizes = [];
this.refs = {};
this.nFr = 0; this.nInt = 0; this.nSizes = 0; this.nPFr = 0;
defineFrElements(dLabel, size) { this.refs[dLabel] = { t: "Fr", n: size, idx: this.nFr }; this.nFr += size; }
defineIntElement(dLabel) { this.refs[dLabel] = { t: "I", idx: this.nInt }; this.nInt++; }
defineSizesElement(dLabel) { this.refs[dLabel] = { t: "S", idx: this.nSizes }; this.nSizes++; }
definePFrElement(dLabel) { this.refs[dLabel] = { t: "PFr", idx: this.nPFr }; this.nPFr++; }
initializeFrElement(dLabel, offset, idConstant) { this.initializedElements.push({dLabel, offset, idConstant}); }
initializeSignalOffset(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.initializedSignalOffset.push({dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
initializeSignalSizes(dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel) { this.initializedSignalSizes.push({dLabel, component, hash, hashLabel}); }
setParams(params) { assert(typeof this.params === "undefined"); assert(this.type === "FUNCTION"); this.params=params; for (let i=0; i<this.params.length; i++) { assert(typeof this.refs[this.params[i]] === "undefined"); this.refs[this.params[i]] = { t: "P", l: this.params[i] }; } }
_getPtr(c, label, offset) { offset = offset || 0; assert (typeof this.refs[label] !== "undefined"); if (this.refs[label].t == "Fr") { return c.i32_add( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const((this.refs[label].idx + offset) * this.builder.sizeFr) ); } else if (this.refs[label].t == "I") { assert(offset == 0); return c.i32_add( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const( this.nFr * this.builder.sizeFr + this.refs[label].idx * 4) ); } else if (this.refs[label].t == "S") { assert(offset == 0); return c.i32_add( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const( this.nFr * this.builder.sizeFr + this.nInt * 4 + this.refs[label].idx * 4) ); } else if (this.refs[label].t == "PFr") { assert(offset == 0); return c.i32_add( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const( this.nFr * this.builder.sizeFr + this.nInt * 4 + this.nSizes * 4 + this.refs[label].idx * 4) ); } else if (this.refs[label].t == "P") { return c.i32_add( c.getLocal(this.refs[label].l), c.i32_const( offset * this.builder.sizeFr ) ); } }
_getPtrConstant(c, idConstant) { return c.i32_const( this.builder.pConstants + idConstant * this.builder.sizeFr ); }
_deRefInt(c, ref) { if (ref[0] == "R") { return c.call( "Fr_toInt", this._getPtr(c, ref[1]) ); } else if (ref[0] == "RI") { return c.i32_load(this._getPtr(c, ref[1])); } else if (ref[0] == "V") { return c.i32_const(ref[1]); } else if (ref[0] == "C") { return c.call( "Fr_toInt", this._getPtrConstant(c, ref[1]) ); } else if (ref[0] == "CC") { return c.getLocal("cIdx"); } else { assert(false); } }
_deRefFr(c, ref) { if (ref[0] == "R") { if (this.refs[ref[1]].t == "Fr") { return this._getPtr(c, ref[1]); } else if (this.refs[ref[1]].t == "PFr") { return c.i32_load(this._getPtr(c, ref[1])); } else if (this.refs[ref[1]].t == "P") { return c.getLocal(ref[1]); } else { assert(false); } } else if (ref[0] == "C") { return this._getPtrConstant(c, ref[1]); } else { assert(false); } }
_reserveStack(c) { const code = []; code.push( // Load SP
c.setLocal("sp", c.i32_load(c.i32_const(4))),
// Check we have enough memory
c.if( c.i32_gt_u( c.i32_const(this.nStackSize), c.getLocal("sp") ), c.call( "error", c.i32_const(errs.STACK_OUT_OF_MEM.code), c.i32_const(errs.STACK_OUT_OF_MEM.pointer), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0) ) ),
// Reserve space in sp
c.setLocal( "sp", c.i32_sub( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const(this.nStackSize) ) ),
// Check if we have enought free memory
c.if( c.i32_gt_u( c.i32_load(c.i32_const(0)), c.getLocal("sp") ), c.call( "error", c.i32_const(errs.STACK_TOO_SMALL.code), c.i32_const(errs.STACK_TOO_SMALL.pointer), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0), c.i32_const(0) ) ),
// Save sp
c.i32_store(c.i32_const(4), c.getLocal("sp")) ); return code; }
_freeStack(c) { const code = []; code.push( c.i32_store( c.i32_const(4), c.i32_add( c.getLocal("sp"), c.i32_const(this.nStackSize) ) ) ); return code; }
_buildHeader(c) { const code = []; this.nStackSize = this.nFr * this.builder.sizeFr + this.nInt * 4 + this.nSizes * 4 + this.nPFr * 4;
code.push( this._reserveStack(c));
this.initializedElements.forEach( (o) => { code.push( c.call( "Fr_copy", this._getPtr(c, o.dLabel, o.offset), this._getPtrConstant(c, o.idConstant) ) ); }); this.initializedSignalOffset.forEach( (o) => { code.push( c.call( "getSignalOffset", this._getPtr(c, o.dLabel, o.offset), this._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); }); this.initializedSignalSizes.forEach( (o) => { code.push( c.call( "getSignalSizes", this._getPtr(c, o.dLabel, o.offset), this._deRefInt(c, o.component), c.i64_const("0x" + o.hash) ) ); }); return code; }
_buildFooter(c) { return this._freeStack(c); }
newCodeBuilder() { return new CodeBuilderWasm(this); }
setBody(body) { this.body = body; }
build(module) {
const f = module.addFunction(this.name, this.instanceDef);
if (this.type=="COMPONENT") { f.addParam("cIdx", "i32"); } else if (this.type=="FUNCTION") { f.addParam("pRet", "i32"); for (let i=0;i<this.params.length;i++ ) { f.addParam(this.params[i], "i32"); } } else { assert(false); } f.addLocal("sp", "i32");
const c = f.getCodeBuilder();
const code = []; if (this.type=="COMPONENT") { code.push(c.call("componentStarted", c.getLocal("cIdx"))); }
code.push(this._buildHeader(c)); code.push(this.body.build(c)); if (this.type=="COMPONENT") { code.push(c.call("componentFinished", c.getLocal("cIdx"))); } code.push(this._buildFooter(c));
function flatArray(c) { const res=[]; for (let i=0; i<c.length; i++) { if (Array.isArray(c[i])) { res.push(...flatArray(c[i])); } else { res.push(c[i]); } } return res; } }
class BuilderWasm { constructor(p) { this.F = new F1Field(p); this.hashMaps={}; this.componentEntriesTables={}; this.sizes ={}; this.constants = []; this.usedConstants = {}; this.functions = []; this.components = [];
this.TYPE_SIGNAL = 1; this.TYPE_COMPONENT = 2;
this.addConstant(Scalar.fromString("0")); // constants[0] = 0;
this.addConstant(Scalar.fromString("1")); // constants[1] = 1;
this.offsetComponentNInputSignals = 12; this.sizeofComponent = 20; }
setHeader(header) { this.header=header;
this.n64 = Math.floor((Scalar.bitLength(this.header.P) - 1) / 64)+1; this.sizeFr = this.n64*8 + 8; }
// ht is an array of 256 element that can be undefined or [Hash, Idx, KeyName] elements.
addHashMap(name, table) { this.hashMaps[name] = {table}; }
addComponentEntriesTable(name, cet) { this.componentEntriesTables[name] = cet; }
addSizes(name, table) { this.sizes[name] = {table}; }
addConstant(c) { c = this.F.e(c); const cS = c.toString(); if (typeof this.usedConstants[cS] != "undefined") return this.usedConstants[cS]; this.constants.push(c); this.usedConstants[cS] = this.constants.length - 1; return this.constants.length - 1; }
addFunction(fnBuilder) { this.functions.push(fnBuilder); }
addComponent(component) { this.components.push(component); }
setMapIsInput(map) { this.mapIsInput = map; }
setWit2Sig(wit2sig) { this.wit2sig = wit2sig; }
newComponentFunctionBuilder(name, instanceDef) { return new FunctionBuilderWasm(this, name, instanceDef, "COMPONENT"); }
newFunctionBuilder(name, instanceDef, params) { return new FunctionBuilderWasm(this, name, instanceDef, "FUNCTION", params); }
// Body functions
_buildHeader(module) {
this.pCircuit = module.alloc(48);
this.pNSignals = this.pCircuit; this.pNComponents = this.pCircuit + 4; this.pNInputs = this.pCircuit + 8; this.pNOutputs = this.pCircuit + 12; this.pNVars = this.pCircuit + 16; this.ppWit2sig = this.pCircuit + 20; this.ppComponents = this.pCircuit + 24; this.ppMapIsInput = this.pCircuit + 28; this.ppConstants = this.pCircuit + 32; this.ppSignals = this.pCircuit + 36; this.ppInputSignalsToTrigger = this.pCircuit + 40; this.ppSignalsAssigned = this.pCircuit + 44; }
_buildSizes(module) { for (let sName in this.sizes) { const accSizes = this.sizes[sName];
const bytes = [];
for (let i=0; i<accSizes.table.length; i++) { bytes.push(intToBytes32(accSizes.table[i])); }
const fBytes = [].concat(...bytes); accSizes.pointer = module.alloc(fBytes); } }
_buildHashMaps(module) {
for (let hmName in this.hashMaps ) { const hm = this.hashMaps[hmName];
const bytes = [];
for (let i=0; i<256; i++) { if (hm.table[i]) { bytes.push(hexToBytesR(hm.table[i][0])); bytes.push(intToBytes32(hm.table[i][1])); } else { bytes.push([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]); } }
const fBytes = [].concat(...bytes); hm.pointer = module.alloc(fBytes); }
_buildComponentEntriesTables(module) {
for (let cetName in this.componentEntriesTables) { const cet = this.componentEntriesTables[cetName];
const bytes = [];
for (let j=0; j<cet.length; j++) { const ty = cet[j].type == "S" ? this.TYPE_SIGNAL : this.TYPE_COMPONENT; bytes.push(intToBytes32(cet[j].offset)); bytes.push(intToBytes32(this.sizes[cet[j].sizeName].pointer)); bytes.push(intToBytes32(ty)); }
const fBytes = [].concat(...bytes); this.componentEntriesTables[cetName].pointer = module.alloc(fBytes); } }
_buildConstants(module) { const self = this;
const bytes = []; for (let i=0; i<self.constants.length; i++) { bytes.push(Fr2Bytes(self.constants[i])); }
const fBytes = [].concat(...bytes); this.pConstants = module.alloc(fBytes);
function Fr2Bytes(n) { const minShort = self.F.neg(self.F.e("80000000")); const maxShort = self.F.e("7FFFFFFF", 16);
if ( (self.F.geq(n, minShort)) &&(self.F.leq(n, maxShort))) { if (self.F.geq(n, self.F.zero)) { return shortMontgomeryPositive(n); } else { return shortMontgomeryNegative(n); } }
return longMontgomery(n);
function shortMontgomeryPositive(a) { return [ ...intToBytes32(Scalar.toNumber(a)), ...intToBytes32(0x40000000), ...long(toMontgomery(a)) ]; }
function shortMontgomeryNegative(a) { const b = -Scalar.toNumber(self.F.neg(a)); return [ ...intToBytes32(b), ...intToBytes32(0x40000000), ...long(toMontgomery(a)) ]; }
function longMontgomery(a) { return [ ...intToBytes32(0), ...intToBytes32(0xC0000000), ...long(toMontgomery(a)) ]; }
function long(a) {
const bytes = []; const arr = Scalar.toArray(a, 0x100000000); for (let i=0; i<self.F.n64*2; i++) { const idx = arr.length-1-i;
if ( idx >=0) { bytes.push(...intToBytes32(arr[idx])); } else { bytes.push(...intToBytes32(0)); } }
return bytes; }
function toMontgomery(a) { return self.F.mul(a, self.F.R); }
} }
_buildFunctions(module) { for (let i=0; i<this.functions.length; i++) { const cfb = this.functions[i]; cfb.build(module); } }
_buildComponents(module) { const bytes = new Array(this.components.length*5*4); bytes.length=0; for (let i=0; i<this.components.length; i++) { const c = this.components[i];
bytes.push(...intToBytes32(this.hashMaps[c.hashMapName].pointer)); bytes.push(...intToBytes32(this.componentEntriesTables[c.entryTableName].pointer)); bytes.push(...intToBytes32(i)); bytes.push(...intToBytes32(c.nInSignals)); bytes.push(...intToBytes32(c.newThread ? 1 : 0));
module.addFunctionToTable(c.functionName); }
this.pComponents = module.alloc(bytes); }
_buildMapIsInput(module) { const bytes = new Array(this.mapIsInput.length*4); bytes.length=0; for (let i=0; i<this.mapIsInput.length; i++) { bytes.push(...intToBytes32(this.mapIsInput[i])); }
this.pMapIsInput = module.alloc(bytes); }
_buildWit2Sig(module) { const bytes = new Array(this.wit2sig.length*4); bytes.length =0; for (let i=0; i<this.wit2sig.length; i++) { bytes.push(...intToBytes32(this.wit2sig[i])); }
this.pWit2sig = module.alloc(bytes); }
_buildCircuitVar(module) { module.addData(this.pNSignals, intToBytes32(this.header.NSignals)); module.addData(this.pNComponents, intToBytes32(this.header.NComponents)); module.addData(this.pNInputs, intToBytes32(this.header.NInputs)); module.addData(this.pNOutputs, intToBytes32(this.header.NOutputs)); module.addData(this.pNVars, intToBytes32(this.header.NVars)); module.addData(this.ppWit2sig, intToBytes32(this.pWit2sig)); module.addData(this.ppComponents, intToBytes32(this.pComponents)); module.addData(this.ppMapIsInput, intToBytes32(this.pMapIsInput)); module.addData(this.ppConstants, intToBytes32(this.pConstants)); module.addData(this.ppSignals, intToBytes32(this.pSignals)); module.addData(this.ppInputSignalsToTrigger, intToBytes32(this.pInputSignalsToTrigger)); module.addData(this.ppSignalsAssigned, intToBytes32(this.pSignalsAssigned));
_buildErrors(module) { for (let e in errs) { errs[e].pointer = module.allocString(errs[e].str); } }
async build(fd, outType) { const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); let module; if (outType == "wasm") { module=new ModuleBuilder(); } else if (outType == "wat") { module=new ModuleBuilderWat(); } else { assert(false); } this.module = module;
// First of all reseve the space for the header so this has a fixed position starting at 8.
this._buildHeader(module); this._buildErrors(module); buildRuntime(module, this); this._buildSizes(module); this._buildConstants(module); this._buildHashMaps(module); this._buildComponentEntriesTables(module); this._buildFunctions(module); this._buildComponents(module); this._buildMapIsInput(module); this._buildWit2Sig(module); this._buildCircuitVar(module);
module.setMemory(2000); if (outType == "wasm") { const bytes = module.build(); const bytesArr = new Uint8Array(bytes); await fd.write(bytesArr); } else if (outType == "wat") { const code = module.build(); await writeCode(code); } else { assert(false); }
async function writeCode(c) { if (c.push) { for (let i=0; i<c.length; i++) { await writeCode(c[i]); } } else if (typeof c === "string") { await fd.write(encoder.encode(c + "\n")); } } } }
module.exports = BuilderWasm;