const bigInt = require("big-integer"); const BigArray = require("./bigarray.js");
class TableName { constructor (ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; this.o = {}; }
_allocElement(name, _sizes, type) { const sizes = _sizes || []; let l = 1; for (let i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) { l = l*sizes[i]; } this.o[name] = { sizes: sizes, type: type }; return l; }
addSignal(name, sizes) { const l = this._allocElement(name, sizes, "S"); const o = this.ctx.nSignals; this.o[name].offset = o; this.ctx.nSignals += l; if (l>1) { return [o, o+l]; } else { return o; } }
addComponent(name, sizes) { const l = this._allocElement(name, sizes, "C"); const o = this.ctx.nComponents; this.o[name].offset = o; this.ctx.nComponents += l; if (l>1) { return [o, o+l]; } else { return o; } }
_getElement(name, _sels, type) { const sels = _sels || []; const s = this.o[name]; if (!s) return -1; if (s.type != type) return -1; if (sels.length > s.sizes.length) return -1; let l=1; for (let i = s.sizes.length-1; i>sels.length; i--) { l = l*s.sizes[i]; } let o =0; let p=1; for (let i=sels.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (sels[i] > s.sizes[i]) return -1; // Out of range
if (sels[i] < 0) return -1; // Out of range
o += p*sels[i]; p *= s.sizes[i]; } if (l>1) { return [s.offset + o, s.offset + o + l]; } else { return s.offset + o; } }
getSignalIdx(name, sels) { return this._getElement(name, sels, "S"); }
getComponentIdx(name, sels) { return this._getElement(name, sels, "C"); }
getSizes(name) { return this.o[name].sels; }
module.exports = class Ctx {
constructor() {
this.stONE = 1; this.stOUTPUT = 2; this.stPUBINPUT = 3; this.stPRVINPUT = 4; this.stINTERNAL = 5; this.stDISCARDED = 6; this.stCONSTANT = 7;
this.IN = 0x01; this.OUT = 0x02; this.PRV = 0x04; this.ONE = 0x08; this.MAIN = 0x10; this.COUNTED = 0x20;
this.scopes = [{}]; this.signals = new BigArray();
this.currentComponent= -1; this.constraints= new BigArray(); this.components= new BigArray(); this.templates= {}; this.functions= {}; this.functionParams= {}; this.nSignals = 0; this.nComponents =0; this.names = new TableName(this); this.main=false; this.error = null; this.warnings = [];
const oneIdx = this.addSignal("one"); this.signals[oneIdx] = { v: bigInt(1), o: this.ONE, e: -1, };
this.uniqueNames = {}; }
addSignal(name, sizes) { if (this.currentComponent>=0) { return this.components[this.currentComponent].names.addSignal(name, sizes); } else { return this.names.addSignal(name, sizes); } }
addComponent(name, sizes) { if (this.currentComponent>=0) { return this.components[this.currentComponent].names.addComponent(name, sizes); } else { return this.names.addComponent(name, sizes); } }
getSignalIdx(name, sels) { if (this.currentComponent>=0) { return this.components[this.currentComponent].names.getSignalIdx(name, sels); } else { return this.names.getSignalIdx(name, sels); } }
getComponentIdx(name, sels) { if (this.currentComponent>=0) { return this.components[this.currentComponent].names.getComponentIdx(name, sels); } else { return this.names.getComponentIdx(name, sels); } }
getSizes(name) { if (this.currentComponent>=0) { return this.components[this.currentComponent].names.getSizes(name); } else { return this.names.getSizes(name); } }
newTableName() { return new TableName(this); }
_buildErr(ast, errStr) { if (typeof ast == "string") { ast = null; errStr = ast; } if (ast) { return { pos: { first_line: ast.first_line, first_column: ast.first_column, last_line: ast.last_line, last_column: ast.last_column }, errStr: errStr, ast: ast, message: errStr, errFile: this.fileName }; } else { return { errStr: errStr, message: errStr }; } }
throwError(ast, errStr) { const err = this._buildErr(ast, errStr); this.error = err; }
logWarning(ast, errStr) { const w = this._buildErr(ast, errStr); this.warnings.push(w); }
getUniqueName(suggestedName) { if (!suggestedName) { suggestedName = "_tmp"; }
if (typeof(this.uniqueNames[suggestedName]) == "undefined") { this.uniqueNames[suggestedName] = 1; return suggestedName; } else { const name = suggestedName + "_" + this.uniqueNames[suggestedName]; this.uniqueNames[suggestedName]++; return name; } }