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45 lines
492 B

6 years ago
  1. 11+12; 13;
  2. 14; 15;
  3. /* Multi Line
  4. comment */
  5. /*** / * /* **/
  6. // Single line comment /* sss */
  7. 16; 0x1f; 0xAa;
  8. 12; id1; A; B; A+B;
  9. A*B+A*B+3;
  10. 4/2;
  11. 4/3;
  12. 4/3*3;
  13. 8/2;
  14. 0/2;
  15. 2/1;
  16. 8 % 5;
  17. -1; +--1;
  18. (3+4)*(5*2);
  19. 0xFF & 0x12;
  20. 1 << 8;
  21. -1 >> 257;
  22. -1 << 257;
  23. -1 >> 256;
  24. -1 << 256;
  25. -1 >> 250;
  26. -1 << 250;
  27. 33 == 33;
  28. 33 == 34;
  29. 3>3;
  30. 3>=3;
  31. 3<=3;
  32. 3<3;
  33. 3 && 0;
  34. 0 && 3;
  35. 3 && 3;
  36. 0 && 0;
  37. !3;
  38. !0;
  39. !!8;
  40. 2**3;
  41. (-1)**(-1);
  42. a[3];
  43. a[3][b] + b[4][c][d];
  44. func() + func(a) + func(a,b);
  45. 3*4==6+6 && 2+1==3 ? 3+3*2 : (3+2)*6