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module.exports = {
STACK_OUT_OF_MEM: {code: 1, str: "Stack out of memory"},
STACK_TOO_SMALL: {code: 2, str: "Stack too small"},
HASH_NOT_FOUND: {code: 3, str: "Hash not found"},
INVALID_TYPE: {code: 4, str: "Invalid type"},
ACCESSING_NOT_ASSIGNED_SIGNAL: {code: 5, str: "Accessing a not assigned signal"},
SIGNAL_ASSIGNED_TWICE: {code: 6, str: "Signal assigned twice"},
CONSTRAIN_DOES_NOT_MATCH: {code: 7, str: "Constraint doesn't match"},
MAPISINPUT_DONT_MATCH: {code: 8, str: "MapIsInput don't match"},
ASSERT_DOES_NOT_MATCH: {code: 9, str: "Assert not satisfied"},