You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
1.9 KiB

module.exports = genOpt;
function genOpt(ctx, ast) {
if (ast.type == "OP") {
if (ast.op == "=") {
return genOptVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "GENOPT -> Invalid operation: " + ast.op);
} else if (ast.type == "TEMPLATEDEF") {
return genOptTemplateDef(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "GENOPT -> Invalid AST node type: " + ast.type);
function error(ctx, ast, errStr) {
ctx.error = {
pos: {
first_line: ast.first_line,
first_column: ast.first_column,
last_line: ast.last_line,
last_column: ast.last_column
errStr: errStr,
errFile: ctx.fileName,
ast: ast
function genOptTemplateDef(ctx, ast) {
if (ctx.templates[]) {
return error(ctx, ast, "Template name already exists: ";
ctx.templates[] = {
type: "TEMPLATE",
params: ast.params,
block: ast.block,
fileName: ctx.fileName,
filePath: ctx.filePath
function genOptVarAssignement(ctx, ast) {
let varName;
if (ast.values[0].type == "DECLARE") {
varName = genOptCode(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
varName = ast.values[0];
const varContent = getScope(ctx,, varName.selectors);
if (ctx.error) return;
if ((typeof(varContent) != "object")||(varContent == null)) return error(ctx, ast, "Variable not defined");
if (varContent.type == "COMPONENT") return genOptInstantiateComponet(ctx, varName, ast.values[1]);
if (varContent.type == "SIGNAL") return error(ctx, ast, "Cannot assig to a signal with `=` use <-- or <== ops");
const res = genOpt(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
setScope(ctx,, varName.selectors, res);
return v;