You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1119 lines
33 KiB

Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with circom. If not, see <>.
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const __P__ = new bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617");
const __MASK__ = new bigInt(2).pow(253).minus(1);
const lc = require("./lcalgebra");
const parser = require("../parser/jaz.js").parser;
/* TODO: Add lines information
function setLines(dst, first, last) {
last = last || first;
dst.first_line = first.first_line;
dst.first_column = first.first_column;
dst.last_line = last.last_line;
dst.last_column = last.last_column;
module.exports = exec;
function exec(ctx, ast) {
if (!ast) {
return error(ctx, ast, "Null AST");
if ((ast.type == "NUMBER") || (ast.type == "LINEARCOMBINATION") || (ast.type =="SIGNAL") || (ast.type == "QEQ")) {
return ast;
} else if (ast.type == "VARIABLE") {
return execVariable(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "PIN") {
return execPin(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "OP") {
if (ast.op == "=") {
return execVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<--") {
return execSignalAssign(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<==") {
return execSignalAssignConstrain(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "===") {
return execConstrain(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "+=") {
return execVarAddAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "*=") {
return execVarMulAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "+") {
return execAdd(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "-") {
return execSub(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "UMINUS") {
return execUMinus(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "*") {
return execMul(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "%") {
return execMod(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "PLUSPLUSRIGHT") {
return execPlusPlusRight(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "PLUSPLUSLEFT") {
return execPlusPlusLeft(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "MINUSMINUSRIGHT") {
return execMinusMinusRight(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "MINUSMINUSLEFT") {
return execMinusMinusLeft(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "/") {
return execDiv(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "\\") {
return execIDiv(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "**") {
return execExp(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "&") {
return execBAnd(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "&&") {
return execAnd(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "||") {
return execOr(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<<") {
return execShl(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == ">>") {
return execShr(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<") {
return execLt(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == ">") {
return execGt(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<=") {
return execLte(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == ">=") {
return execGte(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "==") {
return execEq(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "!=") {
return execNeq(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "?") {
return execTerCon(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid operation: " + ast.op);
} else if (ast.type == "DECLARE") {
if (ast.declareType == "COMPONENT") {
return execDeclareComponent(ctx, ast);
} else if ((ast.declareType == "SIGNALIN")||
(ast.declareType == "SIGNALOUT")||
(ast.declareType == "SIGNAL")) {
return execDeclareSignal(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.declareType == "VARIABLE") {
return execDeclareVariable(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid declaration: " + ast.declareType);
} else if (ast.type == "FUNCTIONCALL") {
return execFunctionCall(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "BLOCK") {
return execBlock(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "COMPUTE") {
return ;
} else if (ast.type == "FOR") {
return execFor(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "WHILE") {
return execWhile(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "IF") {
return execIf(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "RETURN") {
return execReturn(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "TEMPLATEDEF") {
return execTemplateDef(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "FUNCTIONDEF") {
return execFunctionDef(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "INCLUDE") {
return execInclude(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "ARRAY") {
return execArray(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid AST node type: " + ast.type);
function error(ctx, ast, errStr) {
ctx.error = {
pos: {
first_line: ast.first_line,
first_column: ast.first_column,
last_line: ast.last_line,
last_column: ast.last_column
errStr: errStr,
errFile: ctx.fileName,
ast: ast,
message: errStr
function iterateSelectors(ctx, sizes, baseName, fn) {
if (sizes.length == 0) {
return fn(baseName);
const res = [];
for (let i=0; i<sizes[0]; i++) {
res.push(iterateSelectors(ctx, sizes.slice(1), baseName+"["+i+"]", fn));
if (ctx.error) return null;
return res;
function setScope(ctx, name, selectors, value) {
let l = getScopeLevel(ctx, name);
if (l==-1) l= ctx.scopes.length-1;
if (selectors.length == 0) {
ctx.scopes[l][name] = value;
} else {
setScopeArray(ctx.scopes[l][name], selectors);
function setScopeArray(a, sels) {
if (sels.length == 1) {
a[sels[0].value] = value;
} else {
setScopeArray(a[sels[0]], sels.slice(1));
function getScope(ctx, name, selectors) {
const sels = [];
if (selectors) {
for (let i=0; i< selectors.length; i++) {
const idx = exec(ctx, selectors[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (idx.type != "NUMBER") return error(ctx, selectors[i], "expected a number");
sels.push( idx.value.toJSNumber() );
function select(v, s) {
s = s || [];
if (s.length == 0) return v;
return select(v[s[0]], s.slice(1));
for (let i=ctx.scopes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (ctx.scopes[i][name]) return select(ctx.scopes[i][name], sels);
return null;
function getScopeLevel(ctx, name) {
for (let i=ctx.scopes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (ctx.scopes[i][name]) return i;
return -1;
function execBlock(ctx, ast) {
for (let i=0; i<ast.statements.length; i++) {
exec(ctx, ast.statements[i]);
if (ctx.returnValue) return;
if (ctx.error) return;
function execTemplateDef(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[0]; // Lets put templates always in top scope.
// const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if (getScope(ctx, {
return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
scope[] = {
type: "TEMPLATE",
params: ast.params,
block: ast.block,
fileName: ctx.fileName,
filePath: ctx.filePath,
scopes: copyScope(ctx.scopes)
function execFunctionDef(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[0]; // Lets put functions always in top scope.
// const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if (getScope(ctx, {
return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
ctx.functionParams[] = ast.params;
scope[] = {
type: "FUNCTION",
params: ast.params,
block: ast.block,
fileName: ctx.fileName,
filePath: ctx.filePath,
scopes: copyScope(ctx.scopes)
function execDeclareComponent(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid component name");
if (getScope(ctx, return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
const baseName = ctx.currentComponent ? ctx.currentComponent + "." + :;
const sizes=[];
for (let i=0; i<; i++) {
const size = exec(ctx,[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (size.type != "NUMBER") return error(ctx,[i], "expected a number");
sizes.push( size.value.toJSNumber() );
scope[] = iterateSelectors(ctx, sizes, baseName, function(fullName) {
ctx.components[fullName] = "UNINSTANTIATED";
return {
type: "COMPONENT",
fullName: fullName
return {
type: "VARIABLE",
selectors: []
function execInstantiateComponet(ctx, vr, fn) {
if (vr.type != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, fn, "Left hand instatiate component must be a variable");
if (fn.type != "FUNCTIONCALL") return error(ctx, fn, "Right type of instantiate component must be a function call");
const componentName =;
const templateName =;
const scopeLevel = getScopeLevel(ctx, templateName);
if (scopeLevel == -1) return error(ctx,fn, "Invalid Template");
const template = getScope(ctx, templateName);
if (template.type != "TEMPLATE") return error(ctx, fn, "Invalid Template");
const paramValues = [];
for (let i=0; i< fn.params.length; i++) {
const v = exec(ctx, fn.params[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (template.params.length != paramValues.length) error(ctx, fn, "Invalid Number of parameters");
const vv = getScope(ctx, componentName, vr.selectors);
if (!vv) return error(ctx, vr, "Component not defined"+ componentName);
function instantiateComponent(varVal) {
function extractValue(v) {
if (Array.isArray(v)) {
} else {
return v.value.toString();
if (Array.isArray(varVal)) {
for (let i =0; i<varVal.length; i++) {
if (ctx.components[varVal.fullName] != "UNINSTANTIATED") error(ctx, fn, "Component already instantiated");
const oldComponent = ctx.currentComponent;
const oldFileName = ctx.fileName;
const oldFilePath = ctx.filePath;
ctx.currentComponent = varVal.fullName;
ctx.components[ctx.currentComponent] = {
signals: [],
params: {}
const oldScopes = ctx.scopes;
ctx.scopes = oldScopes.slice(0, scopeLevel+1);
if (template.params.length != paramValues.length) return error(ctx, fn, "Invalid number of parameters: " + templateName);
const scope = {};
for (let i=0; i< template.params.length; i++) {
scope[template.params[i]] = paramValues[i];
ctx.components[ctx.currentComponent].params[template.params[i]] = extractValue(paramValues[i]);
ctx.components[ctx.currentComponent].template = templateName;
ctx.fileName = template.fileName;
ctx.filePath = template.filePath;
ctx.scopes = copyScope( template.scopes );
execBlock(ctx, template.block);
ctx.fileName = oldFileName;
ctx.filePath = oldFilePath;
ctx.currentComponent = oldComponent;
ctx.scopes = oldScopes;
function execFunctionCall(ctx, ast) {
if ( == "log") {
const v = exec(ctx, ast.params[0]);
const scopeLevel = getScopeLevel(ctx,;
if (scopeLevel == -1) return error(ctx, ast, "Function not defined: " +;
const fnc = getScope(ctx,;
if (fnc.type != "FUNCTION") return error(ctx, ast, "Not a function: " +;
const paramValues = [];
for (let i=0; i< ast.params.length; i++) {
const v = exec(ctx, ast.params[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (ast.params.length != paramValues.length) error(ctx, ast, "Invalid Number of parameters");
const oldFileName = ctx.fileName;
const oldFilePath = ctx.filePath;
const oldScopes = ctx.scopes;
ctx.scopes = oldScopes.slice(0, scopeLevel+1);
const scope = {};
for (let i=0; i< fnc.params.length; i++) {
scope[fnc.params[i]] = paramValues[i];
ctx.fileName = fnc.fileName;
ctx.filePath = fnc.filePath;
ctx.scopes = copyScope( fnc.scopes );
execBlock(ctx, fnc.block);
const res = ctx.returnValue;
ctx.returnValue = null;
ctx.fileName = oldFileName;
ctx.filePath = oldFilePath;
ctx.scopes = oldScopes;
return res;
function execReturn(ctx, ast) {
ctx.returnValue = exec(ctx, ast.value);
function execDeclareSignal(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid component name");
if (getScope(ctx, return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
const baseName = ctx.currentComponent ? ctx.currentComponent + "." + :;
const sizes=[];
for (let i=0; i<; i++) {
const size = exec(ctx,[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (size.type != "NUMBER") return error(ctx,[i], "expected a number");
sizes.push( size.value.toJSNumber() );
scope[] = iterateSelectors(ctx, sizes, baseName, function(fullName) {
ctx.signals[fullName] = {
fullName: fullName,
direction: ast.declareType == "SIGNALIN" ? "IN" : (ast.declareType == "SIGNALOUT" ? "OUT" : ""),
private: ast.private,
component: ctx.currentComponent,
equivalence: "",
alias: [fullName]
return {
type: "SIGNAL",
fullName: fullName,
return {
type: "VARIABLE",
selectors: []
function execDeclareVariable(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid linear combination name");
if (getScope(ctx, return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
const sizes=[];
for (let i=0; i<; i++) {
const size = exec(ctx,[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (size.type != "NUMBER") return error(ctx,[i], "expected a number");
sizes.push( size.value.toJSNumber() );
scope[] = iterateSelectors(ctx, sizes, "", function() {
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: bigInt(0)
return {
type: "VARIABLE",
selectors: []
function execVariable(ctx, ast) {
let v;
try {
v = getScope(ctx,, ast.selectors);
} catch(err) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null,1));
if (ctx.error) return;
if (!v) return error(ctx, ast, "Variable not defined");
// If the signal has an assigned value (constant) just return the constant
if ((v.type == "SIGNAL") && (ctx.signals[v.fullName].value)) {
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: ctx.signals[v.fullName].value
let res;
return res;
function execPin(ctx, ast) {
const component = getScope(ctx,, ast.component.selectors);
if (!component) return error(ctx, ast.component, "Component does not exists: ";
if (ctx.error) return;
let signalFullName = component.fullName + "." +;
for (let i=0; i<; i++) {
const sel = exec(ctx,[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (sel.type != "NUMBER") return error(ctx,[i], "expected a number");
signalFullName += "[" + sel.value.toJSNumber() + "]";
if (!ctx.signals[signalFullName]) error(ctx, ast, "Signal not defined:" + signalFullName);
return {
type: "SIGNAL",
fullName: signalFullName
function execFor(ctx, ast) {
exec(ctx, ast.init);
if (ctx.error) return;
let v = exec(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (typeof v.value != "undefined") {
while ((v.value.neq(0))&&(!ctx.returnValue)) {
exec(ctx, ast.body);
if (ctx.error) return;
exec(ctx, ast.step);
if (ctx.error) return;
v = exec(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
function execWhile(ctx, ast) {
let v = exec(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (typeof v.value != "undefined") {
while ((v.value.neq(0))&&(!ctx.returnValue)) {
exec(ctx, ast.body);
if (ctx.error) return;
v = exec(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
function execIf(ctx, ast) {
let v = exec(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (typeof v.value != "undefined") {
if ((v.value.neq(0))&&(!ctx.returnValue)) {
exec(ctx, ast.then);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
if (ast.else) {
exec(ctx, ast.else);
if (ctx.error) return;
function execVarAssignement(ctx, ast) {
let v;
if (ast.values[0].type == "DECLARE") {
v = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
v = ast.values[0];
const num = getScope(ctx,, v.selectors);
if (ctx.error) return;
if ((typeof(num) != "object")||(num == null)) return error(ctx, ast, "Variable not defined");
if (num.type == "COMPONENT") return execInstantiateComponet(ctx, v, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
// if (num.type == "SIGNAL") return error(ctx, ast, "Cannot assign to a signal with `=` use <-- or <== ops");
const res = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
setScope(ctx,, v.selectors, res);
return v;
function execLt(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execGt(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execLte(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.lesserOrEquals(b.value) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execGte(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.greaterOrEquals(b.value) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execEq(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.eq(b.value) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execNeq(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.eq(b.value) ? bigInt(0) : bigInt(1)
function execBAnd(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.and(b.value).and(__MASK__)
function execAnd(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: (a.value.neq(0) && b.value.neq(0)) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execOr(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: (a.value.neq(0) || b.value.neq(0)) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0)
function execShl(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
const v = b.value.greater(256) ? 256 : b.value.value;
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.shiftLeft(v).and(__MASK__)
function execShr(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
const v = b.value.greater(256) ? 256 : b.value.value;
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.shiftRight(v).and(__MASK__)
function execMod(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.mod(b.value)
function execExp(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.modPow(b.value, __P__)
function execDiv(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (b.value.isZero()) return error(ctx, ast, "Division by zero");
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.times(b.value.modInv(__P__)).mod(__P__)
function execIDiv(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (a.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (b.type != "NUMBER") return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (!a.value || !b.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (b.value.isZero()) return error(ctx, ast, "Division by zero");
return {
type: "NUMBER",
value: a.value.divide(b.value)
function execAdd(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const res = lc.add(a,b);
if (res.type == "ERROR") return error(ctx, ast, res.errStr);
return res;
function execSub(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const res = lc.sub(a,b);
if (res.type == "ERROR") return error(ctx, ast, res.errStr);
return res;
function execUMinus(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const res = lc.negate(a);
if (res.type == "ERROR") return error(ctx, ast, res.errStr);
return res;
function execMul(ctx, ast) {
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const res = lc.mul(a,b);
if (res.type == "ERROR") return error(ctx, ast, res.errStr);
return res;
function execVarAddAssignement(ctx, ast) {
const res = execAdd(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], ast.values[1]] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
return execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], res] });
function execVarMulAssignement(ctx, ast) {
const res = execMul(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], ast.values[1]] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
return execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], res] });
function execPlusPlusRight(ctx, ast) {
const resBefore = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const resAfter = execAdd(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], resAfter] });
return resBefore;
function execPlusPlusLeft(ctx, ast) {
if (ctx.error) return;
const resAfter = execAdd(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], resAfter] });
return resAfter;
function execMinusMinusRight(ctx, ast) {
const resBefore = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const resAfter = execSub(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], resAfter] });
return resBefore;
function execMinusMinusLeft(ctx, ast) {
if (ctx.error) return;
const resAfter = execSub(ctx,{ values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}] } );
if (ctx.error) return;
execVarAssignement(ctx, { values: [ast.values[0], resAfter] });
return resAfter;
function execTerCon(ctx, ast) {
const cond = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (!cond.value) return { type: "NUMBER" };
if (cond.value.neq(0)) {
return exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
} else {
return exec(ctx, ast.values[2]);
function execSignalAssign(ctx, ast) {
let vDest;
if (ast.values[0].type == "DECLARE") {
vDest = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
vDest = ast.values[0];
let dst;
if (vDest.type == "VARIABLE") {
dst = getScope(ctx,, vDest.selectors);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else if (vDest.type == "PIN") {
dst = execPin(ctx, vDest);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Bad assignement");
if (!dst) return error(ctx, ast, "Signal not defined");
if (dst.type != "SIGNAL") return error(ctx, ast, "Signal assigned to a non signal");
let sDest=ctx.signals[dst.fullName];
if (!sDest) return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid signal: "+dst.fullName);
while (sDest.equivalence) sDest=ctx.signals[sDest.equivalence];
if (sDest.value) return error(ctx, ast, "Signals cannot be assigned twice");
let src = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
let vSrc;
if (ast.values[1].type == "DECLARE") {
vSrc = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
} else {
vSrc = ast.values[1];
if (vSrc.type == "VARIABLE") {
src = getScope(ctx,, vSrc.selectors);
if (!src) error(ctx, ast, "Variable not defined: " +;
if (ctx.error) return;
} else if (vSrc.type == "PIN") {
src = execPin(ctx, vSrc);
let assignValue = true;
if (src.type == "SIGNAL") {
sDest.equivalence = src.fullName;
sDest.alias = sDest.alias.concat(src.alias);
while (sDest.equivalence) sDest=ctx.signals[sDest.equivalence];
assignValue = false;
if (assignValue) {
// const resLC = exec(ctx, vSrc);
if (ctx.error) return;
// const v = lc.evaluate(ctx, resLC);
const v = lc.evaluate(ctx, src);
if (v.value) {
sDest.value = v.value;
return vDest;
function execConstrain(ctx, ast) {
ast.fileName = ctx.fileName;
ast.filePath = ctx.filePath;
const a = exec(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = exec(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const res = lc.sub(a,b);
if (res.type == "ERROR") return error(ctx, ast, res.errStr);
if (!lc.isZero(res)) {
return res;
function execSignalAssignConstrain(ctx, ast) {
const v = execSignalAssign(ctx,ast);
if (ctx.error) return;
execConstrain(ctx, ast);
if (ctx.error) return;
return v;
function execInclude(ctx, ast) {
const incFileName = path.resolve(ctx.filePath, ast.file);
const incFilePath = path.dirname(incFileName);
ctx.includedFiles = ctx.includedFiles || [];
if (ctx.includedFiles[incFileName]) return;
ctx.includedFiles[incFileName] = true;
const src = fs.readFileSync(incFileName, "utf8");
if (!src) return error(ctx, ast, "Include file not found: "+incFileName);
const incAst = parser.parse(src);
const oldFilePath = ctx.filePath;
const oldFileName = ctx.fileName;
ctx.filePath = incFilePath;
ctx.fileName = incFileName;
exec(ctx, incAst);
ast.block = incAst;
ctx.filePath = oldFilePath;
ctx.fileName = oldFileName;
function execArray(ctx, ast) {
const res = [];
for (let i=0; i<ast.values.length; i++) {
res.push(exec(ctx, ast.values[i]));
return res;
function copyScope(scope) {
var scopesClone = [];
for (let i=0; i<scope.length; i++) {
return scopesClone;