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535 lines
15 KiB

Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with circom. If not, see <>.
const assert = require("assert");
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const utils = require("./utils");
const gen = require("./c_gen").gen;
const newRef = require("./c_gen").newRef;
module.exports = buildC;
function buildC(ctx) {
ctx.definedFunctions = {};
ctx.functionCodes = [];
ctx.buildFunction = buildFunction;
ctx.code = "";
ctx.conditionalCodeHeader = "";
ctx.tmpNames = {};
ctx.getTmpName = getTmpName;
ctx.codes_sizes = [];
ctx.definedSizes = {};
ctx.addSizes = addSizes;
const entryTables = buildEntryTables(ctx);
ctx.globalNames = ctx.tmpNames;
const code = buildCode(ctx);
const functions = buildFuncFunctions(ctx);
const compnentsArray = buildComponentsArray(ctx);
const headder = buildHeader(ctx);
const sizes = buildSizes(ctx);
const mapIsInput = buildMapIsInput(ctx);
const wit2Sig = buildWit2Sig(ctx);
const circuitVar = buildCircuitVar(ctx);
return "" +
headder + "\n" +
sizes + "\n" +
entryTables + "\n" +
functions + "\n" +
code + "\n" +
compnentsArray + "\n" +
mapIsInput + "\n" +
wit2Sig +"\n" +
function buildEntryTables(ctx) {
const codes_hashMaps = [];
const codes_componentEntries = [];
const definedHashTables = {};
for (let i=0; i<ctx.components.length; i++) {
const {htName, htMap} = addHashTable(i);
let code = "";
const componentEntriesTableName = ctx.getTmpName("entryTable_" + ctx.components[i].template);
code += `Circom_ComponentEntry ${componentEntriesTableName}[${htMap.length}] = {\n`;
for (let j=0; j<htMap.length; j++) {
const entry = ctx.components[i].names.o[htMap[j]];
code += j>0 ? " ," : " ";
const sizeName = ctx.addSizes(entry.sizes);
const ty = entry.type == "S" ? "_typeSignal" : "_typeComponent";
code += `{${entry.offset},${sizeName}, ${ty}}\n`;
code += "};\n";
ctx.components[i].htName = htName;
ctx.components[i].etName = componentEntriesTableName;
return "" +
"// HashMaps\n" +
codes_hashMaps.join("\n") + "\n" +
"\n" +
"// Component Entries\n" +
codes_componentEntries.join("\n") + "\n" +
function addHashTable(cIdx) {
const keys = Object.keys(ctx.components[cIdx].names.o);
keys.sort((a,b) => ((a>b) ? 1 : -1));
const h = utils.fnvHash(keys.join(","));
if (definedHashTables[h]) return definedHashTables[h];
definedHashTables[h] = {};
definedHashTables[h].htName = ctx.getTmpName("ht_"+ctx.components[cIdx].template);
definedHashTables[h].htMap = [];
const t = [];
for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
definedHashTables[h].htMap[i] = keys[i];
const h2 = utils.fnvHash(keys[i]);
let pos = parseInt(h2.slice(-2), 16);
while (t[pos]) pos = (pos + 1) % 256;
t[pos] = [h2, i];
let code = `Circom_HashEntry ${definedHashTables[h].htName}[256] = {`;
for (let i=0; i<256; i++) {
code += i>0 ? "," : "";
if (t[i]) {
code += `{0x${t[i][0]}LL, ${t[i][1]}} /* ${keys[t[i][1]]} */`;
} else {
code += "{0,0}";
code += "};\n";
return definedHashTables[h];
function buildCode(ctx) {
const fDefined = {};
const fnComponents = [];
for (let i=0; i<ctx.components.length; i++) {
const {h, instanceDef} = hashComponentCall(ctx, i);
const fName = ctx.components[i].template+"_"+h;
if (!fDefined[fName]) {
const scope = {_prefix : ""};
ctx.scopes = [scope];
ctx.conditionalCode = false;
ctx.code = "";
ctx.codeHeader = "// Header\n";
ctx.codeFooter = "// Footer\n";
ctx.tmpNames = Object.assign({},ctx.globalNames);
for (let p in ctx.components[i].params) {
newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", p, bigInt(ctx.components[i].params[p]));
gen(ctx, ctx.templates[ctx.components[i].template].block);
const S =
"/*\n" +
instanceDef +
"\n*/\n" +
`void ${fName}(Circom_CalcWit *ctx) {\n` +
ctx.codeHeader + "\n" +
ctx.code + "\n" +
) +
fDefined[fName] = true;
ctx.components[i].fnName = fName;
return fnComponents.join("\n");
function buildFuncFunctions(ctx) {
return "// Functions\n" +
function buildComponentsArray(ctx) {
const ccodes = [];
ccodes.push(`Circom_Component _components[${ctx.components.length}] = {\n`);
for (let i=0; i< ctx.components.length; i++) {
ccodes.push(i>0 ? " ," : " ");
ccodes.push(`{${ctx.components[i].htName},${ctx.components[i].etName},${ctx.components[i].fnName}, ${ctx.components[i].nInSignals}}\n`);
const codeComponents = ccodes.join("");
return "" +
"// Components\n" +
codeComponents +
function buildHeader(ctx) {
return "#include \"circom.h\"\n" +
"#include \"calcwit.h\"\n" +
`#define NSignals ${ctx.signals.length}\n` +
`#define NComponents ${ctx.components.length}\n` +
`#define NInputs ${ctx.components[ ctx.getComponentIdx("main") ].nInSignals}\n`+
`#define NOutputs ${ctx.totals[ ctx.stOUTPUT ]}\n`+
`#define NVars ${ctx.totals[ctx.stONE] + ctx.totals[ctx.stOUTPUT] + ctx.totals[ctx.stPUBINPUT] + ctx.totals[ctx.stPRVINPUT] + ctx.totals[ctx.stINTERNAL]}\n` +
`#define __P__ "${ctx.field.p.toString()}"\n` +
function buildSizes(ctx) {
return "// Sizes\n" +
function buildMapIsInput(ctx) {
const arr = [];
let line = "";
let acc = 0;
let i;
for (i=0; i<ctx.signals.length; i++) {
if (ctx.signals[i].o & ctx.IN) {
acc = acc | (1 << (i%32) );
if ((i+1)%32==0) {
line += (i>31) ? "," : " ";
line += toHex(acc);
acc = 0;
if ( i % (32*64) == 0) {
line = "";
if ((i%32) != 0) {
line += (i>31) ? "," : " ";
line += toHex(acc);
if (line != "") {
return "// mapIsArray\n" +
`u32 _mapIsInput[${Math.floor((ctx.signals.length-1) / 32)+1}] = {\n`+
arr.join("\n") + "\n" +
function toHex(number) {
if (number < 0) number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;
let S=number.toString(16).toUpperCase();
while (S.length<8) S = "0" + S;
return "0x"+S;
function buildWit2Sig(ctx) {
const codes = [];
const NVars =
ctx.totals[ctx.stONE] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stOUTPUT] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stPUBINPUT] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stPRVINPUT] +
const arr = Array(NVars);
for (let i=0; i<ctx.signals.length; i++) {
const outIdx = ctx.signals[i].id;
if (ctx.signals[i].e>=0) continue; // If has an alias, continue..
assert(typeof outIdx != "undefined", `Signal ${i} does not have index`);
if (outIdx>=NVars) continue; // Is a constant or a discarded variable
if (typeof arr[ctx.signals[i].id] == "undefined") {
arr[outIdx] = i;
codes.push("// Signal Table\n");
codes.push(`int _wit2sig[${NVars}] = {\n`);
let code = "";
for (let i=0; i<NVars; i++) {
code += (i>0) ? ",": " ";
code += arr[i];
if ((i>0)&&(i%64 == 0)) {
if (code != "") codes.push(code + "\n");
code =0;
if (code != "") codes.push(code + "\n");
return codes.join("");
function buildCircuitVar() {
return "Circom_Circuit _circuit = {\n" +
" NSignals,\n"+
" NComponents,\n"+
" NInputs,\n"+
" NOutputs,\n"+
" NVars,\n"+
" _wit2sig,\n"+
" _components,\n"+
" _mapIsInput,\n"+
" __P__\n" +
function getTmpName(_suggestedName) {
let suggestedName;
if (_suggestedName) {
suggestedName = trimUnderscore(_suggestedName);
} else {
suggestedName = "tmp";
if (typeof(this.tmpNames[suggestedName]) == "undefined") {
this.tmpNames[suggestedName] = 1;
return "_"+suggestedName;
} else {
const name = "_" + suggestedName + "_" + this.tmpNames[suggestedName];
return name;
function trimUnderscore(str) {
let p1=0;
while ((p1 < str.length)&&(str[p1] == "_")) p1++;
let p2=str.length;
while ((p2 > 0)&&(str[p2-1] == "_")) p2--;
return str.slice(p1,p2);
function addSizes(_sizes) {
const sizes = _sizes || [];
let name = "sizes";
for (let i=0; i<sizes.length;i++) {
if (name=="sizes") name="sizes_0";
if (this.definedSizes[name]) return this.definedSizes[name];
const labelName = this.getTmpName(name);
this.definedSizes[name] = labelName;
const accSizes = utils.accSizes(sizes);
let code = `Circom_Size ${labelName}[${accSizes.length}] = {`;
for (let i=0; i<accSizes.length; i++) {
if (i>0) code += ",";
code += accSizes[i];
code += "};\n";
return labelName;
function buildFunction(name, paramValues) {
const ctx = this;
const {h, instanceDef} = hashFunctionCall(ctx, name, paramValues);
if (ctx.definedFunctions[h]) return ctx.definedFunctions[h];
const res = {
fnName: `${name}_${h}`
const oldScopes = ctx.scopes;
const oldConditionalCode = ctx.conditionalCode;
const oldCode = ctx.code;
const oldCodeHeader = ctx.codeHeader;
const oldCodeFooter = ctx.codeFooter;
const oldTmpNames = ctx.tmpNames;
const scope = {_prefix : ""};
ctx.scopes = [scope];
ctx.conditionalCode = false;
ctx.code = "";
ctx.codeHeader = "// Header\n";
ctx.codeFooter = "// Footer\n";
ctx.tmpNames = Object.assign({},ctx.globalNames);
ctx.returnValue = null;
ctx.returnSizes = null;
let paramsStr = "";
for (let i=0; i<ctx.functions[name].params.length; i++) {
if (paramValues[i].used) {
paramsStr += `,PBigInt ${ctx.functions[name].params[i]}`;
scope[ctx.functions[name].params[i]] = {
stack: true,
type: "BIGINT",
used: true,
sizes: paramValues[i].sizes,
label: ctx.functions[name].params[i],
} else {
scope[ctx.functions[name].params[i]] = {
stack: true,
type: "BIGINT",
used: false,
sizes: paramValues[i].sizes,
label: ctx.functions[name].params[i],
value: paramValues[i].value
gen(ctx, ctx.functions[name].block);
if (ctx.returnValue == null) {
if (ctx.returnSizes == null) assert(false, `Funciont ${name} does not return any value`);
res.type = "VARVAL_CONSTSIZE";
let code =
"/*\n" +
instanceDef +
"\n*/\n" +
`void ${name}_${h}(Circom_CalcWit *ctx, PBigInt __retValue ${paramsStr}) {`;
code += utils.ident(ctx.codeHeader);
code += utils.ident(ctx.code);
code += utils.ident("returnFunc:\n");
code += utils.ident(ctx.codeFooter);
code += "}\n";
res.returnSizes = ctx.returnSizes;
} else {
res.type = "CONSTVAL";
res.returnValue = ctx.returnValue;
ctx.scopes = oldScopes;
ctx.conditionalCode = oldConditionalCode;
ctx.code = oldCode;
ctx.codeHeader = oldCodeHeader;
ctx.codeFooter = oldCodeFooter;
ctx.tmpNames = oldTmpNames;
ctx.definedFunctions[h] = res;
return res;
function hashComponentCall(ctx, cIdx) {
// TODO: At the moment generate a diferent function for each instance of the component
const constParams = [];
for (let p in ctx.components[cIdx].params) {
constParams.push(p + "=" + value2str(ctx.components[cIdx].params[p]));
for (let n in ctx.components[cIdx].names.o) {
const entry = ctx.components[cIdx].names.o[n];
if ((entry.type == "S")&&(ctx.signals[entry.offset].o & ctx.IN)) {
travelSizes(n, entry.offset, entry.sizes, (prefix, offset) => {
if (utils.isDefined(ctx.signals[offset].v)) {
constParams.push(prefix + "=" + bigInt(ctx.signals[offset].value));
let instanceDef = ctx.components[cIdx].template;
if (constParams.length>0) {
instanceDef += "\n";
instanceDef += constParams.join("\n");
const h = utils.fnvHash(instanceDef);
return {h, instanceDef};
function travelSizes(prefix, offset, sizes, fn) {
if (sizes.length == 0) {
fn(prefix, offset);
return 1;
} else {
let o = offset;
for (let i=0; i<sizes[0]; i++) {
o += travelSizes(prefix + "[" + i + "]", o, sizes.slice(1), fn);
return o-offset;
function hashFunctionCall(ctx, name, paramValues) {
const constParams = [];
for (let i=0; i<ctx.functions[name].params.length; i++) {
if (!paramValues[i].used) {
constParams.push(ctx.functions[name].params[i] + "=" + value2str(paramValues[i]));
let instanceDef = name;
if (constParams.length>0) {
instanceDef += "\n";
instanceDef += constParams.join("\n");
const h = utils.fnvHash(instanceDef);
return {h, instanceDef};
function value2str(v) {
if (Array.isArray(v)) {
let S="[";
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
if (i>0) S+=",";
return S;
} else {
return bigInt(v).toString();