You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1086 lines
32 KiB

const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const utils = require("./utils");
const assert = require("assert");
module.exports.gen = gen;
module.exports.newRef = newRef;
function newRef(ctx, type, _name, value, _sizes) {
const isValue = ((typeof(value) != "undefined")&&(value != null));
let name;
let sizes;
if (!_name) {
name = ctx.getTmpName();
} else {
if (_name[0] =="_") {
name = ctx.getTmpName(_name);
} else {
name = _name;
if (typeof(_sizes) == "string") {
sizes = _sizes;
} else if (Array.isArray(_sizes)) {
sizes = newSizes(ctx, _sizes);
} else if (isValue) {
sizes = newSizes(ctx, utils.extractSizes(value));
} else {
sizes = newSizes(ctx, []);
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if (scope[name]) return error(ctx, null, "Variable already exists: " + name);
const label = scope._prefix + name;
scope[name] = {
stack: true,
type: type,
used: false,
sizes: sizes,
label: label
if (isValue) {
scope[name].value = value;
return name;
function newSizes(ctx, sizes) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
const name = ctx.getTmpName("_sz");
scope[name] = {
stack: true,
type: "SIZES",
used: false,
dim: sizes.length,
label: name,
value: sizes
return name;
function instantiateRef(ctx, name, initValue) {
const v = getScope(ctx, name);
if (!v.stack) return error(ctx, null, "Using a non existing var: " + name);
if (v.used) return;
if (v.type=="BIGINT") {
const iSize = getScope(ctx, v.sizes);
if (iSize.used) {
const labelSize = iSize.label;
ctx.codeHeader += `PBigInt ${v.label};\n`;
const c = `${v.label} = ctx->allocBigInts(${labelSize});\n`;
if (ctx.conditionalCode) {
ctx.conditionalCodeHeader += c;
} else {
ctx.code += c;
ctx.codeFooter += `ctx->freeBigInts(${v.label}, ${labelSize});\n`;
} else if (iSize.value) {
const labelSize = ctx.addSizes(iSize.value);
ctx.codeHeader += `PBigInt ${v.label} = ctx->allocBigInts(${labelSize});\n`;
ctx.codeFooter += `ctx->freeBigInts(${v.label}, ${labelSize});\n`;
} else {
return error(ctx, null, "Undefined Sizes: " +name);
} else if (v.type=="INT") {
ctx.codeHeader += `int ${v.label};\n`;
} else if (v.type=="SIZES") {
ctx.codeHeader += `Circom_Sizes ${v.label};\n`;
v.used = true;
if ((typeof initValue!= "undefined")&&(initValue != null)) {
const flatedValue = utils.flatArray(initValue);
for (let i=0; i<flatedValue.length; i++) {
const c = `mpz_set_str(${v.label}[${i}], "${flatedValue[i].toString(10)}", 10);\n`;
if (ctx.conditionalCode) {
ctx.conditionalCodeHeader += c;
} else {
ctx.code += c;
function instantiateConstant(ctx, value) {
const labelSize = ctx.addSizes(utils.extractSizes(value));
const flatedValue = utils.flatArray(value);
const res = ctx.getTmpName("_const");
ctx.codeHeader += `PBigInt ${res};\n`;
ctx.codeHeader += `${res} = ctx->allocBigInts(${labelSize});\n`;
for (let i=0; i<flatedValue.length; i++) {
ctx.codeHeader += `mpz_set_str(${res}[${i}], "${flatedValue[i].toString(10)}", 10);\n`;
ctx.codeFooter += `ctx->freeBigInts(${res}, ${labelSize});\n`;
return res;
function error(ctx, ast, errStr) {
ctx.error = {
pos: {
first_line: ast.first_line,
first_column: ast.first_column,
last_line: ast.last_line,
last_column: ast.last_column
errStr: errStr,
ast: ast,
message: errStr
function getScope(ctx, name) {
for (let i=ctx.scopes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (ctx.scopes[i][name]) return ctx.scopes[i][name];
return null;
function gen(ctx, ast) {
if ((ast.type == "NUMBER") ) {
return genNumber(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "VARIABLE") {
return genVariable(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "PIN") {
return genPin(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "OP") {
if (ast.op == "=") {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<--") {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<==") {
return genSignalAssignConstrain(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "===") {
return genConstraint(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "+=") {
return genVarAddAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "*=") {
return genVarMulAssignement(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "+") {
return genBinaryOp(ctx, ast, "add");
} else if (ast.op == "-") {
return genSub(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "UMINUS") {
return genUMinus(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "*") {
return genMul(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "%") {
return genMod(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "PLUSPLUSRIGHT") {
return genPlusPlusRight(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "PLUSPLUSLEFT") {
return genPlusPlusLeft(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "MINUSMINUSRIGHT") {
return genMinusMinusRight(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "MINUSMINUSLEFT") {
return genMinusMinusLeft(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "**") {
return genExp(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "/") {
return genDiv(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "\\") {
return genIDiv(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "&") {
return genBAnd(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "&&") {
return genAnd(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "||") {
return genOr(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<<") {
return genShl(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == ">>") {
return genShr(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<") {
return genBinaryOp(ctx, ast, "lt");
} else if (ast.op == ">") {
return genGt(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "<=") {
return genLte(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == ">=") {
return genGte(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "==") {
return genEq(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "!=") {
return genNeq(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.op == "?") {
return genTerCon(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid operation: " + ast.op);
} else if (ast.type == "DECLARE") {
if (ast.declareType == "COMPONENT") {
return genDeclareComponent(ctx, ast);
} else if ((ast.declareType == "SIGNALIN")||
(ast.declareType == "SIGNALOUT")||
(ast.declareType == "SIGNAL")) {
return genDeclareSignal(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.declareType == "VARIABLE") {
return genDeclareVariable(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid declaration: " + ast.declareType);
} else if (ast.type == "FUNCTIONCALL") {
return genFunctionCall(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "BLOCK") {
return genBlock(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "COMPUTE") {
return genCompute(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "FOR") {
return genFor(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "WHILE") {
return genWhile(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "IF") {
return genIf(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "RETURN") {
return genReturn(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "INCLUDE") {
return genInclude(ctx, ast);
} else if (ast.type == "ARRAY") {
return genArray(ctx, ast);
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "GEN -> Invalid AST node type: " + ast.type);
function genBlock(ctx, ast) {
ctx.scopes.push({_prefix : ""});
const oldCode = ctx.code;
let res = null;
ctx.code = "";
for (let i=0; i<ast.statements.length; i++) {
if (["BLOCK", "COMPUTE", "FOR", "WHILE", "IF"].indexOf(ast.statements[i].type)<0) {
genSrcComment(ctx, ast.statements[i]);
res = gen(ctx, ast.statements[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
ctx.code = oldCode + ctx.code;
return res;
function getSource(ctx, ast) {
let codes = [];
const fl= ast.first_line-1;
const ll = ast.last_line-1;
const fc = ast.first_column;
const lc = ast.last_column;
for (let i=fl; i<=ll; i++) {
const p1 = i==fl ? fc : 0;
const p2 = i==ll ? lc : -1;
codes.push(ctx.includedFiles[ctx.fileName][i].slice(p1, p2>=0 ? p2 : undefined));
return codes.join("\n");
function genSrcComment(ctx, ast) {
const code = getSource(ctx, ast);
ctx.code += "\n/* "+code+" */\n";
function genForSrcComment(ctx, ast) {
const init = getSource(ctx, ast.init);
const condition = getSource(ctx, ast.condition);
const step = getSource(ctx, ast.step);
ctx.code += `\n/* for (${init},${condition},${step}) */\n`;
function genDeclareComponent(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length - 1];
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid component name");
if (getScope(ctx, return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
scope[] = {
type: "COMPONENT",
function genDeclareSignal(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid component name");
if (getScope(ctx, return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: ";
const res = {
type: "SIGNAL",
scope[] = res;
return res;
function genDeclareVariable(ctx, ast) {
const scope = ctx.scopes[ctx.scopes.length-1];
const varName =;
const labelName = scope._prefix +;
if ( != "VARIABLE") return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid component name");
if (typeof scope[varName] != "undefined") return error(ctx, ast, "Name already exists: "+varName);
const sizes=[];
let instantiate = false;
for (let i=0; i<; i++) {
const size = gen(ctx,[i]);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (size.used) {
instantiate = true;
} else {
sizes.push( size.value.toJSNumber() );
const vSizes = newRef(ctx, "SIZES", "_sizes");
const iSizes = scope[vSizes];
iSizes.dim =;
if (instantiate) {
instantiateRef(ctx, vSizes);
ctx.code += `${iSizes.label}[${iSizes.dim+1}]=0`;
ctx.code += `${iSizes.label}[${iSizes.dim}]=1`;
for (let i=iSizes.dim-1; i>=0; i--) {
ctx.code += `${iSizes.label}[${i}] = ${sizes[i]}*${iSizes.label}[${i+1}];\n`;
} else {
iSizes.value = sizes;
const res = scope[varName] = {
stack: true,
type: "BIGINT",
sizes: vSizes,
label: labelName,
used: false,
scope[varName] = res;
return varName;
function genNumber(ctx, ast) {
return newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_num", ast.value);
function genGetOffset(ctx, vOffset, vSizes, sels) {
let rN = 0;
let rStr = "";
let iOffset;
if (vOffset) {
iOffset = getScope(ctx, vOffset);
if (iOffset.used) {
rStr += iOffset.label;
} else {
rN += iOffset.value.toJSNumber();
if ((sels)&&(sels.length>0)) {
const iSizes = getScope(ctx, vSizes);
for (let i=0; i<sels.length; i++) {
const vIdx = gen(ctx, sels[i]);
const iIdx = getScope(ctx, vIdx);
if ((!iIdx.used) && (!iSizes.used)) {
rN = rN + iIdx.value * iSizes.sizes[i+1];
} else {
if (rN>0) {
if (rStr != "") rStr += " + ";
rStr += rN;
rN =0;
if (rStr != "") rStr += " + ";
if (iIdx.used) {
rStr += vIdx;
} else {
rStr += iIdx.value;
rStr += "*";
if (iSizes.used) {
rStr += `${iSizes.label}[${i+1}]`;
} else {
rStr += iSizes.sizes[i+1];
if (rStr == "") {
const o = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_offset", rN);
return o;
} else {
if (rN>0) {
if (rStr != "") rStr += " + ";
rStr += rN;
rN =0;
if (rStr == iOffset.label) {
return vOffset;
} else {
const res = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_offset");
instantiateRef(ctx, res);
ctx.code += `${res} = ${rStr};\n`;
return res;
function genVariable(ctx, ast) {
const v = getScope(ctx,;
if (v.type == "SIGNAL") {
let vOffset;
if (ast.selectors.length>0) {
const vsOffset = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
const vsSizes = genGetSignalSizes(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
vOffset = genGetOffset(ctx, vsOffset, vsSizes, ast.selectors );
} else {
vOffset = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
return genGetSignal(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", vOffset);
} else if (v.type == "BIGINT") {
const vOffset = genGetOffset(ctx, 0, v.sizes, ast.sels );
const offset = getScope(ctx, vOffset);
if (v.used) {
if (offset.used) {
const res = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_v");
instantiateRef(ctx, res);
ctx.code += `${res} = ${} + ${vOffset};\n`;
return res;
} else if (offset.value) {
const res = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_v");
instantiateRef(ctx, res);
ctx.code += `${res} = ${} + ${vOffset.value};\n`;
return res;
} else {
} else {
if (offset.used) {
const vConstant = instantiateConstant(ctx, v.value);
const res = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_v");
instantiateRef(ctx, res);
ctx.code += `${res} = ${vConstant} + ${vOffset};\n`;
return res;
} else {
const sa = utils.subArray(v.value, ast.selectors);
const res = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_v", sa);
return res;
const sels = [];
for (let i=0; i<ast.selectors.length; i++) {
sels.push(gen(ctx, ast.selectors[i]));
if (ctx.error) return;
if (!v) {
return error(ctx, ast, "Invalid left operand");
if (v.type == "VARIABLE") {
return `ctx.getVar("${}",[${sels.join(",")}])`;
} else if (v.type == "SIGNAL") {
return `ctx.getSignal("${}", [${sels.join(",")}])`;
} else {
error(ctx, ast, "Invalid Variable type");
function genPin(ctx, ast) {
let vcIdx;
if (ast.component.selectors.length>0) {
const vcOffset = genGetSubComponentOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
const vcSizes = genGetSubComponentSizes(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
vcIdx = genGetOffset(ctx, vcOffset, vcSizes, ast.component.selectors );
} else {
vcIdx = genGetSubComponentOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx",;
let vsIdx;
if (>0) {
const vsOffset = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, vcIdx,;
const vsSizes = genGetSignalSizes(ctx, vcIdx,;
vsIdx = genGetOffset(ctx, vsOffset, vsSizes, );
} else {
vsIdx = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, vcIdx,;
return genGetSignal(ctx, vcIdx, vsIdx);
function genGetSubComponentOffset(ctx, cIdx, label) {
const vOffset = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_compIdx");
instantiateRef(ctx, vOffset);
const h = utils.fnvHash(label);
ctx.code += `${vOffset} = ctx->getSubComponentOffset(${cIdx}, 0x${h}LL /* ${label} */);\n`;
return vOffset;
function genGetSubComponentSizes(ctx, cIdx, label) {
const vSizes = newRef(ctx, "SIZES", "_compSizes");
instantiateRef(ctx, vSizes);
const h = utils.fnvHash(label);
ctx.code += `${vSizes} = ctx->getSubComponentSizes(${cIdx}, 0x${h}LL /* ${label} */);\n`;
return vSizes;
function genGetSigalOffset(ctx, sIdx, label) {
const vOffset = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_sigIdx");
instantiateRef(ctx, vOffset);
const h = utils.fnvHash(label);
ctx.code += `${vOffset} = ctx->getSignalOffset(${sIdx}, 0x${h}LL /* ${label} */);\n`;
return vOffset;
function genGetSignalSizes(ctx, sIdx, label) {
const vSizes = newRef(ctx, "SIZES", "_sigSizes");
instantiateRef(ctx, vSizes);
const h = utils.fnvHash(label);
ctx.code += `${vSizes} = ctx->getSignalSizes(${sIdx}, 0x${h}LL /* ${label} */);\n`;
return vSizes;
function genSetSignal(ctx, cIdx, sIdx, value) {
const v = getScope(ctx, value);
if (!v.used) {
value = instantiateConstant(ctx, v.value);
ctx.code += `ctx->setSignal(${cIdx}, ${sIdx}, ${value});\n`;
return value;
function genGetSignal(ctx, cIdx, sIdx) {
const res = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_sigValue");
instantiateRef(ctx, res);
ctx.code += `ctx->getSignal(${cIdx}, ${sIdx}, ${res});\n`;
return res;
function genVarAssignement(ctx, ast) {
let lName;
let sels;
if (ctx.error) return;
if (ast.values[0].type == "PIN") {
let vcIdx;
if (ast.values[0].component.selectors.length>0) {
const vcOffset = genGetSubComponentOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", ast.values[0];
const vcSizes = genGetSubComponentSizes(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", ast.values[0];
vcIdx = genGetOffset(ctx, vcOffset, vcSizes, ast.values[0].component.selectors );
} else {
vcIdx = genGetSubComponentOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", ast.values[0];
let vsIdx;
if (ast.values[0].pin.selectors.length>0) {
const vsOffset = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, vcIdx, ast.values[0];
const vsSizes = genGetSignalSizes(ctx, vcIdx, ast.values[0];
vsIdx = genGetOffset(ctx, vsOffset, vsSizes, ast.values[0].pin.selectors );
} else {
vsIdx = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, vcIdx, ast.values[0];
const vVal = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
genSetSignal(ctx, vcIdx, vsIdx, vVal);
return vVal;
if (ast.values[0].type == "DECLARE") {
lName = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
sels = [];
} else {
lName = ast.values[0].name;
sels = ast.values[0].selectors;
const left = getScope(ctx, lName);
if (!left) return error(ctx, ast, "Variable does not exists: "+ast.values[0].name);
if (ctx.conditionalCode && !left.used) {
instantiateRef(ctx, lName, left.value);
// Component instantiation is already done.
if (left.type == "COMPONENT") {
ctx.last = lName;
const rName = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
const right = getScope(ctx, rName);
if (left.type == "SIGNAL") {
let vsIdx;
if (sels.length>0) {
const vsOffset = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", lName);
const vsSizes = genGetSignalSizes(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", lName);
vsIdx = genGetOffset(ctx, vsOffset, vsSizes, sels );
} else {
vsIdx = genGetSigalOffset(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", lName);
return genSetSignal(ctx, "ctx->cIdx", vsIdx, rName);
} else if (left.type == "BIGINT") {
if (left.used) {
if (!right.used) {
instantiateRef(ctx, rName);
ctx.code += `ctx->field->copy(${left.label}, ${right.label});\n`;
} else {
if (right.used) {
instantiateRef(ctx, lName);
ctx.code += `ctx->field->copy(${left.label}, ${right.label});\n`;
} else {
if (ctx.conditionalCode) {
instantiateRef(ctx, lName);
ctx.code += `ctx->field->copy(${left.label}, ${right.label});\n`;
} else {
left.value = right.value;
} else {
return error(ctx, ast, "Assigning to invalid");
return lName;
function genConstraint(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const strErr = ast.fileName + ":" + ast.first_line + ":" + ast.first_column;
ctx.code += `ctx->checkConstraint(${a}, ${b}, "${strErr}");`;
function genArray(ctx, ast) {
let S = "[";
for (let i=0; i<ast.values.length; i++) {
if (i>0) S += ",";
S += gen(ctx, ast.values[i]);
return S;
function genFunctionCall(ctx, ast) {
let S = "[";
for (let i=0; i<ast.params.length; i++) {
if (i>0) S += ",";
S += gen(ctx, ast.params[i]);
return `ctx.callFunction("${}", ${S})`;
function enterConditionalCode(ctx) {
if (!ctx.conditionalCode) {
ctx.conditionalCode = 1;
ctx.conditionalCodeHeader = "";
ctx.code += "__CONDITIONAL_CODE_HEADER__";
} else {
ctx.conditionalCode ++;
function leaveConditionalCode(ctx) {
assert(ctx.conditionalCode, "Leaving conditional code too many times");
ctx.conditionalCode --;
if (!ctx.conditionalCode) {
ctx.code = ctx.code.replace("__CONDITIONAL_CODE_HEADER__",
"// Conditional Code Header\n" +
delete ctx.conditionalCodeHeader;
delete ctx.conditionalCode;
function genFor(ctx, ast) {
genForSrcComment(ctx, ast);
let inLoop = false;
ctx.scopes.push({_prefix : ""});
gen(ctx, ast.init);
if (ctx.error) return;
let end=false;
let condVar;
const condName = gen(ctx, ast.condition);
const cond = getScope(ctx, condName);
if (cond.used) {
inLoop = true;
condVar = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_cond");
instantiateRef(ctx, condVar);
ctx.code +=
`${condVar} = ctx->field->isTrue(${condName});\n` +
`while (${condVar}) {\n`;
} else {
if ((typeof cond.value == "undefined")||(cond.value == null)) return error(ctx, ast, "condition value not assigned");
if (cond.value.isZero()) end=true;
while (!end) {
const oldCode = ctx.code;
ctx.code = "";
if (ast.body.type != "BLOCK") genSrcComment(ctx, ast.body);
gen(ctx, ast.body);
if (ctx.error) return;
gen(ctx, ast.step);
if (ctx.error) return;
const condName2 = gen(ctx, ast.condition);
const cond2 = getScope(ctx, condName2);
if (!inLoop) {
if (cond2.used) {
ctx.code = oldCode + ctx.code;
inLoop = true;
condVar = newRef(ctx, "INT", "_cond");
instantiateRef(ctx, condVar);
ctx.code =
oldCode +
ctx.code +
`${condVar} = ctx->field->isTrue(${condName2});\n` +
`while (${condVar}) {\n`;
} else {
ctx.code = oldCode + ctx.code;
if (cond2.value.isZero()) end=true;
} else {
ctx.code =
oldCode +
ctx.code +
`${condVar} = ctx->field->isTrue(${condName2});\n`);
if (inLoop) {
ctx.code += "}\n";
function genWhile(ctx, ast) {
const condition = gen(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
const body = gen(ctx, ast.body);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `while (bigInt(${condition}).neq(bigInt(0))) {\n${body}\n}\n`;
function genCompute(ctx, ast) {
const body = gen(ctx, ast.body);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `{\n${body}\n}\n`;
function genIf(ctx, ast) {
const condition = gen(ctx, ast.condition);
if (ctx.error) return;
const thenBody = gen(ctx, ast.then);
if (ctx.error) return;
if (ast.else) {
const elseBody = gen(ctx, ast.else);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `if (bigInt(${condition}).neq(bigInt(0))) {\n${thenBody}\n} else {\n${elseBody}\n}\n`;
} else {
return `if (bigInt(${condition}).neq(bigInt(0))) {\n${thenBody}\n}\n`;
function genReturn(ctx, ast) {
const value = gen(ctx, ast.value);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `return ${value};`;
function genSignalAssignConstrain(ctx, ast) {
const res = genVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
// genConstraint(ctx, ast);
return res;
// return genVarAssignement(ctx, ast);
function genVarAddAssignement(ctx, ast) {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "+", values: ast.values}]});
function genVarMulAssignement(ctx, ast) {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "*", values: ast.values}]});
function genPlusPlusRight(ctx, ast) {
return `(${genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "+", values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}]}]})}).add(__P__).sub(bigInt(1)).mod(__P__)`;
function genPlusPlusLeft(ctx, ast) {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "+", values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}]}]});
function genMinusMinusRight(ctx, ast) {
return `(${genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "-", values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}]}]})}).add(__P__).sub(bigInt(1)).mod(__P__)`;
function genMinusMinusLeft(ctx, ast) {
return genVarAssignement(ctx, {values: [ast.values[0], {type: "OP", op: "-", values: [ast.values[0], {type: "NUMBER", value: bigInt(1)}]}]});
function genBinaryOp(ctx, ast, op) {
let aName = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const a = getScope(ctx, aName);
let bName = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = getScope(ctx, bName);
if ((!a.used)&&(typeof a.value == "undefined")) return error(ctx, ast, "Using a not assigned varialble: "+aName);
if ((!b.used)&&(typeof b.value == "undefined")) return error(ctx, ast, "Using a not assigned varialble: "+bName);
let rName;
if (a.used || b.used) {
if (!a.used) {
aName = instantiateConstant(ctx, a.value);
if (!b.used) {
bName = instantiateConstant(ctx, b.value);
rName = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_tmp");
instantiateRef(ctx, rName);
ctx.code += `ctx->field->${op}(${rName},${aName}, ${bName});\n`;
} else {
rName = newRef(ctx, "BIGINT", "_tmp", ctx.field[op](a.value, b.value));
return rName;
function genMul(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).mul(bigInt(${b})).mod(__P__)`;
function genSub(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).add(__P__).sub(bigInt(${b})).mod(__P__)`;
function genDiv(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).mul( bigInt(${b}).inverse(__P__) ).mod(__P__)`;
function genIDiv(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).div( bigInt(${b}))`;
function genExp(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).modPow(bigInt(${b}), __P__)`;
function genBAnd(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).and(bigInt(${b})).and(__MASK__)`;
function genAnd(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `((bigInt(${a}).neq(bigInt(0)) && bigInt(${b}).neq(bigInt(0))) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0))`;
function genOr(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `((bigInt(${a}).neq(bigInt(0)) || bigInt(${b}).neq(bigInt(0))) ? bigInt(1) : bigInt(0))`;
function genShl(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${b}).greater(bigInt(256)) ? 0 : bigInt(${a}).shl(bigInt(${b})).and(__MASK__)`;
function genShr(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${b}).greater(bigInt(256)) ? 0 : bigInt(${a}).shr(bigInt(${b})).and(__MASK__)`;
function genMod(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).mod(bigInt(${b}))`;
function genLt(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).lt(bigInt(${b})) ? 1 : 0`;
function genGt(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).gt(bigInt(${b})) ? 1 : 0`;
function genLte(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).lesserOrEquals(bigInt(${b})) ? 1 : 0`;
function genGte(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).greaterOrEquals(bigInt(${b})) ? 1 : 0`;
function genEq(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `(bigInt(${a}).eq(bigInt(${b})) ? 1 : 0)`;
function genNeq(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `(bigInt(${a}).eq(bigInt(${b})) ? 0 : 1)`;
function genUMinus(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `__P__.sub(bigInt(${a})).mod(__P__)`;
function genTerCon(ctx, ast) {
const a = gen(ctx, ast.values[0]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const b = gen(ctx, ast.values[1]);
if (ctx.error) return;
const c = gen(ctx, ast.values[2]);
if (ctx.error) return;
return `bigInt(${a}).neq(bigInt(0)) ? (${b}) : (${c})`;
function genInclude(ctx, ast) {
return ast.block ? gen(ctx, ast.block) : "";