You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

289 lines
7.6 KiB

const fs = require("fs");
const assert = require("assert");
const lc = require("./lcalgebra");
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
module.exports.buildR1cs = buildR1cs;
module.exports.loadR1cs = loadR1cs;
async function loadR1cs(fileName, loadConstraints, loadMap) {
const res = {};
const fd = await, "r");
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await, 0, 4, 0);
if (b.toString() != "r1cs") assert(false, "Invalid File format");
let p=4;
let v = await readU32();
if (v>1) assert(false, "Version not supported");
const nSections = await readU32();
let pHeader;
let pConstraints;
let headerSize;
let constraintsSize;
let pMap;
let mapSize;
for (let i=0; i<nSections; i++) {
let ht = await readU32();
let hl = await readU32();
if (ht == 1) {
if (typeof pHeader != "undefined") assert(false, "File has two headder sections");
pHeader = p;
headerSize = hl;
} else if (ht==2) {
if (typeof pConstraints != "undefined") assert(false, "File has two constraints sections");
pConstraints = p;
constraintsSize = hl;
} else if (ht==3) {
pMap = p;
mapSize = hl;
p += hl;
if (typeof pHeader == "undefined") assert(false, "File has two header");
// Read Header
p = pHeader;
const fieldDefSize = await readU32();
const pFieldDef = p;
const defType = await readU32();
if (defType != 1) if (typeof pConstraints != "undefined") assert(false, "Field type not supported"); = await readBigInt();
if ( p != pFieldDef + fieldDefSize) assert("Invalid fieldDef size");
const bigIntFormat = await readU32();
if (bigIntFormat != 0) assert(false, "BigInt format not supported");
const idSize = await readU32();
if (idSize != 4) assert(false, "idSize not supported. Mus be 4");
res.nWires = await readU32();
res.nPubOuts = await readU32();
res.nPubIns = await readU32();
res.nPrvIns = await readU32();
res.nLabels = await readU32();
res.nConstraints = await readU32();
if (p != pHeader + headerSize) assert(false, "Invalid header section size");
if (loadConstraints) {
// Read Constraints
p = pConstraints;
res.constraints = [];
for (let i=0; i<res.nConstraints; i++) {
const c = await readConstraint();
if (p != pConstraints + constraintsSize) assert(false, "Invalid constraints size");
// Read Labels
if (loadMap) {
p = pMap; = [];
for (let i=0; i<res.nLabels; i++) {
const idx = await readU32();;
if (p != pMap + mapSize) assert(false, "Invalid Map size");
await fd.close();
return res;
async function readU32() {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await, 0, 4, p);
return b.readInt32LE(0);
async function readBigInt() {
const bl = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1);
await, 0, 1, p);
const l = bl[0];
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(l);
await, 0, l, p);
p += l;
const arr = Uint8Array.from(b);
const arrr = new Array(arr.length);
for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
arrr[i] = arr[arr.length-1-i];
const n = bigInt.fromArray(arrr, 256);
return n;
async function readConstraint() {
const c = {};
c.a = await readLC();
c.b = await readLC();
c.c = await readLC();
return c;
async function readLC() {
const lc= {};
const nIdx = await readU32();
for (let i=0; i<nIdx; i++) {
const idx = await readU32();
const val = await readBigInt();
lc[idx] = val;
return lc;
async function buildR1cs(ctx, fileName) {
const fd = await, "w");
await fd.write("r1cs"); // Magic "r1cs"
let p = 4;
await writeU32(1); // Version
await writeU32(3); // Number of Sections
// Write the header
await writeU32(1); // Header type
const pHeaderSize = p;
await writeU32(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
// Field Def
const pFieldDefSize = p;
await writeU32(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await writeU32(1);
await writeBigInt(ctx.field.p);
const fieldDefSize = p - pFieldDefSize - 4;
await writeU32(0); // Variable bigInt format
await writeU32(4); // Id Size
const NWires =
ctx.totals[ctx.stONE] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stOUTPUT] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stPUBINPUT] +
ctx.totals[ctx.stPRVINPUT] +
await writeU32(NWires);
await writeU32(ctx.totals[ctx.stOUTPUT]);
await writeU32(ctx.totals[ctx.stPUBINPUT]);
await writeU32(ctx.totals[ctx.stPRVINPUT]);
await writeU32(ctx.signals.length);
await writeU32(ctx.constraints.length);
const headerSize = p - pHeaderSize - 4;
// Write constraints
await writeU32(2); // Constraints type
const pConstraintsSize = p;
await writeU32(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
for (let i=0; i<ctx.constraints.length; i++) {
if ((ctx.verbose)&&(i%10000 == 0)) {
if (ctx.verbose) console.log("writing constraint: ", i);
await fd.datasync();
await writeConstraint(ctx.constraints[i]);
const constraintsSize = p - pConstraintsSize - 4;
// Write map
await writeU32(3); // wires2label type
const pMapSize = p;
await writeU32(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const arr = new Array(NWires);
for (let i=0; i<ctx.signals.length; i++) {
const outIdx = ctx.signals[i].id;
if (ctx.signals[i].e>=0) continue; // If has an alias, continue..
assert(typeof outIdx != "undefined", `Signal ${i} does not have index`);
if (outIdx>=NWires) continue; // Is a constant or a discarded variable
if (typeof arr[ctx.signals[i].id] == "undefined") {
arr[outIdx] = i;
for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
await writeU32(arr[i]);
if ((ctx.verbose)&&(i%100000)) console.log("writing label2wire map: ", i);
const mapSize = p - pMapSize -4;
// Write sizes
await writeU32(headerSize, pHeaderSize);
await writeU32(fieldDefSize, pFieldDefSize);
await writeU32(constraintsSize, pConstraintsSize);
await writeU32(mapSize, pMapSize);
await fd.sync();
await fd.close();
async function writeU32(v, pos) {
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await fd.write(b, 0, 4, pos);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += 4;
async function writeConstraint(c) {
await writeLC(c.a);
await writeLC(c.b);
await writeLC(lc.negate(c.c));
async function writeLC(lc) {
const idxs = Object.keys(lc.values);
await writeU32(idxs.length);
for (let s in lc.values) {
let lSignal = ctx.signals[s];
while (lSignal.e >=0 ) lSignal = ctx.signals[lSignal.e];
await writeU32(;
await writeBigInt(lc.values[s]);
async function writeBigInt(n) {
const bytes = bigInt(n).toArray(256).value.reverse();
await fd.write(Buffer.from([bytes.length, ...bytes ]));
p += bytes.length+1;