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108 lines
2.8 KiB

<% function retOne() { %>
mov qword [rdi], 1
add rsp, <%= (n64+1)*8 %>
<% } %>
<% function retZero() { %>
mov qword [rdi], 0
add rsp, <%= (n64+1)*8 %>
<% } %>
<% function cmpLong(op, eq) { %>
if (eq==true) {
if (["leq","geq"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne();
if (["lt","gt"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retZero();
<% const label_gt = global.tmpLabel() %>
<% const label_lt = global.tmpLabel() %>
<% for (let i=n64-1; i>=0; i--) { %>
mov rax, [rsp + <%= 8+(i*8) %>]
cmp [half + <%= (i*8) %>], rax ; comare with (q-1)/2
jc <%=label_lt%> ; half<rax => e1-e2 is neg => e1 < e2
jnz <%=label_gt%> ; half>rax => e1 -e2 is pos => e1 > e2
<% } %>
; half == rax => e1-e2 is pos => e1 > e2
<% if (["geq","gt"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne(); else retZero(); %>
<% if (["leq","lt"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne(); else retZero(); %>
<% } // cmpLong%>
<% function cmpOp(op) { %>
; <%= op %>
; Compares two elements of any kind
; Params:
; rsi <= Pointer to element 1
; rdx <= Pointer to element 2
; rdi <= Pointer to result can be zero or one.
; Modified Registers:
; r8, r9, 10, r11, rax, rcx
sub rsp, <%= (n64+1)*8 %> ; Save space for the result of the substraction
push rdi ; Save rdi
lea rdi, [rsp+8] ; We pushed rdi so we need to add 8
call <%=name%>_sub ; Do a substraction
call <%=name%>_toNormal ; Convert it to normal
pop rdi
mov rax, [rsp] ; We already poped do no need to add 8
bt rax, 63 ; check is result is long
jc <%=op%>_longCmp
cmp eax, 0
je <%=op%>_s_eq
js <%=op%>_s_lt
<% if (["geq","gt", "neq"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne(); else retZero(); %>
<% if (["leq","lt", "neq"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne(); else retZero(); %>
<% if (["eq","geq", "leq"].indexOf(op) >= 0) retOne(); else retZero(); %>
<% for (let i=n64-1; i>=0; i--) { %>
cmp qword [rsp + <%= 8+(i*8) %>], 0
jnz <%=op%>_neq
<% } %>
<% if (op == "eq") {
} else if (op == "neq") {
} else {
cmpLong(op, true);
<% if (op == "neq") {
} else if (op == "eq") {
} else {
cmpLong(op, false);
<% } %>
<%= cmpOp("eq") %>
<%= cmpOp("neq") %>
<%= cmpOp("lt") %>
<%= cmpOp("gt") %>
<%= cmpOp("leq") %>
<%= cmpOp("geq") %>