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; mul Montgomery
let r0, r1, r2;
function setR(step) {
if ((step % 3) == 0) {
r0 = "r8";
r1 = "r9";
r2 = "r10";
} else if ((step % 3) == 1) {
r0 = "r9";
r1 = "r10";
r2 = "r8";
} else {
r0 = "r10";
r1 = "r8";
r2 = "r9";
const base =;
const np64 = base.minus(q.modInv(base));
sub rsp, <%= n64*8 %> ; Reserve space for ms
mov rcx, rdx ; rdx is needed for multiplications so keep it in cx
mov r11, 0x<%= np64.toString(16) %> ; np
xor r8,r8
xor r9,r9
xor r10,r10
// Main loop
for (let i=0; i<n64*2; i++) {
// Same Digit
for (let o1=Math.max(0, i-n64+1); (o1<=i)&&(o1<n64); o1++) {
const o2= i-o1;
mov rax, [rsi + <%= 8*o1 %>]
mul qword [rcx + <%= 8*o2 %>]
add <%= r0 %>, rax
adc <%= r1 %>, rdx
adc <%= r2 %>, 0x0
} // Same digit
for (let j=i-1; j>=0; j--) { // All ms
if (((i-j)<n64)&&(j<n64)) {
mov rax, [rsp + <%= j*8 %>]
mul qword [q + <%= (i-j)*8 %>]
add <%= r0 %>, rax
adc <%= r1 %>, rdx
adc <%= r2 %>, 0x0
} // ms
if (i<n64) {
mov rax, <%= r0 %>
mul r11
mov [rsp + <%= i*8 %>], rax
mul qword [q]
add <%= r0 %>, rax
adc <%= r1 %>, rdx
adc <%= r2 %>, 0x0
} else {
mov [rdi + <%= (i-n64)*8 %> ], <%= r0 %>
xor <%= r0 %>,<%= r0 %>
} // Main Loop
cmp <%= r1 %>, 0x0
jne mulM_sq
; Compare with q
for (let i=0; i<n64; i++) {
mov rax, [rdi + <%= (n64-i-1)*8 %>]
cmp rax, [q + <%= (n64-i-1)*8 %>]
jg mulM_sq
jl mulM_done
; If equal substract q
for (let i=0; i<n64; i++) {
mov rax, [q + <%= i*8 %>]
<%= i==0 ? "sub" : "sbb" %> [rdi + <%= i*8 %>], rax
add rsp, <%= n64*8 %> ; recover rsp
; mul MontgomeryShort
; mul
mov rax, [rsi]
bt rax, 63
jc l1
mov rcx, [rdx]
bt rcx, 63
jc s1l2
s1s2: ; short first and second
mul ecx
jc rs2l ; If if doesn't feed in 32 bits convert the result to long
; The shorts multiplication is done. copy the val to destination and return
mov [rdi], rax
rs2l: ; The result in the multiplication doen't feed
; we have the result in edx:eax we need to convert it to long
shl rdx, 32
mov edx, eax ; pack edx:eax to rdx
xor rax, rax ; Set the format to long
bts rax, 63
mov [rdi], rax ; move the first digit
cmp rdx, 0 ; check if redx is negative.
jl rs2ln
; edx is positive.
mov [rdi + 8], rdx ; Set the firs digit
xor rax, rax ; Set the remaining digits to 0
<% for (let i=1; i<n64; i++) { %>
mov [rdi + <%= (i+1)*8 %>], rax
<% } %>
; edx is negative.
add rdx, [q] ; Set the firs digit
mov [rdi + 8], rdx ;
mov rdx, -1 ; all ones
<% for (let i=1; i<n64; i++) { %>
mov rax, rdx ; Add to q
adc rax, [q + <%= i*8 %> ]
mov [rdi + <%= (i+1)*8 %>], rax
<% } %>
mov rcx, [rdx]
bt rcx, 63
jc ll
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, ecx
bt rax, 62
jc lsM
jmp lsN
mov rsi, rdx
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, eax
bt rcx, 62
jc lsM
jmp lsN
mov byte [rdi + 7], 0xC0 ; set the result to montgomery
add rsi, 8
add rdi, 8
call mulSM
mov rsi, rdi
lea rdx, [R3]
call mulM
mov byte [rdi + 7], 0x80 ; set the result to long normal
add rsi, 8
add rdi, 8
call mulSM
bt rax, 62
jc lml
bt rcx, 62
jc lnlm
mov byte [rdi + 7], 0xC0 ; set the result to long montgomery
add rsi, 8
add rdi, 8
add rdx, 8
call mulM
mov rsi, rdi
lea rdx, [R3]
call mulM
bt rcx, 62
jc lmlm
mov byte [rdi + 7], 0x80 ; set the result to long normal
add rsi, 8
add rdi, 8
add rdx, 8
call mulM
mov byte [rdi + 7], 0xC0 ; set the result to long montgomery
add rsi, 8
add rdi, 8
add rdx, 8
call mulM