const chai = require("chai"); const assert = chai.assert;
const fs = require("fs"); var tmp = require("tmp-promise"); const path = require("path");
const util = require("util"); const exec = util.promisify(require("child_process").exec);
const loadR1cs = require("r1csfile").load; const ZqField = require("ffjavascript").ZqField;
module.exports = wasm_tester;
async function wasm_tester(circomInput, _options) {
assert(await compiler_above_version("2.0.0"),"Wrong compiler version. Must be at least 2.0.0"); tmp.setGracefulCleanup();
const dir = await tmp.dir({prefix: "circom_", unsafeCleanup: true });
const baseName = path.basename(circomInput, ".circom"); const options = Object.assign({}, _options);
options.wasm = true;
options.sym = true; options.json = options.json || false; // costraints in json format
options.r1cs = true; options.output = dir.path;
await compile(circomInput, options);
const utils = require("./utils"); const WitnessCalculator = require("./witness_calculator");
const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(dir.path, baseName+"_js/"+ baseName + ".wasm"));
const wc = await WitnessCalculator(wasm);
return new WasmTester(dir, baseName, wc); }
async function compile (fileName, options) { var flags = "--wasm "; if (options.sym) flags += "--sym "; if (options.r1cs) flags += "--r1cs "; if (options.json) flags += "--json "; if (options.output) flags += "--output " + options.output + " "; console.log(circom + flags + fileName); await exec("circom " + flags + fileName); } class WasmTester {
constructor(dir, baseName, witnessCalculator) { this.dir=dir; this.baseName = baseName; this.witnessCalculator = witnessCalculator; }
async release() { await this.dir.cleanup(); }
async calculateWitness(input, sanityCheck) { return await this.witnessCalculator.calculateWitness(input, sanityCheck); }
async loadSymbols() { if (this.symbols) return; this.symbols = {}; const symsStr = await fs.promises.readFile( path.join(this.dir.path, this.baseName + ".sym"), "utf8" ); const lines = symsStr.split("\n"); for (let i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { const arr = lines[i].split(","); if (arr.length!=4) continue; this.symbols[arr[3]] = { labelIdx: Number(arr[0]), varIdx: Number(arr[1]), componentIdx: Number(arr[2]), }; } }
async loadConstraints() { const self = this; if (this.constraints) return; const r1cs = await loadR1cs(path.join(this.dir.path, this.baseName + ".r1cs"),true, false); self.F = new ZqField(r1cs.prime); self.nVars = r1cs.nVars; self.constraints = r1cs.constraints; }
async assertOut(actualOut, expectedOut) { const self = this; if (!self.symbols) await self.loadSymbols();
checkObject("main", expectedOut);
function checkObject(prefix, eOut) {
if (Array.isArray(eOut)) { for (let i=0; i<eOut.length; i++) { checkObject(prefix + "["+i+"]", eOut[i]); } } else if ((typeof eOut == "object")&&(eOut.constructor.name == "Object")) { for (let k in eOut) { checkObject(prefix + "."+k, eOut[k]); } } else { if (typeof self.symbols[prefix] == "undefined") { assert(false, "Output variable not defined: "+ prefix); } const ba = actualOut[self.symbols[prefix].varIdx].toString(); const be = eOut.toString(); assert.strictEqual(ba, be, prefix); } } }
async getDecoratedOutput(witness) { const self = this; const lines = []; if (!self.symbols) await self.loadSymbols(); for (let n in self.symbols) { let v; if (utils.isDefined(witness[self.symbols[n].varIdx])) { v = witness[self.symbols[n].varIdx].toString(); } else { v = "undefined"; } lines.push(`${n} --> ${v}`); } return lines.join("\n"); }
async checkConstraints(witness) { const self = this; if (!self.constraints) await self.loadConstraints(); for (let i=0; i<self.constraints.length; i++) { checkConstraint(self.constraints[i]); }
function checkConstraint(constraint) { const F = self.F; const a = evalLC(constraint[0]); const b = evalLC(constraint[1]); const c = evalLC(constraint[2]); assert (F.isZero(F.sub(F.mul(a,b), c)), "Constraint doesn't match"); }
function evalLC(lc) { const F = self.F; let v = F.zero; for (let w in lc) { v = F.add( v, F.mul( lc[w], witness[w] ) ); } return v; } }
function version_to_list ( v ) { return v.split(".").map(function(x) { return parseInt(x, 10); }); }
function check_versions ( v1, v2 ) { //check if v1 is newer than or equal to v2
for (let i = 0; i < v2.length; i++) { if (v1[i] > v2[i]) return true; if (v1[i] < v2[i]) return false; } return true; }
async function compiler_above_version(v) { let output = await exec('circom --version').toString(); let compiler_version = version_to_list(output.slice(output.search(/\d/),-1)); vlist = version_to_list(v); return check_versions ( compiler_version, vlist ); }