const chai = require("chai"); const snarkjs = require("snarkjs"); const mimcjs = require("../src/mimc7.js"); const expect = chai.expect; const bigInt = snarkjs.bigInt;
function bytesToHex(buff) { return `0x${buff.toString("hex")}`; }
function bigIntToBuffer(number) { const buff = Buffer.alloc(32); let pos = buff.length - 1; while (!number.isZero()) { buff[pos] = number.and(255); number = number.shiftRight(8); pos -= 1; } return buff; }
describe("[mimc hash] Javascript test", function () { this.timeout(100000); before( async () => { });
it("Mimc7 hash with 1 entry", () => { const entries = [bigInt(12)]; const hash = mimcjs.multiHash(entries); const hashHex = bytesToHex(bigIntToBuffer(hash)); expect(hashHex).to.be.equal("0x237c92644dbddb86d8a259e0e923aaab65a93f1ec5758b8799988894ac0958fd"); });
it("Mimc7 hash with 2 entries", () => { const entries = [bigInt(12), bigInt(45), bigInt(78), bigInt(41)]; const hi = mimcjs.multiHash(entries.slice(2)); const hiHex = bytesToHex(bigIntToBuffer(hi)); expect(hiHex).to.be.equal("0x067f3202335ea256ae6e6aadcd2d5f7f4b06a00b2d1e0de903980d5ab552dc70"); const hv = mimcjs.multiHash(entries.slice(0, 2)); const hvHex = bytesToHex(bigIntToBuffer(hv)); expect(hvHex).to.be.equal("0x15ff7fe9793346a17c3150804bcb36d161c8662b110c50f55ccb7113948d8879"); });
it("Mimc7 hash with 4 entries", () => { const entries = [bigInt(12), bigInt(45), bigInt(78), bigInt(41)]; const hash = mimcjs.multiHash(entries); const hashHex = bytesToHex(bigIntToBuffer(hash)); expect(hashHex).to.be.equal("0x284bc1f34f335933a23a433b6ff3ee179d682cd5e5e2fcdd2d964afa85104beb"); }); });