const chai = require("chai"); const path = require("path"); const tester = require("circom").tester; const Fr = require("ffjavascript").bn128.Fr;
const smt = require("../src/smt.js");
const assert = chai.assert;
function print(circuit, w, s) { console.log(s + ": " + w[circuit.getSignalIdx(s)]); }
async function testInsert(tree, key, value, circuit ) {
const res = await tree.insert(key,value); let siblings = res.siblings; while (siblings.length<10) siblings.push(Fr.e(0));
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ fnc: [1,0], oldRoot: res.oldRoot, siblings: siblings, oldKey: res.isOld0 ? 0 : res.oldKey, oldValue: res.isOld0 ? 0 : res.oldValue, isOld0: res.isOld0 ? 1 : 0, newKey: key, newValue: value }, true);
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);
await circuit.assertOut(w, {newRoot: res.newRoot});
async function testDelete(tree, key, circuit) { const res = await tree.delete(key); let siblings = res.siblings; while (siblings.length<10) siblings.push(Fr.e(0));
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ fnc: [1,1], oldRoot: res.oldRoot, siblings: siblings, oldKey: res.isOld0 ? 0 : res.oldKey, oldValue: res.isOld0 ? 0 : res.oldValue, isOld0: res.isOld0 ? 1 : 0, newKey: res.delKey, newValue: res.delValue }, true);
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);
await circuit.assertOut(w, {newRoot: res.newRoot}); }
async function testUpdate(tree, key, newValue, circuit) { const res = await tree.update(key, newValue); let siblings = res.siblings; while (siblings.length<10) siblings.push(Fr.e(0));
const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ fnc: [0,1], oldRoot: res.oldRoot, siblings: siblings, oldKey: res.oldKey, oldValue: res.oldValue, isOld0: 0, newKey: res.newKey, newValue: res.newValue });
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);
await circuit.assertOut(w, {newRoot: res.newRoot}); }
describe("SMT Processor test", function () { let circuit; let tree;
before( async () => { circuit = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "smtprocessor10_test.circom")); await circuit.loadSymbols();
tree = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); });
it("Should verify an insert to an empty tree", async () => { const key = Fr.e(111); const value = Fr.e(222);
await testInsert(tree, key, value, circuit); });
it("It should add another element", async () => { const key = Fr.e(333); const value = Fr.e(444);
await testInsert(tree, key, value, circuit); });
it("Should remove an element", async () => { await testDelete(tree, 111, circuit); await testDelete(tree, 333, circuit); });
it("Should test convination of adding and removing 3 elements", async () => { const keys = [Fr.e(8), Fr.e(9), Fr.e(32)]; const values = [Fr.e(88), Fr.e(99), Fr.e(3232)]; const tree1 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree2 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree3 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree4 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree5 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree6 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await testInsert(tree1,keys[0],values[0], circuit); await testInsert(tree1,keys[1],values[1], circuit); await testInsert(tree1,keys[2],values[2], circuit);
await testInsert(tree2,keys[0],values[0], circuit); await testInsert(tree2,keys[2],values[2], circuit); await testInsert(tree2,keys[1],values[1], circuit);
await testInsert(tree3,keys[1],values[1], circuit); await testInsert(tree3,keys[0],values[0], circuit); await testInsert(tree3,keys[2],values[2], circuit);
await testInsert(tree4,keys[1],values[1], circuit); await testInsert(tree4,keys[2],values[2], circuit); await testInsert(tree4,keys[0],values[0], circuit);
await testInsert(tree5,keys[2],values[2], circuit); await testInsert(tree5,keys[0],values[0], circuit); await testInsert(tree5,keys[1],values[1], circuit);
await testInsert(tree6,keys[2],values[2], circuit); await testInsert(tree6,keys[1],values[1], circuit); await testInsert(tree6,keys[0],values[0], circuit);
await testDelete(tree1, keys[0], circuit); await testDelete(tree1, keys[1], circuit); await testDelete(tree2, keys[1], circuit); await testDelete(tree2, keys[0], circuit);
await testDelete(tree3, keys[0], circuit); await testDelete(tree3, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree4, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree4, keys[0], circuit);
await testDelete(tree5, keys[1], circuit); await testDelete(tree5, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree6, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree6, keys[1], circuit);
await testDelete(tree1, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree2, keys[2], circuit); await testDelete(tree3, keys[1], circuit); await testDelete(tree4, keys[1], circuit); await testDelete(tree5, keys[0], circuit); await testDelete(tree6, keys[0], circuit); });
it("Should match a NOp with random vals", async () => { let siblings = []; while (siblings.length<10) siblings.push(Fr.e(88)); const w = await circuit.calculateWitness({ fnc: [0,0], oldRoot: 11, siblings: siblings, oldKey: 33, oldValue: 44, isOld0: 55, newKey: 66, newValue: 77 });
const root1 = w[circuit.symbols["main.oldRoot"].varIdx]; const root2 = w[circuit.symbols["main.newRoot"].varIdx];
await circuit.checkConstraints(w);
assert(Fr.eq(root1, root2)); }); it("Should update an element", async () => { const tree1 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie(); const tree2 = await smt.newMemEmptyTrie();
await testInsert(tree1,8,88, circuit); await testInsert(tree1,9,99, circuit); await testInsert(tree1,32,3232, circuit);
await testInsert(tree2,8,888, circuit); await testInsert(tree2,9,999, circuit); await testInsert(tree2,32,323232, circuit);
await testUpdate(tree1, 8, 888, circuit); await testUpdate(tree1, 9, 999, circuit); await testUpdate(tree1, 32, 323232, circuit); }); });