/* Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with circom. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
SMTVerifier is a component to verify inclusion/exclusion of an element in the tree
include "../gates.circom"; include "../bitify.circom"; include "../comparators.circom"; include "../switcher.circom"; include "smtlevins.circom"; include "smtverifierlevel.circom"; include "smtverifiersm.circom"; include "smthash_poseidon.circom";
template SMTVerifier(nLevels) { signal input enabled; signal input root; signal input siblings[nLevels]; signal input oldKey; signal input oldValue; signal input isOld0; signal input key; signal input value; signal input fnc;
var i;
component hash1Old = SMTHash1(); hash1Old.key <== oldKey; hash1Old.value <== oldValue;
component hash1New = SMTHash1(); hash1New.key <== key; hash1New.value <== value;
component n2bOld = Num2Bits_strict(); component n2bNew = Num2Bits_strict();
n2bOld.in <== oldKey; n2bNew.in <== key;
component smtLevIns = SMTLevIns(nLevels); for (i=0; i<nLevels; i++) smtLevIns.siblings[i] <== siblings[i]; smtLevIns.enabled <== enabled;
component sm[nLevels]; for (i=0; i<nLevels; i++) { sm[i] = SMTVerifierSM(); if (i==0) { sm[i].prev_top <== enabled; sm[i].prev_i0 <== 0; sm[i].prev_inew <== 0; sm[i].prev_iold <== 0; sm[i].prev_na <== 1-enabled; } else { sm[i].prev_top <== sm[i-1].st_top; sm[i].prev_i0 <== sm[i-1].st_i0; sm[i].prev_inew <== sm[i-1].st_inew; sm[i].prev_iold <== sm[i-1].st_iold; sm[i].prev_na <== sm[i-1].st_na; } sm[i].is0 <== isOld0; sm[i].fnc <== fnc; sm[i].levIns <== smtLevIns.levIns[i]; } sm[nLevels-1].st_na + sm[nLevels-1].st_iold + sm[nLevels-1].st_inew + sm[nLevels-1].st_i0 === 1;
component levels[nLevels]; for (i=nLevels-1; i != -1; i--) { levels[i] = SMTVerifierLevel();
levels[i].st_top <== sm[i].st_top; levels[i].st_i0 <== sm[i].st_i0; levels[i].st_inew <== sm[i].st_inew; levels[i].st_iold <== sm[i].st_iold; levels[i].st_na <== sm[i].st_na;
levels[i].sibling <== siblings[i]; levels[i].old1leaf <== hash1Old.out; levels[i].new1leaf <== hash1New.out;
levels[i].lrbit <== n2bNew.out[i]; if (i==nLevels-1) { levels[i].child <== 0; } else { levels[i].child <== levels[i+1].root; } }
// Check that if checking for non inclussuin and isOld0==0 then key!=old component areKeyEquals = IsEqual(); areKeyEquals.in[0] <== oldKey; areKeyEquals.in[1] <== key;
component keysOk = MultiAND(4); keysOk.in[0] <== fnc; keysOk.in[1] <== 1-isOld0; keysOk.in[2] <== areKeyEquals.out; keysOk.in[3] <== enabled;
keysOk.out === 0;
// Check the root component checkRoot = ForceEqualIfEnabled(); checkRoot.enabled <== enabled; checkRoot.in[0] <== levels[0].root; checkRoot.in[1] <== root;
// levels[0].root === root;