const ganache = require("ganache-cli"); const Web3 = require("web3"); const chai = require("chai"); const poseidonGenContract = require("../src/poseidon_gencontract.js"); const Poseidon = require("../src/poseidon.js"); const assert = chai.assert; const log = (msg) => { if (process.env.MOCHA_VERBOSE) console.log(msg); }; describe("Poseidon Smart contract test", function () { let testrpc; let web3; let poseidon6; let poseidon3; let accounts; this.timeout(100000); before(async () => { web3 = new Web3(ganache.provider(), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 }); accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); }); it("Should deploy the contract", async () => { const C = new web3.eth.Contract(poseidonGenContract.abi); poseidon6 = await C.deploy({ data: poseidonGenContract.createCode(6) }).send({ gas: 2500000, from: accounts[0] }); poseidon3 = await C.deploy({ data: poseidonGenContract.createCode(3) }).send({ gas: 2500000, from: accounts[0] }); }); it("Shold calculate the poseidon correctly t=6", async () => { const res = await poseidon6.methods.poseidon([1,2]).call(); // console.log("Cir: " + bigInt(res.toString(16)).toString(16)); const hash = Poseidon.createHash(6, 8, 57); const res2 = hash([1,2]); // console.log("Ref: " + bigInt(res2).toString(16)); assert.equal(res.toString(), res2.toString()); }); it("Shold calculate the poseidon correctly t=3", async () => { const res = await poseidon3.methods.poseidon([1,2]).call(); // console.log("Cir: " + bigInt(res.toString(16)).toString(16)); const hash = Poseidon.createHash(3, 8, 57); const res2 = hash([1,2]); // console.log("Ref: " + bigInt(res2).toString(16)); assert.equal(res.toString(), res2.toString()); }); });