You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

157 lines
4.6 KiB

const bn128 = require("snarkjs").bn128;
const bigInt = require("snarkjs").bigInt;
const blake2b = require('blake2b');
const assert = require("assert");
const F = bn128.Fr;
const SEED = "poseidon";
const NROUNDSF = 8;
const NROUNDSP = 57;
const T = 6;
function getPseudoRandom(seed, n) {
const res = [];
let input = Buffer.from(seed);
let h = blake2b(32).update(input).digest()
while (res.length<n) {
const n = F.affine(bigInt.leBuff2int(h));
h = blake2b(32).update(h).digest()
return res;
function allDifferent(v) {
for (let i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
if (v[i].isZero()) return false;
for (let j=i+1; j<v.length; j++) {
if (v[i].equals(v[j])) return false;
return true;
exports.getMatrix = (t, seed, nRounds) => {
if (typeof seed === "undefined") seed = SEED;
if (typeof nRounds === "undefined") nRounds = NROUNDSF + NROUNDSP;
if (typeof t === "undefined") t = T;
let nonce = "0000";
let cmatrix = getPseudoRandom(seed+"_matrix_"+nonce, t*2);
while (!allDifferent(cmatrix)) {
nonce = (Number(nonce)+1)+"";
while(nonce.length<4) nonce = "0"+nonce;
cmatrix = getPseudoRandom(seed+"_matrix_"+nonce, t*2);
const M = new Array(t);
for (let i=0; i<t; i++) {
M[i] = new Array(t);
for (let j=0; j<t; j++) {
M[i][j] = F.affine(F.inverse(F.sub(cmatrix[i], cmatrix[t+j])));
return M;
exports.getConstants = (t, seed, nRounds) => {
if (typeof seed === "undefined") seed = SEED;
if (typeof nRounds === "undefined") nRounds = NROUNDSF + NROUNDSP;
if (typeof t === "undefined") t = T;
const cts = getPseudoRandom(seed+"_constants", nRounds);
return cts;
function ark(state, c) {
for (let j=0; j<state.length; j++ ) {
state[j] = F.add(state[j], c);
function sigma(a) {
return F.mul(a, F.square(F.square(a,a)));
function mix(state, M) {
const newState = new Array(state.length);
for (let i=0; i<state.length; i++) {
newState[i] =;
for (let j=0; j<state.length; j++) {
newState[i] = F.add(newState[i], F.mul(M[i][j], state[j]) );
for (let i=0; i<state.length; i++) state[i] = newState[i];
exports.createHash = (t, nRoundsF, nRoundsP, seed) => {
if (typeof seed === "undefined") seed = SEED;
if (typeof nRoundsF === "undefined") nRoundsF = NROUNDSF;
if (typeof nRoundsP === "undefined") nRoundsP = NROUNDSP;
if (typeof t === "undefined") t = T;
assert(nRoundsF % 2 == 0);
const C = exports.getConstants(t, seed, nRoundsF + nRoundsP);
const M = exports.getMatrix(t, seed, nRoundsF + nRoundsP);
return function(inputs) {
let state = [];
assert(inputs.length < t);
assert(inputs.length > 0);
for (let i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) state[i] = bigInt(inputs[i]);
for (let i=inputs.length; i<t; i++) state[i] =;
for (let i=0; i< nRoundsF + nRoundsP; i++) {
ark(state, C[i]);
if ((i<nRoundsF/2) || (i >= nRoundsF/2 + nRoundsP)) {
for (let j=0; j<t; j++) state[j] = sigma(state[j]);
} else {
state[0] = sigma(state[0]);
mix(state, M);
return F.affine(state[0]);
// hash exposes the generic Poseidon hash function
// with nRoundsF:8, nRoundsP: 57, t: 6
exports.hash = (arr) => {
const poseidonHash = exports.createHash(6, 8, 57);
return poseidonHash(arr);
// multiHash splits the bigint array into chunks of five elements
// and performs the Poseidon hash over the five elements chunks
exports.multiHash = (arr) => {
let r = bigInt(0);
for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i = i+5) {
let fiveElems = [];
for (let j=0; j<5; j++) {
if (i+j < arr.length) {
} else {
const ph = exports.hash(fiveElems);
r = F.add(r, ph);
return F.affine(r);
// hashBuffer performs the Poseidon hash over a buffer array, splitting the bytes into 31 bytes bigints,
// and making chunks of five bigints to perform the Poseidon hash
exports.hashBuffer = (msgBuff) => {
const n = 31;
const msgArray = [];
const fullParts = Math.floor(msgBuff.length / n);
for (let i = 0; i < fullParts; i++) {
const v = bigInt.leBuff2int(msgBuff.slice(n * i, n * (i + 1)));
if (msgBuff.length % n !== 0) {
const v = bigInt.leBuff2int(msgBuff.slice(fullParts * n));
return exports.multiHash(msgArray);