You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Jordi Baylina
// License: LGPL-3.0+
const Web3Utils = require("web3-utils");
class Contract {
constructor() {
this.code = [];
this.labels = {};
this.pendingLabels = {};
createTxData() {
let C;
// Check all labels are defined
const pendingLabels = Object.keys(this.pendingLabels);
if (pendingLabels.length>0) {
throw new Error("Lables not defined: "+ pendingLabels.join(", "));
let setLoaderLength = 0;
let genLoadedLength = -1;
while (genLoadedLength!=setLoaderLength) {
setLoaderLength = genLoadedLength;
C = new module.exports();
genLoadedLength = C.code.length;
return Web3Utils.bytesToHex(C.code.concat(this.code));
stop() { this.code.push(0x00); }
add() { this.code.push(0x01); }
mul() { this.code.push(0x02); }
sub() { this.code.push(0x03); }
div() { this.code.push(0x04); }
sdiv() { this.code.push(0x05); }
mod() { this.code.push(0x06); }
smod() { this.code.push(0x07); }
addmod() { this.code.push(0x08); }
mulmod() { this.code.push(0x09); }
exp() { this.code.push(0x0a); }
signextend() { this.code.push(0x0b); }
lt() { this.code.push(0x10); }
gt() { this.code.push(0x11); }
slt() { this.code.push(0x12); }
sgt() { this.code.push(0x13); }
eq() { this.code.push(0x14); }
iszero() { this.code.push(0x15); }
and() { this.code.push(0x16); }
or() { this.code.push(0x17); }
shor() { this.code.push(0x18); }
not() { this.code.push(0x19); }
byte() { this.code.push(0x1a); }
keccak() { this.code.push(0x20); }
sha3() { this.code.push(0x20); } // alias
address() { this.code.push(0x30); }
balance() { this.code.push(0x31); }
origin() { this.code.push(0x32); }
caller() { this.code.push(0x33); }
callvalue() { this.code.push(0x34); }
calldataload() { this.code.push(0x35); }
calldatasize() { this.code.push(0x36); }
calldatacopy() { this.code.push(0x37); }
codesize() { this.code.push(0x38); }
codecopy() { this.code.push(0x39); }
gasprice() { this.code.push(0x3a); }
extcodesize() { this.code.push(0x3b); }
extcodecopy() { this.code.push(0x3c); }
returndatasize() { this.code.push(0x3d); }
returndatacopy() { this.code.push(0x3e); }
blockhash() { this.code.push(0x40); }
coinbase() { this.code.push(0x41); }
timestamp() { this.code.push(0x42); }
number() { this.code.push(0x43); }
difficulty() { this.code.push(0x44); }
gaslimit() { this.code.push(0x45); }
pop() { this.code.push(0x50); }
mload() { this.code.push(0x51); }
mstore() { this.code.push(0x52); }
mstore8() { this.code.push(0x53); }
sload() { this.code.push(0x54); }
sstore() { this.code.push(0x55); }
_pushLabel(label) {
if (typeof this.labels[label] != "undefined") {
} else {
this.pendingLabels[label] = this.pendingLabels[label] || [];
_fillLabel(label) {
if (!this.pendingLabels[label]) return;
let dst = this.labels[label];
const dst3 = [dst >> 16, (dst >> 8) & 0xFF, dst & 0xFF];
this.pendingLabels[label].forEach((p) => {
for (let i=0; i<3; i++) {
this.code[p+i+1] = dst3[i];
delete this.pendingLabels[label];
jmp(label) {
if (typeof label !== "undefined") {
jmpi(label) {
if (typeof label !== "undefined") {
pc() { this.code.push(0x58); }
msize() { this.code.push(0x59); }
gas() { this.code.push(0x5a); }
label(name) {
if (typeof this.labels[name] != "undefined") {
throw new Error("Label already defined");
this.labels[name] = this.code.length;
push(data) {
if (typeof data === "number") {
let isNeg;
if (data<0) {
isNeg = true;
data = -data;
data = data.toString(16);
if (data.length % 2 == 1) data = "0" + data;
data = "0x" + data;
if (isNeg) data = "-"+data;
const d = Web3Utils.hexToBytes(Web3Utils.toHex(data));
if (d.length == 0 || d.length > 32) {
throw new Error("Assertion failed");
this.code = this.code.concat([0x5F + d.length], d);
dup(n) {
if (n < 0 || n >= 16) {
throw new Error("Assertion failed");
this.code.push(0x80 + n);
swap(n) {
if (n < 1 || n > 16) {
throw new Error("Assertion failed");
this.code.push(0x8f + n);
log0() { this.code.push(0xa0); }
log1() { this.code.push(0xa1); }
log2() { this.code.push(0xa2); }
log3() { this.code.push(0xa3); }
log4() { this.code.push(0xa4); }
create() { this.code.push(0xf0); }
call() { this.code.push(0xf1); }
callcode() { this.code.push(0xf2); }
return() { this.code.push(0xf3); }
delegatecall() { this.code.push(0xf4); }
staticcall() { this.code.push(0xfa); }
revert() { this.code.push(0xfd); }
invalid() { this.code.push(0xfe); }
selfdestruct() { this.code.push(0xff); }
module.exports = Contract;