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This circuit has 2 has
Outputs according to the state.
State oldRoot newRoot
===== ======= =======
top H'(oldChild, sibling) H'(newChild, sibling)
old1 old1leaf H'(newChild, 0)
old0 0 new1leaf
bot 0 H'(newChild, 0)
new1 0 H'(new1leaf, old1leaf)
na 0 0
H' is the Hash function with the inputs shifted acordingly.
template SMTInsertLevel() {
signal input st_top;
signal input st_old1;
signal input st_old0;
signal input st_bot;
signal input st_new1;
signal input st_na;
signal output oldRoot;
signal output newRoot;
signal input sibling;
signal input old1leaf;
signal input new1leaf;
signal input newlrbit;
signal input oldChild;
signal input newChild;
signal aux[4];
component oldProofHash = SMTHash2();
component newProofHash = SMTHash2();
component oldSwitcher = Switcher();
component newSwitcher = Switcher();
// Old side
oldSwitcher.inL <== oldChild;
oldSwitcher.inR <== sibling;
oldSwitcher.sel <== newlrbit;
oldProofHash.L <== oldSwitcher.outL;
oldProofHash.R <== oldSwitcher.outR;
aux[0] <== old1 * st_old1;
oldRoot <== aux[0] + oldProofHash.out * st_top;
// New side
aux[1] <== newChild * ( st_top + st_old1 + st_but);
oldSwitcher.inL <== aux[1] + new1leaf*st_new1;
aux[2] <== sibling*st_top;
oldSwitcher.inR <== aux[2] + old1leaf*st_new1;
newProofHash.sel <== newlrbit;
newProofHash.L <== newProofHash.outL;
newProofHash.R <== newProofHash.outR;
aux[3] <== newProofHash.out * (st_top + st_old1 + st_bot + st_new1);
newRoot <== aux[3] + new1leaf * st_old0;