You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const bn128 = require("snarkjs").bn128;
const bigInt = require("snarkjs").bigInt;
const Web3 = require("web3");
const F = bn128.Fr;
const SEED = "mimc";
const NROUNDS = 91;
exports.getIV = (seed) => {
if (typeof seed === "undefined") seed = SEED;
const c = Web3.utils.keccak256(seed+"_iv");
const cn = bigInt(Web3.utils.toBN(c).toString());
const iv = cn.mod(F.q);
return iv;
exports.getConstants = (seed, nRounds) => {
if (typeof seed === "undefined") seed = SEED;
if (typeof nRounds === "undefined") nRounds = NROUNDS;
const cts = new Array(nRounds);
let c = Web3.utils.keccak256(SEED);
for (let i=1; i<nRounds; i++) {
c = Web3.utils.keccak256(c);
const n1 = Web3.utils.toBN(c).mod(Web3.utils.toBN(F.q.toString()));
const c2 = Web3.utils.padLeft(Web3.utils.toHex(n1), 64);
cts[i] = bigInt(Web3.utils.toBN(c2).toString());
cts[0] = bigInt(0);
return cts;
const cts = exports.getConstants(SEED, 91);
exports.hash = (_x_in, _k) =>{
const x_in = bigInt(_x_in);
const k = bigInt(_k);
let r;
for (let i=0; i<NROUNDS; i++) {
const c = cts[i];
const t = (i==0) ? F.add(x_in, k) : F.add(F.add(r, k), c);
r = F.exp(t, 7);
return F.affine(F.add(r, k));