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const chai = require("chai");
const path = require("path");
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const tester = require("circom").tester;
const babyJub = require("../src/babyjub.js");
const assert = chai.assert;
describe("Montgomery test", function () {
let circuitE2M;
let circuitM2E;
let circuitMAdd;
let circuitMDouble;
let g = [
let mg, mg2, g2, g3, mg3;
before( async() => {
circuitE2M = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "edwards2montgomery.circom"));
await circuitE2M.loadSymbols();
circuitM2E = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "montgomery2edwards.circom"));
await circuitM2E.loadSymbols();
circuitMAdd = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "montgomeryadd.circom"));
await circuitMAdd.loadSymbols();
circuitMDouble = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "montgomerydouble.circom"));
await circuitMDouble.loadSymbols();
it("Convert Edwards to Montgomery and back again", async () => {
let w, xout, yout;
w = await circuitE2M.calculateWitness({ in: g}, true);
xout = w[circuitE2M.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitE2M.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];
mg = [xout, yout];
w = await circuitM2E.calculateWitness({ in: [xout, yout]}, true);
xout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];
it("Should double a point", async () => {
let w, xout, yout;
g2 = babyJub.addPoint(g,g);
w = await circuitMDouble.calculateWitness({ in: mg}, true);
xout = w[circuitE2M.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitE2M.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];
mg2 = [xout, yout];
w = await circuitM2E.calculateWitness({ in: mg2}, true);
xout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];
it("Should add a point", async () => {
let w, xout, yout;
g3 = babyJub.addPoint(g,g2);
w = await circuitMAdd.calculateWitness({ in1: mg, in2: mg2}, true);
xout = w[circuitMAdd.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitMAdd.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];
mg3 = [xout, yout];
w = await circuitM2E.calculateWitness({ in: mg3}, true);
xout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[0]"].varIdx];
yout = w[circuitM2E.symbols["main.out[1]"].varIdx];