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const chai = require("chai");
const path = require("path");
const compiler = require("circom");
const assert = chai.assert;
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const tester = require("circom").tester;
function print(circuit, w, s) {
console.log(s + ": " + w[circuit.getSignalIdx(s)]);
function getBits(v, n) {
const res = [];
for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (v.shiftRight(i).isOdd()) {
} else {
return res;
const q = bigInt("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617");
describe("Aliascheck test", function () {
let cir;
before( async() => {
cir = await tester(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "aliascheck_test.circom"));
it("Satisfy the aliastest 0", async () => {
const inp = getBits(, 254);
await cir.calculateWitness({in: inp});
it("Satisfy the aliastest 3", async () => {
const inp = getBits(bigInt(3), 254);
await cir.calculateWitness({in: inp});
it("Satisfy the aliastest q-1", async () => {
const inp = getBits(q.minus(, 254);
await cir.calculateWitness({in: inp});
it("Should not satisfy an input of q", async () => {
const inp = getBits(q, 254);
try {
await cir.calculateWitness({in: inp});
} catch(err) {
assert(/Constraint\sdoesn't\smatch(.*)1\s!=\s0/.test(err.message) );
it("Should not satisfy all ones", async () => {
const inp = getBits(bigInt(1).shiftLeft(254).minus(, 254);
try {
await cir.calculateWitness({in: inp});
} catch(err) {
assert(/Constraint\sdoesn't\smatch(.*)1\s!=\s0/.test(err.message) );