# CoffeeMiner
Collaborative (mitm) cryptocurrency mining pool in wifi networks
**Warning: this project is for academic/research purposes only.**
A blog post about this project can be read here: http://arnaucode.com/blog/coffeeminer-hacking-wifi-cryptocurrency-miner.html
![coffeeMiner](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/coffeeMiner/master/coffeeMiner-logo-small.png "coffeeMiner")
## Concept
- Performs a MITM attack to all selected victims - Injects a js script in all the HTML pages requested by the victims - The js script injected contains a cryptocurrency miner - All the devices victims connected to the Lan network, will be mining for the CoffeeMiner
## Use
- install.sh ``` bash install.sh ``` - edit victims.txt with one IP per line - edit coffeeMiner.py, line 28, with the coffeeMiner httpserver IP: ```py os.system("~/.local/bin/mitmdump -s 'injector.py' -T") ``` - execute coffeeMiner.py ``` python3 coffeeMiner.py ipgateway ```
![network](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/coffeeMiner/master/coffeeMiner-network-attack.png "network")
A complete instructions for academic scenario can be found in https://github.com/arnaucode/coffeeMiner/blob/master/virtualbox_scenario_instructions.md
![demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucode/coffeeMiner/master/coffeeMiner-demo-cutted.gif "demo")